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Where does Avernum: EftP fit in the overall plot?

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Greetings, all!


I'm still playing through Avernum: Escape from the Pit for m' first time. It's big. It's really big. It feels about as big as Might and Magic: World of Xeen. (And it makes me miss my bedtime by hours, meaning those old Avernum ads on PvPOnline.com were true!)


But how many of the original Avernum games does Escape from the Pit cover? If it isn't all of them, what are the plans to remake the remaining Avernum games?


PS: The Avernum: Escape from the Pit trailer is featured in the Forbes article about Project: Eternity on page 3.


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I'm going to assume you're new to the series, since that's what it sounds like from your question. The second game-which, as was previously mentioned, will probably be called crystal souls-takes place a few years after escape from the pit and the storyline happens as a result of escape from the pit. It's not like mk9 where it follows the storyline of the first three games in that series. It's impossible to do something like that in this series because your heroes are different people.

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I'm new to Spiderweb games in general. I have a few questions though, are the Avernum games all self contained? Also, when are the updates of Avernmum 2 and 3 going to be released? Are there plans to remake Avernum 4-6, or are they the definitive Avernum Second Trilogy? I want to get the best experience. Thanks for any replies.

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Not sure what you mean by self-contained...you can play any Avernum game without having played any of the others. There are some recurring characters, but everything you need to know for one game is always explained within that game.


Updates for A2 and A3 are probably going to come out in the next several years; Avadon 2 is coming next (probably in the next year), and then most likely the Avernum 2 remake sometime after. Then, if Jeff follows his pattern, there'll come another totally new game (Avadon 3, I would guess), and then probably Avernum 3. So, yeah, there will be updates, but it'll be a good while.


There are no known plans to remake A4 / A5 / A6. A5 and A6 especially are on a fairly similar plane to A:EFTP. Further, one of the big reasons Jeff remakes games is to make them accessible to new generations of computers. The older Avernum games no longer run on many operating systems, so to keep that inventory sellable, he needed to update them. But A4 / A5 / A6 all run fine on current computers, so there's no reason to update or plan to update at this time. It's reasonable to guess that someday Jeff might remake them, but you can safely consider the current forms of A4-6 as the definitive versions.

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Avernum 4 to 6 are almost a completely different story line with the Darkside Loyalists as a faction. Also the game engine is different with a seamless world without the transition from towns/dungeons and outdoors.


You won't miss much by going ahead before they no longer run on your computer.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Otherwise you will lose it waiting for remakes. smile

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Avernum 4's plot gives spoilers for the central mystery of A3, and I think the next two games also drop the answer to the mystery in the course of giving backstory. The mystery is central to A3's plot but isn't actually all that big a twist, and I don't think the game loses all that much excitement if you've had it spoiled for you.


—Alorael, who supposes he could recommend playing A4 before A3 and get more data on people usually liking one and only one of those two games and generally preferring whichever they played first. That's his guess.

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