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Music the stuff of life.

Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder.

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Music is the stuff of life, along with art, and thought itself. A way to express ourselves, a way we differ from one another, something subjective though nearly universal. What are everyone's tastes here, favorite genres... favorite bands or groups, favorite songs...?


Anyone here spin, online, or in real life, do we have any musicians here?


Share your tastes whether they're in the consumption or production of music!


I personally have wide music tastes... but a bad memory most of the time. I like everything from rock, to techno, to classical.


So far as artists are concerned, some of my favorites are:

Bob Marley [i find him very peaceful and soothing, and his message admirable]

NIN [Trent is one of my heroes x3], U2 [i'm not as big on them anymore, though I still like a lot of the music... had a bad emotional experience]

Tool [Very similar to NIN, but with a different approach and style, in my opinion]

Teddybears STHLM [Very interesting sound, hard to explain really]

Daft punk [A few interesting presepctives, but sweet bass.]

DeadMau5 [crazy beats and bass]

Deftones [some of their stuff is hard to listen too, but I dig the intensity, and some of their songs are hauntingly beautiful]


nearly forgot a new favorite!


Shpongle [This group is -seriously- a huge trip, but something about the music strikes me deeply, its very mood altering]


most of the classical music is very far in the past... but the two composers that hit me were Bach and Beethoven. My favorite being the 7th symphony, 2nd movement.

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Well, do we have anyone with music production talents as well as music consumption talents?


—Alorael, who produces music by blowing into the ends of hollow wooden and plastic tubes with holes in them. In fact, he's considered releasing an album, but for some reason no one will give him a recorder contract.

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Originally Posted By: Biurgy is worse
—Alorael, who produces music by blowing into the ends of hollow wooden and plastic tubes with holes in them. In fact, he's considered releasing an album, but for some reason no one will give him a recorder contract.

Well, if you switched to blowing into metal tubes with holes in them, then you could call yourself a virtuoso flautist, which sounds much cooler.
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Well, aside from listening to music, I also play it. I've been playing the piano for... six years now, and have written a few pieces to go with it. I enjoy playing classical music, specifically Mozart and Bach, as well as some contemporary stuff, such as the works of Randall Hartsell.


I also play the drums. Aside from a standard kit, I have a djembe, which is fun to play.


Harmonica, that's a cool one, too. It's like breathing music!

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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
I know very basic piano. I think if I were to learn how to play any other instrument it would be a sitar. I wish sitars were used more often in the music industry.

A sitar would definitely be interesting. May I ask, though, why? Ravi Shankar has some good sitar music, I know.
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I know what you mean, its used fairly extensively in some shpongle songs, and tool has been know to replicate the sound with guitar effects. as well as actually using it in a few songs... its very beautiful, and eerie... beautifully eerie, and eerily beautiful x3 I like eastern music quite a bit actually, I've just not been exposed to it much. But the result is often awesome when i am :3


I also sing a bit... I've been told I'm fairly decent, but I have no formal training. Unfortunately, I've no talent as an instrumentalist.

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I've been playing saxophone for almost 8 years, and have gone to band camp 6 or 7 of those years, so I'm decent at that. I also can kinda sing; I can hit notes but I'm not great and I don't have great tone. I can also tell you what the notes are on the piano, play bass drum, and I wrote a song for one of my music classes. Does this count for anything?

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I've recently been rediscovering some pre-1980 Queen via Youtube (my albums are in Oz). My mates used to hassle me back in the day for being into early Queen but listening to it now I can better appreciate the richness and technical brilliance of this music.


Goldfrapp, Deer Tick and Fever Ray have also been getting a fair bit of playtime.

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I listen mostly to metal (in this case Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Dark Moor) and what's generally recognized as hippy music. I have a wider selection of artists for the second category, like over 50, but more songs overall in the first. Also a lot of Led Zepellin, Jonathan Coulton, and the songs from Dr. Horrible.

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I'm liking a lot of the music that's being discussed, perhaps the instrumentalists could provide some sound recordings demonstrating their skills? I kind of envy those that can play... many of my friends and family members are musicians [my brother and one of my better friends, for example, are both guitarists.] my music taste often lead my friends to call me the "token emo" but, I'm post-punk/indie... there's a difference. ;3


Some other Bands I like:


Gorillaz Damon Albarn did a GOOD job :3

The Arcade Fire Canadian indie band... I likes.

MGMT - Poppy, upbeat, sometimes uplifting, and always eccentric, these kids are on drugs >.>

Passion Pit - Poppy and upbeat again, most of it enjoyable, a few really good songs

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