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Originally Posted By: Rahvasaadik
I have reasons to believe that the character in Geneforge 5 is the one who created the Geneforge in the first place. My suspicions arose when the game told me in the end that the character was very sad to see the last Geneforge to be drained, not even knowing why.

Do you have any other reasons? Vague sadness is not a lot to build a theory on.

—Alorael, who imagines that lots of people were sad to see the Geneforge go. So many ambitions of world domination so callously dashed!
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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Originally Posted By: Barzhal
I am convinced that the identity of the PC is Bernard from GF2.

No, no! If the PC is anyone from G2, it's Sharon!

OK, I admit, Sharon is probably the only NPC in four play-throughs that I never killed so I can definitely see her surviving (common, you can't kill Sharon, she helps you non-stop and gives you the best bracelet ever). I can't see Sharon shaping herself in her old age though. Maybe ...

Maybe agent Mouawad from GF4..she was on the council..back when there were 9 council members.
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Originally Posted By: Barzhal
Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Originally Posted By: Barzhal
I am convinced that the identity of the PC is Bernard from GF2.

No, no! If the PC is anyone from G2, it's Sharon!

OK, I admit, Sharon is probably the only NPC in four play-throughs that I never killed so I can definitely see her surviving (common, you can't kill Sharon, she helps you non-stop and gives you the best bracelet ever). I can't see Sharon shaping herself in her old age though. Maybe ...

Maybe agent Mouawad from GF4..she was on the council..back when there were 9 council members.

Alright, you've clearly got things messed up. Here are the most likely people it could have been, from each game.

G1 - Brodus Blade
G2 - Sharon
G3 - Lankan
G4 - Pol
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Originally Posted By: Barzhal
Maybe agent Mouawad from GF4..she was on the council..back when there were 9 council members.

Dikiyoba doesn't remember exactly what she said, but she definitely didn't say she was part of the Council outright. Given that there are a few Agents sent out on missions by Shema in G5, Dikiyoba thinks it's more likely she was just on a mission on behalf of the Council and not a member of the Council herself.
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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Barzhal
Maybe agent Mouawad from GF4..she was on the council..back when there were 9 council members.

Dikiyoba doesn't remember exactly what she said, but she definitely didn't say she was part of the Council outright. Given that there are a few Agents sent out on missions by Shema in G5, Dikiyoba thinks it's more likely she was just on a mission on behalf of the Council and not a member of the Council herself.

That is, actually, what she said. Although, she also said there were nine members of the Council, three from each sect. Which would make sense, as there were two extra provinces, Burwood and Illya, back in those days. Although, if the Dera Reaches get counted as a province...
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There are still nine council members, according to Rawal. Let's see. There's Counciler Shaper Rawal himself. Agent Astoria, General Alwan, Sage Taygen, High Councilor Shema, Councilor Sharissa of the Nodye Coast, and Councilor Nawaz of Lethis Province. Direct quote from Rawal:


The Last Archon


Edit: Quote taken out for inaccuracy.

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Rawal says there are seven council members at least twice. The number of Councilors is just something that got retconned for G5.


(Alternatively, there were two Shaper continents and nine Councilors. Two Councilors ruled the second continent. Once the Unbound were released and the Council realized that the rebellion might actually win, they Barred all knowledge of the second continent and other two Councilors from Terrestia. Hundreds of Agents and spies were sent out to purge all records, servant minds, and old folk who might complain about things being better in the old days when there were two continents, it took five action points to attack, and you had to walk a mile uphill both ways to get to the outhouse.)



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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Originally Posted By: Barzhal
Originally Posted By: Goldenking
I am convinced that the identity of the PC is Bernard from GF2.

No, no! If the PC is anyone from G2, it's Sharon!

OK, I admit, Sharon is probably the only NPC in four play-throughs that I never killed so I can definitely see her surviving (common, you can't kill Sharon, she helps you non-stop and gives you the best bracelet ever). I can't see Sharon shaping herself in her old age though. Maybe ...

