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Blades of Avernum is two parts. An editor to create your own scenario and the game that will load scenarios so you can run in your own or other people's adventures. There are plenty of scenarios ranging from a single town to several towns and areas that are almost equal in size to a regular game.


It's whatever the creators want to do, but most are set in Jeff's Avernum and relate to his world.

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And check The Shadow Vale Scenario rankings if you need help in deciding which scenarios to play.


And avoid my first scenario (Muffin's n' Hell), Undead Valley, and, most of all, Foal Hoards. Those are bad scenarios. (Though my second one will be much better than my first)


Or course, you must play through the starter scenarios first.

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Originally Posted By: Iffy
Foal Hoards


Or course, you must play through the starter scenarios first.

Be careful how you use the word "must", because in this case your statement is false and misleading. The only scenarios you can play in the unregistered version are the tutorial and Valley of Dying Things, but if you've registered, you can skip all of the starter scenarios completely and get straight to the user-made scenarios if you want to. Not that I'd recommend that though. I've only ever played VoDT in BoA, but it was excellent and the BoE versions of A Small Rebellion and The Za-Khazi Run were as well.
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Originally Posted By: Critique Critique
I liked ZKR as well. I didn't like everything about it, and I didn't like it as much as more plotful scenarios, but I did enjoy it.


And, now, I never play SW scenarios when starting a new party. I typically start with RoR, for the nice stat boost, and then AGB and TV, for the same reasons.
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I've said before that I think that BoA-ASR is worse and BoA-ZKR better (for BoA) than BoE-ASR and BoE-ZKR. BoA-ASR is missing things that would be expected of a BoA scenario like it (more vibrant cut scenes, action sequences) but that would be less expected of a BoE scenario. Unless I misunderstood something, Jeff was aware of the poor reputation of BoE-ZKR and made deliberate improvements for BoA.


The result, though, is that ZKR has a worse reputation and ASR a better than they deserve based strictly on BoA.


I never did get anywhere in DWtD, so I can't say anything about it.

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