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Repository bays (demo)[G5]


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Originally Posted By: Dantius
The repository is a challenge area later in the game. You can't open any of the doors until you essentially hit the Storm Plains (ie until you buy the game). Grab the Icy Blade and get out, you probably can't deal with the creatures here.

Oh, I was expecting to do everything in the demo before buying the game. But thanks for the info. As for the icy blade, I was going to do that with my lower level lifecrafter after I had found out what an awesome sword it is (using a lot of cheat codes :p)
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Originally Posted By: Antarctica
Question again; I can create a fyora, cryoa, roamer, thahd, clawbug, artilla, and a plated artilla. Are those all the creatures that can be unlocked in the demo?

if you beat the demo you can go on the scripts and change it so you can summon any monster you can find images for.
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Originally Posted By: Neossokrass
Has anyone elsse noticed that whenever someone hitss a barrier in this game, there's alwayss a person suggesting that they edit the scripts?

i didn't say he should do that to get past anything i said that if he liked making new monsters he should edit so he can make new things, for fun
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I think the point is that information on any sort of cheat or script modification shouldn't be given unless someone asks for it or they are well and truly stuck in a situation that can't be fixed without it. Not everyone wants to cheat and it can really mess up people's games, so it's something to be somewhat cautious about.



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Originally Posted By: The Ratt
If you played geneforge and you didn't steal a single item something is wrong with you.

Whoops, looks like I fall into that category. Although I'm still not done. I do plan to steal Goetssch's(sp) gloves though (GF1, btw). Don't know if that counts.

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie
lesson of life learned through avernum/geneforge:
"if nobody saw you steal it; you didn't steal it"

Hint: this doesn't work in real life.


In real life it's, "Never steal anything small." Steal enough and you can get away with it. Just ask Bill Gates about where he got DOS. smile
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Originally Posted By: goblindolf
I'm reminded of some shopkeeper in geneforge who wouldnt deal with me after i looted his storeroom.

I saved after looting it thinking everything would be ok since i didnt set off any traps and nobody saw me steal.

some shop keepers dont like you running thru there store and unlocking doors, they see you enter, get pissed off.... i imagine thats what happend.
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Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
Originally Posted By: goblindolf
I'm reminded of some shopkeeper in geneforge who wouldnt deal with me after i looted his storeroom.

I saved after looting it thinking everything would be ok since i didnt set off any traps and nobody saw me steal.

some shop keepers dont like you running thru there store and unlocking doors, they see you enter, get pissed off.... i imagine thats what happend.

To which store owner(s) are you referring? I don't remember any in the Geneforge series that wouldn't sell to me because of stealing or unlocking doors in their shop.

I would guess the owner(s) in question wouldn't deal with you because you were a part of or sympathized with an opposing faction. I could be remembering incorrectly though.
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Originally Posted By: Barzhal
Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan
Originally Posted By: goblindolf
I'm reminded of some shopkeeper in geneforge who wouldnt deal with me after i looted his storeroom.

I saved after looting it thinking everything would be ok since i didnt set off any traps and nobody saw me steal.

some shop keepers dont like you running thru there store and unlocking doors, they see you enter, get pissed off.... i imagine thats what happend.

To which store owner(s) are you referring? I don't remember any in the Geneforge series that wouldn't sell to me because of stealing or unlocking doors in their shop.

I would guess the owner(s) in question wouldn't deal with you because you were a part of or sympathized with an opposing faction. I could be remembering incorrectly though.

That's Avernum 5, there is a shopkeeper who will not buy your mined crystals if you rob his store. He's in the Drake Pillars, IIRC.
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Originally Posted By: Goblindolf
I'm reminded of some shopkeeper in geneforge who wouldnt deal with me after i looted his storeroom.

I know Buron in G1 (the servile who sells batons in the Holding Cells zone) refuses to sell to you if he catches you stealing.

That's all Dikiyoba can think of off the top of Dikiyoba's head.
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