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Writing Game


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Since many of us here are writers but too busy to participate in NaNoWriMo, here is a much shorter writing project. This will be a short story of ten sentences. Each poster will write one sentence based on the preceding sentences. The goal is to write a coherent story. Each person may only post once per story. The poster who finishes the story gets to start a new one. Go!


Klulthonk the barbarian woke up to the sound of shattering glass.


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[OOC: Should someone enforce the coherence goal? Maybe not. Even in just a few lines, I've found myself recognizing sentences that, in my mind, were clearly not "what really happened". A story corrupted with noise is an interesting problem. It might make an interesting exercise in itself.


Could you write a longer story, in which unmarked extraneous interjections frequently appear, but the 'real' story nonetheless remains clear? Could you then play games such that the interjections gradually take on a new coherence of their own, and even displace the original story?


Would learn anything from this about how people recognize narrative coherence in the first place?]

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