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How to get a thesis out of the US?


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Does any one know how I can get an american Ph.D, masters, or honours thesis from a US university? My university doesn't have access to most american digital copies, and they of course wont send the hard copy. If someone was willing to access the two these I am looking for and send them to me through email, if possible, I would appreciate it.


1. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California Honors thesis.


Thesis title: An investigation of abnormalities in amphibian communities : evidence for parasite infection as a cause of supernumerary limbs and other limb deformities in Hyla regilla




Advisors: Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich and Dr. Peter M. Vitousek.



2. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, Madison, Wisconsin Ph.D. thesis.




Dissertation title: “Causes and consequences of disease in aquatic ecosystems”


Advisor: Dr. Stephen R. Carpenter.




BTW: I realise I could ask the guy for a copy by email, but I haven't had the best of luck with that in the past, so I'm going to try this first.

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Have you tried contacting the libraries of those universities? They should be able to make copies and send them to you somehow? Even if they make you do something stupid like pay for them.


Alternatively, you could try contacting people in the departments there who can do that? It shouldn't be too hard to find some random professor or grad student there who's willing to do that.

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Random information on this guy: http://salvemossapos.com/PDFs/Johnson-Pieter-CV.pdf



Theres his Phone #, you might wanna try that.

I'll email this person and pose as a needy student that requires those two works to assist in the creation of an important essay for my fictional senior year, or something like that.

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Originally Posted By: Cthulhu
Theres his Phone #, you might wanna try that.
I'll email this person and pose as a needy student that requires those two works to assist in the creation of an important essay for my fictional senior year, or something like that.

That might be a very bad idea. I'd recommend that you let VCH call.
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why would you think that was a good idea


if they get two different emails within a week about the same obscure thesis, one of them coming from behind a series of suspicious proxies, they're going to think some kind of stalker ex-girlfriend is after the guy who wrote the thesis or something

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I have contacted libraries in Canada and the US. They just wont play nice. Theses or thesises (whatever) are well guarded and cannot officially cross the boarder.


Oh and Cthulhu don't bother contacting him, I'll do that myself if need be. My masters supervisor actively corresponds with the guy any way. I just wanted to see if I could get it more easily, and sometime this year, as old faculty members tend to be very forgetful.

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Originally Posted By: cfgauss
That's racist! Err, specist, whatever.
Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
"Antisocial" is a heinous slur against the researcher species, and you'll be hearing from my lawyer as soon as I can bring myself to actually talk to him. Yech.
Sorry; I guess it comes from watching way too many science fiction movies.
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I now have the second request, but I'm still looking for the first one. It's actually an undergraduate honours thesis. If anyone goes to Stanford, please let me now if you can help. I found the physical copy by the Stanford library database. The corrected title is below.


STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California Honors thesis.


Thesis title:


An investigation of abnormalities in amphibian communities : evidence for parasite infection as a cause of supernumerary limbs and other limb deformities in Hyla regilla



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Is this where I make a post stating that Dantius is uncultured swine because we don't happen to share the same childhood memories?


(Inspector Gadget was great, in any case. Utterly formulaic, in hindsight, but still great.)


I pose the following to Messrs. Slartucker and Student of Trinity: what if the potential superhero were to wear both a robe and a cape?

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Wait a mo', here. It started out, I was going to write theme songs for weird cartoons, instead of being a superhero. Now somehow, over a few posts, it has garble-morphed into actually having superpowers. So now I'm a superhero, and my origin story is that I was bitten by a radioactive misunderstanding.

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Originally Posted By: RCCCL
Is one of his super powers the ability to not have all this extraneous clothing tangle or hither him in anyway?

This is why in the Marvel comics when Captain America became Nomad he ditched the cape after tripping on it.

Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
So now I'm a superhero, and my origin story is that I was bitten by a radioactive misunderstanding.

Would you rather be the super villain and be injured in a lab accident?

As Sheldon Cooper pointed out in The Big Bang Theory most major super villains have doctorates. Villainy could be reduced if the institutions had a better screening process.
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Well, it's really a sort of unfortunate quirk of academic history. The technical requirements for a doctoral degree, as they were formalized in the 19th century, are to make an original contribution to knowledge, or to construct a doomsday weapon that can plausibly threaten all life on earth. Sounds funny today, I know, but those were militaristic, nationalistic times, and academic traditions die hard.


Most people go the 'original contribution' route, just because it's so much easier — the contribution doesn't have to be at all big. But occasionally some twisted genius comes before the committee with a death ray, and they have to pass him through.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
As Sheldon Cooper pointed out in The Big Bang Theory most major super villains have doctorates. Villainy could be reduced if the institutions had a better screening process.

Hey, I didn't go to evil engineering school so I could be called "Mr. Dantius!"

Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
Wait a mo', here. It started out, I was going to write theme songs for weird cartoons, instead of being a superhero. Now somehow, over a few posts, it has garble-morphed into actually having superpowers. So now I'm a superhero, and my origin story is that I was bitten by a radioactive misunderstanding.

Your origin story is that you were bitten by a radioactive Richard Feynman. Take it and run with it.
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