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Raiden's Achievements

Seasoned Roamer

Seasoned Roamer (5/17)

  1. i miss old game system, this new looks too much like geneforge,liked old one more.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Nick Ringer: I don't think Serviles can swim. Ask the one who operates Old Rising Bridge. and serviles werent made to be smart. so why couldnt they learn to swim?
  3. Quote: Originally written by artificial orange: That's what the barrels are for, of course. now thats something i wanna see
  4. another thing about that pic,if that dock is used as escape route,how is pinner gonna use it? theres no boat and i dont belive swimming is an option
  5. why mac version was released first btw? im sure there are more windows than mac users.
  6. but avernum is not based on real world anyways,its fantasy world,so anything is possible,maybe far sight lets mages spirit fly out of his body so he can scout area?
  7. can i get it over 4 without items like boots of speed or haste ?
  8. i just started to use plate mail on my char and hes movement went from 4 to 3 can i get it back to 4 without removing platemail?
  9. i have seen,or should i say havent seen cus theyre invisible,in prison of Grah-Hoth and couple of other places,in prison i also met invisible warriors or something like that,how am i supposed to kill them?,also i readed from Walkthrough how to disable defences in prison,even thou i touch rune shades and other enemys still attack me,is it bug or doesent that rune have anything to do with them?
  10. why in geneforge you cant choose characters sex and how does he/she look like,like in avernum you can.like you could choose shaper and choose sex and how he/she looks,right now you can only change his color. yea yea my english sucks but try to understand.
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