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GF2-I: Fed him to the Drayks! No more lies!

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Lying Zackary the Deceiver is DEAD, fed to the Drayks he ordered people to train me into! MWAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! 

See in the spoiler Zackary at 37 hp. With Magmaheart in melee range ready to bite for the kill! 
Zackaries lies ended at the teeth of a Drayk, a drayk that he had seen me a looot of levels levels before. A Drayk his lackeys trained me to make. 





PS at level 18 and I found cleaning house as easy as I found taking down Rising, despite the presence of several idiotic Shapers at levels 16-18 and 800 hp. They were coming at me one at a time and wasting their single turn alive to cast haste on themselves as if that would help him. Only a couple of guardians attacked my creations, once I cleaned house from every Shaper I could get my hands on. 

Zackary is dead. 
Glory to the Awakened! 


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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, ultra112 said:

Wow Alhoon, this guy really did rub you the wrong way, Even though the awakened path didn't need you to kill him.

The Awakened are better off with Barzhal (first to go) and Lying Zackary the Deceiver dead. He betrayed them. I cleaned up. 

I am not your typical Awakened. I strongly believe the Awakened should bring fire and brimstone on the Shapers, burn their Empire to cinders. And I do believe a geneforge, or several, are the way to do that. 
My difference from the Takers is that I don't want to kill all* those that are more moderate than me and I am against cannister spam. Self-shaping in moderation. 



*just many of those... 😏 
I do regret having to Kill Ajax the Moderate Barzhite, Dawn the wannabe Barzhite and a bunch of Barzhite Serviles. 
I would honestly also force Pinner to Retirement (hopefully a real retirement but if that wouldn't suffice the 'permanent' sort) if I could do that and still remain an Awakened. Not that I hate her! I like her a lot. But she needs to get away from the leadership. We need someone younger and not as starry eyed.
Thinking of it, a young, charismatic Shaper Apprentice that has cleaned the vast majority of Shaper oppressors (most Servants and all Barzhites I could find) sounds like an awesome candidate...   

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

You're not an Awakened. You're just a Taker. 

We need a dislike button... (I am joking)


I am more like an Awakened that wants war, destruction of the Shapers and NOT unlimited power. Not at the cost of madness. But I am an Awakened that is willing to have this discussion about the limits of power AFTER we defeat the Shapers. Not before. 



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Just now, alhoon said:

We need a dislike button... 

"I'm an Awakened, I just want to kill all the shapers I don't like and wipe out all the Barzites and kill Learned Pinner so *I* can take over and really bring war to the Shapers properly!"

Bro. That's Taker-speak. You are taking your free.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

"I'm an Awakened, I just want to kill all the shapers I don't like and wipe out all the Barzites and kill Learned Pinner so *I* can take over and really bring war to the Shapers properly!"

Bro. That's Taker-speak. You are taking your free.

Hell yes I am!!!! 

We will Take our Free from the Shaper Oppressors ANY WAY POSSIBLE, even if it means some would choose (not forced) to sacrifice their sanity for the cause. 

We will Take our Free for the Awakened! 


Just a correction though: I want to kill all the Shapers I don't like and the majority of the Shapers I do like. 


BUT!!!! I am not for unlimited Power... after we win. Now, we do need a geneforge, or 12. 


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On 6/8/2024 at 11:34 AM, alhoon said:


Lying Zackary the Deceiver is DEAD, fed to the Drayks he ordered people to train me into! MWAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! 

See in the spoiler Zackary at 37 hp. With Magmaheart in melee range ready to bite for the kill! 
Zackaries lies ended at the teeth of a Drayk, a drayk that he had seen me a looot of levels levels before. A Drayk his lackeys trained me to make. 



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PS at level 18 and I found cleaning house as easy as I found taking down Rising, despite the presence of several idiotic Shapers at levels 16-18 and 800 hp. They were coming at me one at a time and wasting their single turn alive to cast haste on themselves as if that would help him. Only a couple of guardians attacked my creations, once I cleaned house from every Shaper I could get my hands on. 

Zackary is dead. 
Glory to the Awakened! 



How much Essence Mastery and Fire Shaping did you have for this team? That's an expensive creation squad you have there.


Ironically, the Shaper Council likes it if you kill Zakary. They view him as a traitor who needs to die.

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Genernumlover said:


How much Essence Mastery and Fire Shaping did you have for this team? That's an expensive creation squad you have there.


Ironically, the Shaper Council likes it if you kill Zakary. They view him as a traitor who needs to die.


It is not Ironic; even Sharon, who didn't go as far, expects to be killed for staying silent on what Lying Zackary the Deceiver did. Barzhal was the brains of the operation but Lying Zackary the Deceiver was the front. He is as responsible for the entire thing as Barzhal is. Furthermore, to his credit and I say that with reluctance, he is still not too hardcore; he does NOT go after a common that learned to Shape (Emily). 
Of course, if he was a decent Shaper he wouldn't have started the entire thing in any case. It's not like he didn't know what the canisters are or what Barzhal was doing with the commons. 


