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Faq Question-Will there ever be an all new-avernum game with this new engine? Jeff-"We have not ruled it out, but it won't happen any time soon."


Well after reading that, I cant help but get exited. If jeff does make an avernum 7 game with the new engine, I'd wager he knows owes some of us geneforge fans geneforge 6 grin

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If Jeff follows the established pattern, alternating between remade Avernums and new Avadons, you can expect Avernum 7 sometime between 2018 and 2023. There were 9 years between Exile 3 and Avernum 4, after all.


He may not follow that pattern, but just sayin'.

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Ewww, prequel.


Avernum 0: The First Expedition





If I had my way with Spiderweb's Longterm development... A:EotP, Avadon 2, A2:CS, A3:RW, Avadon 3, Avernum 4: A New Age


In short, I'd want him to go through what we'd all expect, and then, not remake Avernum 4, rather, redo it completely. It's the lowest point in the series, and no one can debate he couldn't have done better. I would love to see that game remade with better everything, from presentation to plot and story.

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The FE would be hard to do in Jeff's style, at least without gaping retcons to A1's info on the First Expedition. However, an A0 could more reasonably be set during the early history of Avernum. Say, during the war against Grah-Hoth.


I'm not sure I like that idea, but it would be doable.

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Jeff mentioned during Avernum 6 that he had an idea for a prequel. Avernum 6 was Jeff blowing everything up and enjoying it. All the really good NPCs are now gone so an Avernum 7 would be missing most of the fun dialog.


Starting out when the Empire was exiling prisoners would fit with the old Avernum 1 themes. A bunch of poorly armed adventurers exploring the Pit and getting help from the few powerful wizards that got cast down too. Plenty of room for a new trilogy leading up to the imprisonment of Grah-Hoth.

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I have to admit I'm not entirely sure how he could do a prequel either. I mean obviously we can't play as the First Expedition, or else we'd be locked in by canon to do a number of things and then die.


And as adventurers we can't find things like Demonslayer or the Orb of Thralni either, because those have to stay lost for the adventurers of Avernum 1 to find.


It'd be difficult to do. Still, if anyone could pull it off, Jeff Vogel could.

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Mostly just magic. Exile I also says:


"At the edge of it, to the south, is an amazing sight. It is a full-fledged castle, formed of gigantic slabs of stone."


Gigantic slabs of stone are not something that anyone in Exile had the ability to move without magic. Particularly not given this line from Exile II:


"The only reasonable approach to and from the Castle, now as always, is up a steep, narrow stretch of ground flanked on either side by sheer, imposing pits."


That does not sound like a good place to haul gigantic slabs of stone with those slave teams that are always being inaccurately depicted as having assembled the Giza pyramid one inch at a time.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
"The only reasonable approach to and from the Castle, now as always, is up a steep, narrow stretch of ground flanked on either side by sheer, imposing pits."

That does not sound like a good place to haul gigantic slabs of stone with those slave teams that are always being inaccurately depicted as having assembled the Giza pyramid one inch at a time.

in fairness, the pits could have been dug afterwards, although that only raises further questions

also i love the second paragraph's unintentional implication that the pyramids were also built with magic
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