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Updated Real Life Meetup Chart


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I originally had it labelled as Mid-Atlantic, but that label would normally include New York too, wouldn't it? If there is a better suggestion for the area centered around DC, though, I'll take it.


The goal with the areas was to balance specificity with broadness in order to represent the most relevant substance with the least sensory overload. Suggestions about delimiting them differently are welcome, too.

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I originally had it labelled as Mid-Atlantic, but that label would normally include New York too, wouldn't it?

Maybe, but maybe not. If you have New York separately listed, I think it would be clear in context.


I mean, if you're choosing between calling Philadelphia part of the "DC Area" — which no one does — and calling Philadelphia but not New York part of the "mid-Atlantic" — which some people do — the latter seems better to me.

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I wasn't aware that anyone was in Philly in the first place. Is that where you are, Kel? Last I heard, rightly or wrongly, was DC, which is all your color was based off of.


I'm pretty comfortable lumping even southern NJ in with NY. And I think these are big enough categories on the chart to keep DC and NY separate. Having separate DC and Philly categories would be awkward because the biggest contributor to either is Tyranicus and his many lines, which (correct me if I'm wrong here) are about equally distant from both. Perhaps it would make sense to put Philly with NY and NJ, while keeping southern PA with DC.


There are bigger discrepancies -- compare Ephesos with the rest of the "Midwest" category -- but I want to avoid creating more categories where possible.

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I wasn't aware that anyone was in Philly in the first place. Is that where you are, Kel? Last I heard, rightly or wrongly, was DC, which is all your color was based off of.


I'm pretty comfortable lumping even southern NJ in with NY. And I think these are big enough categories on the chart to keep DC and NY separate. Having separate DC and Philly categories would be awkward because the biggest contributor to either is Tyranicus and his many lines, which (correct me if I'm wrong here) are about equally distant from both. Perhaps it would make sense to put Philly with NY and NJ, while keeping southern PA with DC.


There are bigger discrepancies -- compare Ephesos with the rest of the "Midwest" category -- but I want to avoid creating more categories where possible.


What I believe Kel was saying is that you should have a "mid-Atlantic" region that lumps Philly, DC, and Baltimore into one. As for my location, Harrisburg is slightly closer to Philly than it is to DC, but it's even closer to Baltimore.

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Yeah, what I was saying was that the "DC Area" region should be called the "mid-Atlantic" instead.


Drew lives in northern Virginia, which people probably would recognize as the DC area. At the moment, I'm splitting time between Baltimore County and Philly, but after this month I'll be in Philly full-time — and I don't think anyone would refer to either of those as the "DC area." Tyranicus is apparently in Harrisburg, which is definitely not the "DC area." But all of those places are part of the mid-Atlantic region.


You were concerned that "mid-Atlantic" would sweep in New York also, to which my response is that some people use the term that way, but some people don't, and if you have a list that includes "mid-Atlantic" and "NY area," it will be clear from context that New York is not part of the mid-Atlantic in this list.


So changing "DC area" to "mid-Atlantic" is less confusing.

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Yeah, I understood the suggestion. What I'm saying is that lumping a huge portion of the chart into a single color isn't really the goal. NY and DC are far enough apart that they definitely deserve different colors, but putting 85% of that set of members/lines into one category (Mid-Atlantic) and 15% into the other one (NY) isn't really helpful.


Ultimately, it looks like there is actually only one member currently in DC* and not a lot of lines in DC -- the real action is in PA. So I can relabel that category and lump our one actual DC member in with it. I am torn about whether to make a category just for Philly and southern NJ, or to lump them into a NY/Philly category. There are more currently charted members there than in New England, but the distance to NY is also a lot closer -- 2-3 hours, versus 4-7 hours. (I'm also pretty sure that NE has more non-charted but active members, so that first part could potentially change.)


*The metro area. If you don't like cities representing their metro areas on a national chart, I don't know what to say.

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Archmagus Micael lives in England (or at least he did as of a few years ago), and I'm pretty sure that's where he met Nicothodes. Khoth also lived in England the last I heard, but that was also a few years ago. Dikiyoba met Ephesos and Niemand in St. Louis. Andraste met Sporefrog in Arizona. I know that Dikiyoba and Zeviz met each other, Andraste, and Sporefrog at the same time, but I don't recall if it was in Arizona or California.

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So there are now 7 people who have (well, will have) all met each other. They are getting a big bubble.


It would be really helpful if Actaeon could meet Nikki; Tyran could meet Neb and Rose; and Rose could meet Bard, Nikki, and Tyran. Then it could just be a bubble of 10.

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