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Northern Isles Game 10


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I'm entirely open to it. I had previously decided to stop the huge alliances (100% of the time involving Sarachim), since it makes the game entirely too easy, but I keep falling into them again and again.


So I'll be creating a new account. It's at least worth a try. I just ask people to be more active.


As per this game itself, It was absolutely awesome and fun. I found out about the traps from Spiddin himself (next time love, don't make it so obvious. Asking someone to explore a place for you, not only reveals to that person and all of their allies that you have planted traps in there, but also that you are the Infiltrator). And I can't believe that's how Excalibur died. One of my major enemies, dead by luck.


The takedown of the DLs was amazing, I shall let Sarachim go on about this though. So brilliant smile


One big word of advice to everyone: just because someone is not your enemy does not mean they aren't already allied with someone who is. Don't trust people with your role so quickly, and most importantly never open your mouth about how much defense/offense you have.


And lastly but not least, major apologies to Sporefrog for the epic betrayal.

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I also can't believe more people haven't made the Sarachim-Marlenny, Sporefrog-Andraste connection. If Sporefrog says he knows the Dionicio and the Pure Spirit identity. You assume that Andraste is one of those roles. If I say I know the Adventurer and the Dionicio. Assume Sarachim is one of them. This is true 80% of the time.


Stop trusting me and Sarachim tongue


Another good reason for anonymous accounts smile

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That game was awesome... I got the feeling I did a lot better than usual through being more involved. However, being both more involved and just as terrible at Northern Isles as usual caused me to die faster. Also, and I thought this was pretty funny, I didn't get in contact with Gladwell until too late because Rowen didn't know who Turkey was. tongue


Overall, it was still pretty awesome. smile

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Duck: You did do much better. You only died because Rowen got himself killed.


Doomie: I hope this doesn't discourage you to continue playing. I think other than being a bit too open, you are a good player and I'd love to see you win. You just keep getting horrible luck. Like being a DL what? 4 times now. Or having Ackrovan tell Sarachim who we were and completely destroy our day 1 alliance. Or the one time that you lost just because you joined the Anama frown . I'm sure you'll get your chance soon smile

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Originally Posted By: Marlenny
I had previously decided to stop the huge alliances (100% of the time involving Sarachim), since it makes the game entirely too easy, but I keep falling into them again and again.

This, many times over.


Also, going anonymous will prevent me from immediately wand of deathing my own DL partner if Marlenny and I happen to be on the same team next game.
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That was fun. I played along with the established alliances this time, in contrast to my usual paranoid playing style, which definitely worked to my benefit. I basically did no investigation of my own, and managed to discover the identity of all the DLs through intel from allies. Good job Sarachim in particular.


I agree that anonymous accounts will change the game for everyone, as long as the people using them don't go ahead and contact their usual friends anyway; that would make it just as easy for them but make it harder for everyone else.

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Doom Warrior: I'd say this time was mostly not your fault. Nioca and Alorael gave away most of the DL's target list by asking about the roles on it. Nioca also gave his own role away by exploring Gladwell's tower. I used that information to trick you, and it wasn't unreasonable for you to believe me once I had it.


Sporefrog, Rowen, Nioca, Alorael: Totally your own fault this time. tongue


Excalibur: There's one thing I still don't understand. Why did you attack Nioca?


I'm also going to play anonymously next time, assuming enough other people do to make it worthwhile. I'd say we ought to have at least eight anonymous players. Apart from me, Marlenny, and Sporefrog, who's up for it?

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Originally Posted By: Sarachim

Excalibur: There's one thing I still don't understand. Why did you attack Nioca?

