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Gamezone Review[G5]


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The 'dated graphics' argument is getting odder every time I read it. It's a bit like complaining about the Settlers of Cataan, that the figurines don't move and the villages don't grow into cities by themselves.

Point and click is really something people ought to have mastered by now (Diablo anyone?).

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The score is out of 10. This is someone who couldn't manage the interface (did not play Baldur's Gate?), did not like the story (it happens), and really didn't like the eye and ear candy.


—Alorael, who thinks the entire review is fair except for the interface, which seems to be a combination of reviewer idiocy and refusal to read the instructions, and the story complaints, which are just baffling. G5 has more story, or at least more story that isn't all stock tropes, than most games.

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Sorry, but he wrote that "every turn, you have to click your character to select it then click to where you want to move" or something similar, and that is very false. The graphics argument isn't even good nowadays, look at several old mario games that are still good even with bad graphics.


Overall: 4.8

Give the reviewer props for trying to use false criticism and play in a story that wraps up the Geneforge saga while offering a variety of things to read. However, in the end, the review is just a dated text that feels too familiar and struggles along in key areas.

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Unless I am mistaken, the reviewer actually owned the full copy. If you look at the screen shot in the 2nd link, it doesn't say that areas marked with a "?" are not available in the demo. It may have changed, but I thought that only and always showed up with the demo.


And the 2nd review link posted has been seen and thrashed here before. It seems like most reviewers have no appreciation for anything more than a glossy kill fest.

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I really don't want to make a huge pattern with this, but I found another review for Geneforge 5. This one is probably the most unbiased so far and gives a fair description of the game. He also actually bought the game, which makes him much more professional than those "other" reviews.




The Last Archon

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Which brings us to the factions: three for the Shapers, one for the rebels, and one in between them.

Huh. Alwan and Taygen are definitely Shapers. Ghaldring is the rebel. Astoria is a Shaper, but she's rather sympathetic towards rebels and uses their end of the reputation spectrum, making her in between... except that the Trakovites can't be Shapers by definition. Oops?

—Alorael, who thinks it works best as two Shapers, one rebel, one in between, and one other. As Scorpia points out, everyone hates the Trakovites.
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I was just going to put up the Scorpia link. It seems clear that he was familiar with the Geneforge series and had played the entire game. I'm shocked that a reviewer would go against the grain and actually play it.


He even picked up on the differences that made Shaping better than magic compared to the previous games. I do like the game a lot better than he does, though.


As to the other reviewer, I can't believe he couldn't figure out how to do something as basic as fighting and he seemed to believe that the world went along on "real time" while a battle ensued. It was quite odd.


Here is an interesting interview with Jeff from 03/30/09:



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Actually, this is what happens when you let a FPS fan review an RPG, they'll whine about indistinguishable characters and not being able to go "point. click. kill." on everything they see


(Disclaimer: this is a completely biased comment and if found offensive and/or inaccurate, the creator holds full responsibility.)

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Thank you scorpia for reviving my faith in reviews! That one was actually legit.

Myself, I'm waiting to have my faith in movie reviews revived. Or, for that matter, my faith in humanity. (Mick LaSalle of The San Francisco Chronicle destroyed both by rooting for the baddies in the third X-Men movie, on the argument that the mutants would inevitably commit genocide against normal people unless they were eliminated themselves, one way or the other.)
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