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Where do you think Jeff Got his influence for creations?[G5]


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A number of creations are based on real animals. Fyoras, Drayks, and Drakons are based on lizards/dragons. Roamers are said to be like shaped dogs. Thahds and Alphas are humanoid. Clawbugs are like scorpions, and artrilas and worms are, well, worms.


The creations have also evolved. Drakons are more imaginative forms of drayks. Rots are like rotten humanoids, and Tralls are superior humanoids.


Also, things like the kyshaak and wingbolt are creations of the game, or so it seems. The reasoning behind their creation is stated in the game. A few things, like the eyebeasts, and then the graphics of others (mostly magic creations) are strange indeed, but most come from real life and mythology.


(The above is purely the guesswork of yours truly. It may or may not be fully or completely accurate, but hey, who's counting?)

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Originally Posted By: Namine
What about servant minds, and creator, and stuff like spawners, and those new creations, Podlings or something.

I'm pretty sure servant minds are supposed to symbolize a sort of brain in a bowl, as their initial purpose (such as on Sucia) were simply to coordinate and control events and other creatures.

I think the creator is simply just a humanoid wrapped up in a large green mesh that connects it to shaping platforms, both to Shape creations that it wants to and to restore itsself.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The vlish is a floating in air squid. Although the powers are increased and the taste decreased.

Delicious Vilsh says oterwise...read his signature.
Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
Wingbolts remind me of mutalisks.
Specifically the Starcraft:Ghost one.Creepy.
Edit-W00T 50th post!
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Battle Shaping

Thahd and Battle Alpha - Ogre

Clawbug - Scorpion

Rotghroth - Mohrg

War Trall - Giant or possibly Grey Render


Fire Shaping

Fyora - Velociraptor

Roamer - Shadow Mastiff, or Slaad, or some combination of a dog and a frog

Drayk - Drake

Kyshaak - Stormlizard

Drakon - Dragon


Magic Shaping

Artila - Worm

Vlish - Flumph

Glaahk - Ethereal Marauder

Wingbolt - Mutalisk

Gazer - Beholder

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are many variants, each of whom has a different AoE attack with a huge range. The ones that slow are really annoying. Two or three of those can prolong their death to the utmost extremes unless you place your creations far enough apart that only one can be hit at a time.

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Right, here's what I got


Naked, no buffs- ~55 damage


Wearing good equipment, no buffs- ~30 damage


Equipped, with protection and essence armor - ~20 damage


And yes, it is on torment.


PS Quick etiquette question: When adding in new info, should I double post to highlight I have updated, or just edit my previous post?

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