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A problem with pants


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Squirrel, this is possible, but I suggest you find a different use for it.

You would have to give the item a special class in the scenario script and then check for it with char_has_item_of_class_equip call. Check the item calls in the editor documentation appendix. However, this wouldn't work for items brought in from outside the scenario.

I reiterate my request that you find a different use for this. :rolleyes:

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Actually, iteration and reiteration are related, but different words. Iterations are used in statistics and have a specific technical meaning. It does not have to be a repeating of something, as the first iteration of a series is not a repeating of a procedure. The iterations which follow are repetitions of the same process, but give different results. It is also used as a noun. William Gibson uses the word and concept in The Difference Engine as a fundamental part of the story structure.


Reiteration is strictly a verb and does see common usage outside of the statistical world, where it does mean to repeat.


And yes, I am being pedantic.


If you decide to go for the no pants thing, remember that a cloak would cover things well, so you may need to build that in. While the idea may already occur in Morrowwind, do not let that stop you if you have a good way of linking it to your scenario.

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