I am level 18 and I have... 11 essence mastery. 244 essence. Honestly, the last Drayk and Heust Blade very rarely have the chance to hit. I am playing on Veteran. The most challenging fight, the only challenging fight I had at level 18 was with the Infernal. There I needed the entire team. 
All other fights at levels 17-18 were walk in the park. 


As a note, I scripted for me a massive -2800 penalty to Experience once I got at level 18 to slow my progress so I have been level 18 for a long time. 

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33 minutes ago, alhoon said:


It is not Ironic; even Sharon, who didn't go as far, expects to be killed for staying silent on what Lying Zackary the Deceiver did. 


I am level 18 and I have... 11 essence mastery. 244 essence. Honestly, the last Drayk and Heust Blade very rarely have the chance to hit. I am playing on Veteran. The most challenging fight, the only challenging fight I had at level 18 was with the Infernal. There I needed the entire team. 
All other fights at levels 17-18 were walk in the park. 


As a note, I scripted for me a massive -2800 penalty to Experience once I got at level 18 to slow my progress so I have been level 18 for a long time. 


I meant that it is ironic that they do that even if you are a Servant. Even if he tried to fix his blundering idiocy, they are still pleased to kill him. He deserves it, mind you. His negligence and cowardice got a lot of people killed.


Did he have a chance to Shape much in your duel? He's surprisingly good at it for someone as weak as he claims to be.


11 Essence Mastery is a good amount for creating a squad. How much do you have put into each Drakon? I know that they are very expensive to upgrade unless you use Fire Shaping to boost their stats instead.


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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Genernumlover said:

Did he have a chance to Shape much in your duel? He's surprisingly good at it for someone as weak as he claims to be.


11 Essence Mastery is a good amount for creating a squad. How much do you have put into each Drakon? I know that they are very expensive to upgrade unless you use Fire Shaping to boost their stats instead.



He made two creations at the same time, but my Ur-Drakon's purge got down a Vlish and damaged the Rotgroth; I finished off the Rotgroth and was mostly killing guards to make sure Lying Zackary the Deceiver wasn't killed before it was Magmaheart (the Drayk). I had to claw him with the 3rd drakon, with a melee attack to make sure he doesn't die. I wanted my Drayks to eat him. 


only upgrade levels with Fire Shaping! Each upgrade of the drakons costs a lot and I need some essence to cast things. 
I buy Chain lighting and the ability that allows them to each it for each attack, so that they can chain-lighting twice per turn when hasted. 



38 minutes ago, Genernumlover said:


I meant that it is ironic that they do that even if you are a Servant. Even if he tried to fix his blundering idiocy, they are still pleased to kill him. He deserves it, mind you. His negligence and cowardice got a lot of people killed.



He deserved to die for a lifetime of deception and a cacophony of lies. 




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Just now, ultra112 said:

Emily didn't learn to shape, it was forced on her as a price for saving her life from her illness by the takers


She is a common that can shape. The Shapers make no such exceptions. It is pretty clear in the conversations with Emily and Lying Zackary the Deceiver that Emily is not allowed to exist in their world. 
But fear not, we will bring their world down on their heads. Well, no, we wouldn't because we are Awakened but we will keep that corner of the world away from their boot.

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:42 AM, alhoon said:


He made two creations at the same time, but my Ur-Drakon's purge got down a Vlish and damaged the Rotgroth; I finished off the Rotgroth and was mostly killing guards to make sure Lying Zackary the Deceiver wasn't killed before it was Magmaheart (the Drayk). I had to claw him with the 3rd drakon, with a melee attack to make sure he doesn't die. I wanted my Drayks to eat him. 


only upgrade levels with Fire Shaping! Each upgrade of the drakons costs a lot and I need some essence to cast things. 
I buy Chain lighting and the ability that allows them to each it for each attack, so that they can chain-lighting twice per turn when hasted. 




He deserved to die for a lifetime of deception and a cacophony of lies. 





A Rotghroth and a Charged Vlish were his creations when I attacked him. I was surprised that the weak Shaper could make one of the toughest Battle Creations.


True, the way the final creations are built, you really can't max out Essence Mastery and have a team of fully upgraded creations. I mean, a team of Gazers with all stat upgrades and spells sounds powerful, but it would be too costly to do.


Zakary is a manipulative coward and he dies in disgrace in all of the endings. So there is that.


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Posted (edited)

Well in this ending he dies in disgrace on the claws of my creations. That's the ending I prefer. :)

I am considering to make a gazer to replace Heust blade (he's at level 18 and with some scripted bonuses to armor and damage) once I hit level 19 or perhaps when I hit 20. But on the other hand, I am not sure whether UD, D, D, d, d, d, G is actually more powerful than UD, UD, UD, d, d, d, Hblade

D=Drakon, d = drayk, G= Gazer (at 34 essence for dominate and that area attack, level 22-23 or something gazer). 