Okay, let me explain this. I really misplayed. Pretending to be the adventurer really didn't work out, especially since there was an actual adventurer floating around. Xelgion had called a hit on Nioca, and Nioca had asked me to kill Xelgion based on the assumption I was the adventurer, but I couldn't because I wasn't actually enemies with him. I made up an excuse that I was planning on killing Alorael (DL Blade), and that's when Nioca revealed he was a DL. Nioca had asked previously about Shanker and the Anama Hunter, so I knew automatically that I was his target. For some reason, it didn't occur to me why Nioca didn't kill Xelgion himself, otherwise, I would have known that he was Domont and I would have actually killed him.

Come to think of it, I should of attacked RCCCL. I already knew he was an Anama member, yet I let him linger because I got myself into a mess with Nioca.

Wz. As, I didn't actually know you were Dionicio. I just randomly accused you in hopes of getting information, and ironically, my accusation was correct.

I will play anonymously as well.
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Originally Posted By: Rowen
I kind of wish I had tried to team up with the Nioca at the start since I knew he was Domont. Over all it was fun and I look forward to the next game, maybe it wont be such a blood bath.

I knew I should have publicly posted that I was looking for Gladwell... Gah.

I'm not sure if I'll play next round. It's sorta getting tiresome dying on day 2. But if I do, it's definitely on an anonymous account.
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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
Wz. As, I didn't actually know you were Dionicio. I just randomly accused you in hopes of getting information, and ironically, my accusation was correct.
Yeah, after my panicked response, I realized that your explanation for how you got that information was very unlikely to be true, and that you might not really know who my character was. Then I tried to backtrack and not admit anything but I don't think it worked too well. I guess it ended up not mattering.
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Originally Posted By: Sporefrog
Also, was RCCCL's attack as balanced as it should have been tongue 19, really? Seems like there were items flowing everywhere too.

RCCCL was insanely buffed at the time. This was only possible because A, we'd already made several important kills, B, we knew we only had one enemy left, so he didn't hold anything in reserve, and C, we're just that awesome. tongue

As for the items, I agree, and I think *i's solution (dead players' items no longer go to the killer) is a good one.
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Originally Posted By: Monroe
I'm surprised the Anama were willing to have Machrone. He has so little to offer being a worthless fighter with a barely useful ability. And yet his goals really require him to put himself out there, exposed to danger. I feel sorry for all his past and future players.

Having people on your side and not working against you is always a good enough motivation to recruit someone.

That, and information is the best currency in Northern Isles.
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I suppose. I was getting nowhere at first answering my questions. I didn't know how to ask for the answers without revealing who I was. Eventually, after I missed the first deadline, I figured I'd tell my role to the next person that asked and pray for the best. I only lucked out that it was the Anama. I needed to reveal my role to get those allies. This game seems to involve more luck than skill, as my death made abundantly clear to me.

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I think you are missing something big about this game. The true strength of any role comes not from the abilities, but the flow of information. Machrone's biggest asset is that he can acquire information with relatively low risk. Because of the enemy rule, he actually pretty hard to kill.


Let's not forget the history of this role. It started out when Machrone was the only really weak role and consequently, no one wanted to kill him. The problem is having no real enemies led him to being able to do what he wanted without having to worry.


Over time, the role evolved a bit. Now there are very few people who need him dead. The Empire Agent is one, but he must do so in a convoluted way and he might not even exist. The DLs will no longer need him dead. There might be one or two other people who might need him gone, but overall he's pretty safe.

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Also, traps are back to the way they were before, mostly. Traps now work on a person and reduce skill by 50% only when someone attacks you. This is not quite so punitive, but still discourages attacks.


Yes, there will always be luck. Sometimes you just get a bad deal by trusting the wrong person or just get struck at just the wrong time. However, we have people who have consistently performed well in this game. That should tell anyone that there is definitely an element of skill to the game. If it were luck alone, you would expect everyone to be, on average, equal in their performance.

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The rules have changed, friend. As for Gladwell, there was no target list in this last game. Only a requirement his power be greater than all others. While you had the DL target list to worry about in this game, Machrone (being from the surface) will not be a target for them.

