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Geneforge 4 - I need a mule


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Just started Geneforge 4 and enjoying it. Got a couple of questions.


a) I need a frigging mule! One human character is not enough for all the stuff I want to carry. I just passed the cairns checkpoint - do I eventually acquire extra human PCs who can haul a backpack or failing that a special place to stash my treasures?


B) Canisters, is there a way I can work out how many I have already consumed and how many is too many? I am thinking I should pass up most canisters unless they are a significant benefit.



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You can stash your items wherever you like: they'll stay where you left them. The entrance to a friendly town is a good place.


The penalties for using canisters are only significant if you plan on working for the Shapers, so if you want to stay with the rebels, go nuts with them. In general, try not to use much more than 10 throughout the game. If a canister gives you a new creation or spell that's useful to you, it's normally worth using.

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a) What Thuryl said about storing items. He got there first.


B) There's an internal counter that keeps track of how many canisters you've used; each canister you use adds one to this total. There's no limit to the number of canisters you can use, but you start noticing dialogue changes at about six canisters.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
You can stash your items wherever you like: they'll stay where you left them. The entrance to a friendly town is a good place.

The only thing to watch out for is putting too many items in an area. Earlier games definitely had a limit of 200 items in a single zone (though stacked items only count as one). Dikiyoba thinks the limit still applies in this game.
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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
The only thing to watch out for is putting too many items in an area. Earlier games definitely had a limit of 200 items in a single zone (though stacked items only count as one). Dikiyoba thinks the limit still applies in this game.

Maybe so... Although, my PC has left a pile that was so large I had to keep moving him/her a bit so more could be put down and nothing ever disappeared... well over 200 items including the 'stuff-to-keep' that was in the same area. However, if there's a worry, you can always walk the area and tote out all the rocks, trash, and miscellaneous items that you can grab but are worthless (e.g. capes, food) and put them in another area. Those things are part of the area's count; assuming there is one in GF4. If so, it seems to be much higher. smile

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Originally Posted By: Avid
Maybe so... Although, my PC has left a pile that was so large I had to keep moving him/her a bit so more could be put down
You could just store stuff in a container (like a cabinet or jar). Then you wouldn't have to move around like that, and everything will be in one nice little pile.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
You could just store stuff in a container (like a cabinet or jar). Then you wouldn't have to move around like that, and everything will be in one nice little pile.

My bad on how I wrote that. I meant, I have to take a step because the buffer gets full. All the 'to-keep' stuff is usually in jars, boxes, cabinets and (if waiting to be sold) on the ground, depending on where the PC is. If I take over a room, then I tend to get really organized, which is probably a bit obsessive. But, at least I can easily find a particular thing without having to page through a ton of stuff. LOL And, all the boosters for the anvil are in the same room as the anvil. (Wish my house was as organized as the game!) I sometimes think there's more time spent making sure things are where they can be found than fighting! rolleyes

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Thanks for the advice. I have littered the area around enchanted anvil with all sorts of stuff.


I have to say though I am finding inventory issues the most irritating aspect of the game. A shame you can't lifecraft a mule (with two heads and half a dozen tentacles).



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Originally Posted By: Quis
I have to say though, I am finding inventory issues the most irritating aspect of the game. Quis

I fully agree. wink

Perhaps there's a way to nudge Jeff into opening up the pack to carry more stuff or allowing more than $30K cash. It would sure eliminate a lot of time used organizing and saving. The PC could just carry all the special stuff and sell all the rest. grin

Anyone know if there's a 'suggestion box' thread that Jeff reads? I checked and couldn't find one based on thread title...

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Originally Posted By: Quis

B) Canisters, is there a way I can work out how many I have already consumed and how many is too many? I am thinking I should pass up most canisters unless they are a significant benefit.


The thing about the mule was just soooo enchanting! Never checked... was this Q answered sufficiently for you ... the part about how you can find out how many you've consumed? tongue

I'm sure there's a way to read the script file that contains the info on how many you've used, but I've no idea which one or how to go about that. Perhaps someone else in the forum knows.

As for me, I just keep a tally pad that has the name of the canister and the area it was in. That way I know how many canisters and what stats have been raised by them. I also know if my PC is going to go canister mad or not once I've reached the 'warning' limit mentioned in the Walkthrough. So, as far as the limit goes, check the Walkthrough. It's a good guide for all that... smile

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Guys... do you have any idea how long it took just to get to the encumbrance system that we have now? In G1-3 (as well as games like A4) your weight allowance was a little higher but ALL items you carried counted towards it. The current system is leaps and bounds more convenient than that one. People made suggestions like yours every time a game came out.