Is Dominate at level 22-23 even relevant for a full-team Shaper when you're midway in the Taker lands? It seems like easy enemies would be killed by my huge army before the turn is over. Tough enemies would have that 80-90% resistance to dominate anyway. Without the dominate the Gazer is 28 essence and does more damage than modified Heust Blade, but the Gazer is less tanky and 28 essence is 28 essence. With  32 essence I can upgrade my 2 Drakons to Ur Drakons (Essence 38~>54). And these are level 28 not 22-23 and have purge, not chain lighting. 
Also, with 26 essence I can make a level 24 drayk (Cone, Recovery, Haste), that at this point in my game does a bit more damage than a gazer would with the cone and haste - but it is fire damage so if I get to fire resistant enemies a Gazer would be better...  

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57 minutes ago, alhoon said:

Is Dominate at level 22-23 even relevant for a full-team Shaper when you're midway in the Taker lands?

Nope. If you're rolling with a squad of beastly bosses like you are, there really is no use for Mental Magic. It's far quicker and easier to just murder everything that steps to you.


m0ar dR@yKhaNs

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What I dislike is that you can have no impact on his fate. In the end, he redeemed himself. By killing him after rediming himself you are basically forcing everyone that violated the shaper laws never to turn back to their original way, because, no matter what, you're doomed.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Lorn said:

What I dislike is that you can have no impact on his fate. In the end, he redeemed himself. By killing him after rediming himself you are basically forcing everyone that violated the shaper laws never to turn back to their original way, because, no matter what, you're doomed.


Works for me... Those that violate Shaper laws and then think to return to their evil ways are traitors to the Rebellion. 


Not that this changes much in my view; those that uphold Shaper Law must die whether they always did so or they were rebels and then changed their minds. Just don't tell Pinner I said that.  


It is not too hard to see why many Takers consider the Awakened traitors. 
The Awakened for all their equivalent exchange want to be Common. Not free. They want to keep being Shaper bootlickers, for the Shapers to still rule from their lofty place. 
The Awakened try to change the minds of Shapers (good luck with that...) instead of taking down that deeply flawed empire. 


Even if we go by the Awakened Morals (and I do), the time to discuss the rights of Creations and the position the Shapers would hold in the Post-Rebellion world is after we grab the Shapers by the throat to remind them that there is no alternative than to discuss with us. 

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5 minutes ago, alhoon said:

It is not too hard to see why many Takers consider the Awakened traitors. 
The Awakened for all their equivalent exchange want to be Common. Not free. They want to keep being Shaper bootlickers, for the Shapers to still rule from their lofty place. 
The Awakened try to change the minds of Shapers (good luck with that...) instead of taking down that deeply flawed empire. 

Dude, you joined the wrong faction.

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17 hours ago, alhoon said:

Well in this ending he dies in disgrace on the claws of my creations. That's the ending I prefer. :)

I am considering to make a gazer to replace Heust blade (he's at level 18 and with some scripted bonuses to armor and damage) once I hit level 19 or perhaps when I hit 20. But on the other hand, I am not sure whether UD, D, D, d, d, d, G is actually more powerful than UD, UD, UD, d, d, d, Hblade

D=Drakon, d = drayk, G= Gazer (at 34 essence for dominate and that area attack, level 22-23 or something gazer). 


Is Dominate at level 22-23 even relevant for a full-team Shaper when you're midway in the Taker lands? It seems like easy enemies would be killed by my huge army before the turn is over. Tough enemies would have that 80-90% resistance to dominate anyway. Without the dominate the Gazer is 28 essence and does more damage than modified Heust Blade, but the Gazer is less tanky and 28 essence is 28 essence. With  32 essence I can upgrade my 2 Drakons to Ur Drakons (Essence 38~>54). And these are level 28 not 22-23 and have purge, not chain lighting. 
Also, with 26 essence I can make a level 24 drayk (Cone, Recovery, Haste), that at this point in my game does a bit more damage than a gazer would with the cone and haste - but it is fire damage so if I get to fire resistant enemies a Gazer would be better...  


Dominate for Gazers probably it isn't worth it at that stage. I was mainly pointing to the idea of the fully upgraded Gazer team as something that is impossible due to the essence cost. For a Gazer, it'd probably be better to stack Magic Shaping and just pick their AoE attack and maybe the Null Field passive. The other skills, Dominate and the chance to Stun or Charm, I don't think I'd bother to get.


Fire Resistance or Magic Resistance, I honestly don't know which is more common in the endgame zones.


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Genernumlover said:


Fire Resistance or Magic Resistance, I honestly don't know which is more common in the endgame zones.



Considering I will have to cut my way through Benerii-Uss and then sabotage the only thing that could give Creations a chance to fight on equal footing with the Shapers and thus, a chance for liberty to Creations and in doing so, kill the only three leaders with an actual plan and thus irrevocably and fatally wound the faction that wants to bring the Shapers to justice for their crimes, I would assume fire resistance... but so far the Drayks I check have no fire resistance at all. 

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