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The new DL win condition is that no Avernites may win. The new enemy list for the DLs are all Avernites and, by extension, anyone else in factions since both leaders are Avernites. The biggest problem with the DLs before was that they had random targets, so no one could ever be sure they could trust them. Now, they can, at least, potentially work with any Imperial.


Also, I should add that the Infiltrator, a random role, is a perfect ally. He is an Imperial, has the same victory condition, and even a task that helps out the DLs.


I think, as of right now, the Empire Agent is really the only true enemy Machrone has.

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I like the new DLs a lot more too. Knowing how many DLs there are and who your ally is at the start should help, although in the last game Nioca and I found each other by complete luck very quickly.


—Alorael, who was amused to see Marlenny's clever stab in the dark. She guessed he was a DL. He claimed otherwise but admitted to a DL contact, and said the contact would expose himself only if Marlenny could correct an almost but not quite accurate target list. Marlenny happily complied and, unsurprisingly, got it wrong. The guess certainly took guts, though!

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Heh, Nioca sent me a PM where he very randomly brought up the Craftmaster Strine. So after that I knew for a fact that the Strine was in the list, and so I started dropping the name to everyone who I thought could be a DL. Your reply after my mentioning the Strine pretty much told me you are a DL. But it wasn't until you mentioned your "contact" that we knew your identity for sure tongue


As per the guess, I figured it was worth a shot. We were going to send Wz As after you straight away, and if you attacked me (not really likely as you still didn't have a clue of my role) I was hoping that the Shanker's protection combined with the Anama's extensive list of items/weapons would be enough.

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Originally Posted By: Nioca

I'm not sure if I'll play next round. It's sorta getting tiresome dying on day 2. But if I do, it's definitely on an anonymous account.

I hope you do play. We like to have you, and I really do think you're a good player. You and Doomie should give each other pointers. He's really good at getting people's trust and not drawing too much attention to himself, while you are much better at not buying into other people's BS and finding out information about them. Hopefully this new game will bring you both better luck smile

Also, Doomie: A DL? Again? Talk about shitty luck.
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On a list of 8, let's say we know 3 on it and one that's not. That means you have to pick 5 names correctly, out of 9 roles (16 take away the 3 DLs, the 3 you already have, and the one you ruled out). That's 9 choose 5, so your chances of getting it right are 1 out of 126.


Actually your chances are a lot worse because they might have random roles on that list that aren't actually in play.

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I meant 3 out of the 6 random roles, so 5 out of 8. In addition, we knew one target that wasn't on the list, so we only had to guess two. The original list seemed to have been in alphabetical order, so we had a fairly narrow range of options for those last two. Our odds weren't exactly good, but they weren't unrealistically bad either, especially since we were making educated guesses.

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The original list was in alphabetical order. The new list was also in alphabetical order, but it wasn't just a few name substitutions. There was no way to recreate the correct list without actually deleting and adding roles.


—Alorael, who also agonized a bit over the list. Too many correct roles would give away too much information. Too few wouldn't help bring in the last, wayward DL. Where's a public key when you need one?

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I made 16 new accounts specifically for playing the game. When people register, those chosen will receive information on which account they will use. Contained in that account will be your first PM describing your role.


At the end of the game or after death, I will take back the account and send your registration account a PM indicated you have died. This will have advantages because, for you, it breaks up the obvious alliances early on; it forces everyone to talk to each other at the start. For me, it lets me see more of how the game actually progressed. This helps me better identify weaknesses in the rules by looking for patterns and, as such, you will, hopefully, get a better game.


These accounts are intended to be reusable for the sole purpose of the Northern Isles games. Usual CoC rules apply. Thoughts?

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Sounds like a good system. Anonymity is now mandated for everyone (unless someone outs themselves — would that be discouraged under the rules?), which also removes preconceptions about playing style, etc. Some will still be recognizable through their writing style, but that probably can't be helped.

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