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Go back to Exile 1 and you have almost no inventory slots and those were also used for equipped items. Slarty is right that this is a major upgrade. Jeff does occasionally read game topics, but when it requires changing the computer code, he takes his time on acting on suggestions.


The money limit comes from the variable size and in Blades of Exile I was able to go over and get negative money.


All we got as a concession over at Basilisks games was that keys would no longer take up inventory slots in Eschalon: Book 2.

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I'm not sure what I think of the Basilisk people. They were pretty stubborn about insisting that keyboard movement was unnecessary, even though Eschalon was virtually unplayable on a mouseless laptop. On the other hand they seem to have listened to that, and to a number of other suggestions, for the sequel. I guess I'll just have to see how the game turns out.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
There's literally no good technical reason not to use a long, though. Is saving two bytes of memory really that important?

Back in the time of Exile 1, it did make a (very small) difference.

I think Jeff isn't changing it because he would have to find all the times the 'money' integer is used and change it to a long. Not fun.
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You have to declare variables at the beginning and you have to be consistent with their usage in subroutines and functions. Which means that all variables and arrays have to match type and order in the subroutines and their calls since the program sets asides memory allocations for each one based on location and it's possible to confuse a program if you change them.


FORTRAN exam questions used to be what value would result from sloppy programing where you mismatch variable type and used certain math formulas that changed the type.

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Nope. Program languages are designed to avoid you having to see the mess at machine level where numbers are stored on a giant memory stack with instructions to push on and pop off (those were the command names) parts of the memory stack to reach the value the program needs at a given time. The difference between long and short values becomes how many memory places on the stack are needed together for an operation. Writing at machine level, the program optimizes the order of storing values to minimize moving numbers back and forth.

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Originally Posted By: Slarty
I think this is what I get for having been trained in Pascal, and then never going on to do much in a "real" programming language. Darn outdated AP exams!
I dunno, I think that by now a REAL Programming Language should have a smart enough compiler for automatic conversion between primitive types. But what do I know - I also eat quiche.
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I started when PASCAL was just coming into style for college programming, so my classes were in FORTRAN. I picked up a bit of assembly language, BASIC, and COBOL on my own. Most people don't need to know what is going on at machine level so they miss out on things like the number of bits per word varies between computers.


Also Microsoft makes it possible to write really bad programs that will still run.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I started when PASCAL was just coming into style for college programming, so my classes were in FORTRAN. I picked up a bit of assembly language, BASIC, and COBOL on my own.
Out of curiosity, which BASIC was it? There's been quite a few over the years.
Also Microsoft makes it possible to write really bad programs that will still run.
Like the defragmenter that comes with Vista.
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I used the BASIC interpreter that came with MS-DOS back in the 80s during those pre-Windows days. It was a really bad version, but it was everywhere because it was free and installed on all Windows computers. It might have been better if parts hadn't been written by Bill Gates, yes that Bill Gates.

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Ah, the 80s, I remember it well...


I learned some BASIC back then too, on an Apple ][e. Didn't learn much beyond the basics (no pun intended), though.

Originally Posted By: Randomizer
It might have been better if parts hadn't been written by Bill Gates, yes that Bill Gates.
Which is probably why BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. (I can't believe I still remember that acronym!)
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I remember the first programming class I took, in high school, in I think '84? The computer took up a whole room in the building, and it wasn't as smart as my old palm pilot. We programmed in line basic. (Gosub 300!)


I remember turning in a verb-object sort of game as a project (get sword! go north! kill dragon!) Silly, unsophisticated, and everyone loved it. smile

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  • 1 month later...
Originally Posted By: The Mystic
a) What Thuryl said about storing items. He got there first.

B) There's an internal counter that keeps track of how many canisters you've used; each canister you use adds one to this total. There's no limit to the number of canisters you can use, but you start noticing dialogue changes at about six canisters.

I 'Iffy' found a simple SDF code in GF4 that allowed you to zero out the total count for canister use while keeping all the benefits. Just a few key strokes and no script editing.

Iffy's GF4 Canister Cure:
open console (shiftD) and type

SDF 100 4 0

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