Maybe agent Mouawad from GF4..she was on the council..back when there were 9 council members.

Alright, you've clearly got things messed up. Here are the most likely people it could have been, from each game.

G1 - Brodus Blade
G2 - Sharon
G3 - Lankan
G4 - Pol


POL?! Your a funny man.

And remind me, who is Brodus Blade?
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A Blade to be specific. Basically a Servile Guardian without shaping or magical powers.


Originally Posted By: Diki
(Alternatively, there were two Shaper continents and nine Councilors. Two Councilors ruled the second continent. Once the Unbound were released and the Council realized that the rebellion might actually win, they Barred all knowledge of the second continent and other two Councilors from Terrestia. Hundreds of Agents and spies were sent out to purge all records, servant minds, and old folk who might complain about things being better in the old days when there were two continents, it took five action points to attack, and you had to walk a mile uphill both ways to get to the outhouse.)


Oh, I remember those golden days as well. Back when thahds went into battle naked, when Fyora's stood upright and proudly Battle Alpha's that did not look like miniature Hulk Hogan's. Those were the day's, man.


(The sad part is, your probably right.)


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
(Alternatively, there were two Shaper continents and nine Councilors. Two Councilors ruled the second continent. Once the Unbound were released and the Council realized that the rebellion might actually win, they Barred all knowledge of the second continent and other two Councilors from Terrestia. Hundreds of Agents and spies were sent out to purge all records, servant minds, and old folk who might complain about things being better in the old days when there were two continents, it took five action points to attack, and you had to walk a mile uphill both ways to get to the outhouse.)

Clearly that's wrong. Geneforge never had hills, even back when there were two continents.

What I find most puzzling is how all of the Councillors are in Western Terrestria. In the Shaper-controlled provinces in G4, regular Shapers were in charge.
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That was also still infested with Rebels and rogues. Forget Moseh, if Prirk had heard that Shema was taking a stroll around Illya, she would have jumped on him like a coyote on a sack of dead roadrunner.


Or think of it this way. The French have suddenly attacked England and captured London. The English have defeated the main French army, and have taken back control of London. But, there are still french platoons hiding in buildings, and land mines on every corner. Is it really that smart to move the whole of Parliament back in?




On the subject of the decrease of councilors, I guess one could make sense of it by saying that the three councilors that ruled Eastern Terrestia escaped during the first rebel assault to Mera-Tev, then caught kill by the Unbound.


The Last Archon

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That was also still infested with Rebels and rogues. Forget Moseh, if Prirk had heard that Shema was taking a stroll around Illya, she would have jumped on him like a coyote on a sack of dead roadrunner.



Prirk was an incapable leader at best. She admitted herself she fell into the position because people happened to listen to her. Jumping all over Shema would be as likely as it would have been for her to jump all over you for helping Moseh (and then killing Eliza and Shaftoe). I have no respect for Prirk or any of the other weak rebels in that safehouse.

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When compared to the other rebel leaders that got themselves killed in Thornton, she is capable enough.


However, that was just an example. The point stands; Alwan new the Rebels were weak but not their exact strength. As we've been told in Dillame in G4, a few well placed assassinations forced the Shapers out of the streets and into the citadel. If the former Illya Councilor was to go there immediately after it was liberated, for little to no gain, he/she would likely get killed.


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Or think of it this way. The French have suddenly attacked England and captured London. The English have defeated the main French army, and have taken back control of London. But, there are still french platoons hiding in buildings, and land mines on every corner. Is it really that smart to move the whole of Parliament back in?

I knew the Channel Tunnel was a bad idea...
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...I'm half-French.


(Well, this is a thread about "Revelations"...)


Anyway, your point makes sense, but there's no evidence that Councillors EVER ran provinces in Eastern Terrestria.


And, a slightly different point, since when did they only meet annually? And especially during wartime? In G1 (and maybe 2 and 3, I can't remember), the PC was able to go straight to the Shaper Council.

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