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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. Yes, this kilt conversation would be better suited to PMs.
  2. I don't know if you've noticed, but TM is banned and will be for some time.
  3. Personally, I would go with making a custom connecting fence graphic. But that's just the way I roll.
  4. The following applies to Avernum 3, but should also work for BoA. "Reactivating the Character Editor for Macintosh and Windows You can turn off the character editor permanently. Should you have done this and want your character editor back, this is how to restore it (written backwards for extra secrecy): fI gnisu a hsotnicaM, worht yawa eht "munrevA 3 sferP" elif ni eht secnereferP redlof. fI gnisu swodniW, eteled eht "tad.3munrevA" elif ni eht 3 munrevA ataD redlof. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen)."
  5. Not if you only use the graphics in Spiderweb Software games and give credit to Andrew Hunter, the graphics artist.
  6. TM says: "Look in the Geneforge 2 and Geneforge 3 graphics files for lots of fun and exciting mining cart images!"
  7. Are you running the latest version of A3? Earlier versions on my computer start up and then quit right away.
  8. I love the AP bonus on both of those armors. Overall, though, for my guardian and agent, the Emerald Chestguard is much better.
  9. I got bored during beta-testing and barely finished. Not a good sign, IMO.
  10. If I were you, I'd check out Blades of Exile. There are a lot of shorter user scenarios that are very good and fast-paced that should keep your interest.
  11. I'm pretty sure that's a roamer.
  12. Personally, I never put more essence into a creation beyond the 2 INT. If I gain a level of the appropriate shaping skill or creation, I'll absorb the creations and create new ones that are one or two levels higher.
  13. I never found the XP-eating effect of creations to matter much.
  14. Anaximander doesn't give you this mission - Koriba asks you to find a statue, and the reward for returning it is a soul crystal. To find the statue, climb the stairs at (30,1) in the Wolf Pit (below both the Goblin Lair and Bandit Hideout). You can use the priest spell Location to find the coordinates.
  15. Just learn the key commands. I never use the mouse anyway.
  16. Ah, but cursing is against the Code of Conduct.
  17. Schrodinger's Avernum 2 FAQ has a great section on character creation, as does my Avernum 3 FAQ.
  18. Yes, I also liked the lit hills better. And the wooden bridge. It added a certain precarious nature to the image. But the new statues and nebula are both nice!
  19. Females can be shapers too - but only under cloak of darkness!
  20. Probably a year and a half to two years. Avernum 4 will be out first.
  21. Don't forget the handle! It can be the most painful of all.
  22. Maybe they have a hive mind, and they are all under the power of the collective.
  23. I'd say that the green and red are problematic.
  24. Jeff generally prefers to create his own races and sects, though, which is why none of his games have elves, dwarfs, halflings, etc.
  25. You need a text editor like TextEdit or NotePad or something.
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