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Now casting for the Avernum TV series on Syfy! ;)


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Okay so there's really no official plans for an Avernum TV series... but I wish there was! One of the most captivating things about Spiderweb games to me is the story. It's unique and interesting and well written and the way it goes, I could imagine creating a TV series out of it.


It has to be a TV series because it's too big to be a movie. It's also plot driven, so you need to have the story unfold and get all the important points, uberflashiness is not required. I'd be sad if it was limited to 13 episodes a season but 26 should do nicely.


Realistically, I think the best you could do would be to aim to have SyFy pick it up and put it in prime time but if you think you could get it on CW or FOX at a reasonable time (i.e. NOT Friday nights where FOX has killed way too many great shows) go for it.


Okay, so we'd need a writer to work with Jeff. J. Michael Strazynski comes to mind, though he's more sci-fi. Maybe Kripke when he's done with supernatural, or Whedon could take it up since he's so good in making cultish fan oriented material and just finished Doll House.


Iw as also thinking that it would be 6 seasons one for each game, and we'd have new characters each season for each new story line. And after season 1, we could introduce a CGI nephilim and after season 2 we could have a CGI slith, and perhaps in 4,5 or 6 have any combination of those. Having 2-3 flesh characters and 1-2 CGI might cut down on production costs, and give the characters depth, but then again you have to work hard to not make it look cheesy. 4 Human characters might have to cut it and sliths and nephs only make it in as periodic appearances.


And I might rewrite the story just a wee bit to do one thing, and that is to factor in the Demonslayer into all 6 seasons. It doesn't come up prominantly in all of them and it gives people something to look forward to each season to tie the seasons together before the end of each season.


As for the secondary characters and villains, you'd have the guest star of the week format of course, but you'd have a huge pool of actors for fans. Just think, who would cast as Gladwell, Patrick, or X?


Tell me your thoughts!

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I think Jeff would sign over all his rights in a heartbeat, because TV means money well out of the normal league of indy game designers. Though maybe SyFy is more a minor league, and not so lucrative. I dunno.


I'm not disparaging Jeff here, at all. I'm saying he's a professional, in this to make a living, not a shareware artiste.

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I'm with Dintiradan on this one. If there was to be a show, it would have to be structured in a totally different way, lest it descend into the same kind of inanities that bogged down other game-into-tv projects.


I wouldn't be against a show set in Avernum on principle, I just don't want it to be like a recap of playing Avernum 1.


..."And now, we return to Episode 3 of Avernum: The Series, wherein Mycroft takes on a pack of 5 Nephilim, 3 Nephar Warriors, and 10 Skeletons in a random outdoor encounter."

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Game to movie is common, and it's usually terrible. One of the reasons that always fails, though, is the simple fact that games tend to be structured around many small tasks that add up to an overall plot. That's not really how movies work, but that's perfect for episodic TV.


Now, most of Avernum (and other RPGs) is combat-heavy questing. A quest as an episode would work fine, but the quests as written would be really boring except as a terrible, low-budget action fantasy. And a movie, probably, because no one could even hope to sustain that. Get a good writer on board, though, and you have a tradeoff: the game starts being about made-up characters and made-up interactions not really from Avernum the game, but the show could be great. That said, Jeff would have to really sign over most creative input, and the show would really belong to the writer. Get a good writer and you can get a good show from almost anything.


—Alorael, who will say that nephils and sliths as CGI seems rather unlikely. Good prosthetics for sci-fi and fantasy are old hat. Adding some digital effects to enhance costumes is no longer beyond the ability of even middling budget shows. But fully CGI characters done well are still absolutely in the realm of big-budget feature films. Maybe when the work done for LotR and Avatar filters into the mainstream that won't be true, but it is right now.

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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
..."And now, we return to Episode 3 of Avernum: The Series, wherein Mycroft takes on a pack of 5 Nephilim, 3 Nephar Warriors, and 10 Skeletons in a random outdoor encounter."
That seems to be taking it way too literally. Obviously, a show wouldn't be based on the game word for word. It would be set in caves, maybe have some key characters like Erika and Rentar. Other than that, screenwriters would surely butcher the rest of the story in their own script, like they always do.

Usually, when a movie comes out based on a game, they bank on just chasing in on the name, and don't seem to put to much work into the movie itself. However, since Avernum doesn't have huge name recognition, and is really just a neat concept that would make a good background for a movie or show, I'd say go for it if you can find some writers with talent that are willing to adapt the world for TV. From Jeff's point of view, it doesn't even need to be a success, since he would have made the majority of his money from selling the franchise. That is, sure, something he said he would not do, but I'm guessing he probably still has a price somewhere up there regardless. We all do.
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Dantdring makes a good point. The best place for this conversation to go is in the direction of casting the major characters with famous actors (who probably could not be paid enough to be part of Avernum McBeal).


Here's my cast list for a creepy slapstick comedy revolving around the mages of Avernum:


Erika -- Bette Davis

Patrick -- Leslie Nielsen

Rone -- Steve Carrell

Aimee -- Whoopi Goldberg

Solberg -- Christopher Lloyd

Linda -- Madeline Kahn

X -- Phil Hartman

Mahdavi -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Garzahd -- Tim Curry

Rentar-Ihrno -- Agnes Moorehead

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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
suffice to say that there's little overlap between what makes a computer game (especially a CRPG) interesting and what makes a movie/television series interesting.
Case in point: the Super Mario Bros. movie from the early 90's.

Here's my cast list for a creepy slapstick comedy revolving around the mages of Avernum:

Erika -- Bette Davis
Patrick -- Leslie Nielsen
Rone -- Steve Carrell
Aimee -- Whoopi Goldberg
Solberg -- Christopher Lloyd
Linda -- Madeline Kahn
X -- Phil Hartman
Mahdavi -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Garzahd -- Tim Curry
Rentar-Ihrno -- Agnes Moorehead
One word, Slarty: Yikes.
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Patrick -- Leslie Nielsen
Rone -- Steve Carrell
Solberg -- Christopher Lloyd
X -- Phil Hartman
Garzahd -- Tim Curry
Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I see that death is no obstacle in casting.
Excuse me while I change the casting a bit:
Patrick -- Gene Wilder
Rone -- Christopher Lloyd
Solberg -- Leslie Nielsen
X -- George Burns
Garzahd -- Peter Sellers

Creepy indeed.
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I hate to say it, but Monroe's list is quite good.


The recurring, minor Avernites used to have fan favourites, in the days of the original trilogy, but they were demolished by A4 and A5. A4, because the recurring Avernites in it lost ALL connection to their previous characterization (Elspeth, Julio, I'm looking at you), and A5 because they just weren't in it anymore.


Certainly Tor Gunston had fans, as did the aforementioned Elspeth and Nance. Let's not forget Anastasia and Mairwen (exceptions to the A4 rule above) either. Also, Scab and Asp -- at least one of them recurred, I forget which one. And Captain Johnson definitely had fans. I could go on...

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