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It's the end of the forum as we know it


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SoT's method of memorializing the UBB is simple, understated, and elegant. My job, therefore, is to provide something over hyped and over thought. Either directly before our during the transition, I purpose a series of activities centered around a real time chat, a sort of Spiderweb Live, if you will. Sylae has agreed to host the chat on CalRef, which I will remind you can be accessed just fine as a guest. I also thought we might play some live online games, do a special aim hack, or the like. Thoughts?

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It might seem kind of silly to be so attached to forum software, but it signals a transition in a way: a new era. The content on the forums won't be any different, but it will have a new skin. UBB has been the skin for quite a while, and now it will be something different. It's almost like getting a new computer: the old computer and the new computer pretty much do the same thing, but there's some sort of odd nostalgia that occurs when replacing it.

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Originally Posted By: Valdain the King
I think that its rather simple-Everybody's gone nuts. A moderator has posted up to 15 topics about burning the boards and I still can't understand what he's going on about.

Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door.
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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
Originally Posted By: Valdain the King
I think that its rather simple-Everybody's gone nuts. A moderator has posted up to 15 topics about burning the boards and I still can't understand what he's going on about.

Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door.

Doubt thats a problem, I never had it to begin with.
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The software that runs the boards will be replaced soon since UBB is no longer being supported. After all the problems associated with the last upgrade to UBBThreads there is fear, uncertainty, and doubt that this transition will go any better than the last one. Therefore Student of Trinity has started topics where members can post once before the place goes up in flames of ruin.


"Cry havoc and let madness take the field."

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On the one hand, we've been through this before. Twice. On the other hand, that "we" is actually not so large a number. Very few members are left from the Ikonboard days of 2001, and even the spring 2008 leap to UBB.threads is receding in hindsight.


—Alorael, who will now wax nostalgic about nostalgia. The things people remembered fondly back then were more worthy of reminiscence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soooo... Does that mean it ends tomorrow? How should we know the new link? How will we know of the change? Sorry for some questions, but was it scheduled soon in the future?



You can't. As said by Actaeon: Bad Trenton, Bad.

Slender, the game, was not really scary though. It was thrilling for my age. I didn't get nervous, frightened and didn't stop playing. But the part really sucked when I got about 6/8 pages, then you showed up...




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Originally Posted By: Slenderman.
How old is this site ._.

The first Spiderweb forums appeared in March 2001. The boards switched to UBB in... October, I think? That UBB lasted until May 2008, when it was replaced by this UBB.threads version. Not a bad run.

—Alorael, who would expect more details, and more warning, when this plan goes from not even having the specific software picked out to happening any day now.
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Originally Posted By: Mud on your hands!
Originally Posted By: Slenderman.
How old is this site ._.

The first Spiderweb forums appeared in March 2001. The boards switched to UBB in... October, I think?
Based on registration dates, it appears the UBB switch went active on September 18, 2001.
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The forums are definitely not shutting down. We know phpBB is in the running, but it's not the favorite right now. (What is? That would be telling!)


—Alorael, who believes the UBB was activated in September but only opened to the public in October. The September registrations were mods and other special-invite early adopters.

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The worry is what damage the third party who transfers the files does to the board when the transition is made. The company hired last time to go from UBB to UBBThreads didn't know what they were doing and had to be replaced. By that time some damage was done to the original board. Links were broken so Geneforge 3 Strategy Central never got put back correctly. Links for regular posts were lost forever.


Hopefully this time will be a smoother transition. But by fearing the worst case anything will look better.

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