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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. My website has the "real-est" answers available - Jeff himself said so.
  2. For my most recent scenario, I wrote down all SDFs in a notebook, along with what they did and what set them. For previous scenarios, I picked flags that I was sure I hadn't used, leading to things like flags 215,7 and 112,3 being used in the same node chain.
  3. *ranting mode* 1) Have you seen the Avernum 4 topics in General and the one that was locked on this forum? No, I didn't think so. 2) Wow, you managed to come to such a thoughtful conclusion based on three preliminary screenshots and no real knowledge of the engine. 3) Discussing things on the forum means nothing. Jeff hardly ever reads them. If you wanted him to get your (mostly unworkable) ideas, then you should have emailed them to him. 4) Despite that, quite a lot of them are actually implemented in Avernum 4. The spell system is massively improved and all movement is still turn-based. The movement system combines the best parts of Avernum and Geneforge. The graphics are preliminary, and they are the way they are for the simple reason that it was easier to modify GF graphics to the Av4 format than modifying Avernum graphics to fit the format. 4.5) 12 of the 36 suggestions from Verelor's post are implemented. 5) You may have valid concerns about the plot, but nobody can really know right now. 6) How about waiting for a demo before drawing a conclusion? So, please read the six-page Avernum 4 thread in General and direct all further concerns there.
  4. They're in the folder with the editor, in a file called BoA Editor Docs Appendices.
  5. This forum is both for the editor and gameplay. Ask here or at the Lyceum.
  6. From the Appendices: Status Types A status is any temporary condition a character can have. Examples are blessing, invulnerability, poison, and forcecage. Each status is represented by a number. Most of the time, each status will be at 0, which means the character doesn't have it (a non-poisoned character has a poison status of 0). Statuses are changed by spells, enemy attacks, special encounters, and similar circumstances. Below is a list of all the possible statuses. Unless said otherwise, they can not be negative, and they go down by one per turn. The different statuses a character can have (and their numbers) are The complete status list: 0 - Poison. Each turn, game divides the amount of poison the character has by four (rounded up), does 1-2 points of damage that many times, and reduces the poison level by that amount. 1 - Bless/Curse. If positive, character is blessed. If negative, cursed. 2 - Shield/Weaken. If positive, character is shielded. If negative, weakened. 3 - Haste/Slow. If positive, character is hasted. If negative, slowed. 4 - Invulnerable. 5 - Magic Resistant. 6 - Webbed. 7 - Diseased. Goes down slower than 1 per turn. 8 - Charmed. 9 - Berserk. 10 - Asleep. 11 - Paralysis. 12 - Acid. Each turn, game divides the amount of acid the character has by two (rounded up), does 1-2 points of damage that many times, and reduces the acid level by that amount. 13 - Dumbfounded. 14 - Sanctuary. 15 - Martyr's Shield. 16 - Divinely Touched 17 - Resistant 18 - Confused 19 – Enlightened. This unusual status is only used for special encounters. You can have one special encounter that makes the party enlightened, and another encounter that checks to see if they still have this status to, say, open a door or use some other effect. 20 - Terrified 21 - Enfeebled 22 - Regenerating 23 - Nimble Fingers 24 - Featherfall 25 - Flying 26 - Safe Travel 27 - Hovering Feet 28 - Drunk. 29 - Force Cage. Each turn, goes down by the character’s strength, plus 1. 30 - Fleeing. Each turn, goes down by the character’s intelligence, plus 1. Status Ranges The legal range for most statuses if 0 to 250 (so it can have any value from 0, for no status, to 250, the maximum). There are some exceptions. Bless, Shield, and Haste can have a negative value, and can range from –250 to 250. Sleep, Charm, and Paralyze can be at most 10 (so a character can’t magically sleep for over 10 turns).
  7. Because everything that the scripts would do is hard-coded into the game.
  8. It's most likely because I have the most caching as possible enabled to make page loading faster, which leads to slightly off post counts.
  9. First of all - read this website in its entirety: Vahnatai Week . Next: Quote: 1. How do they spin those disks so far with their spindly little arms? Vahnatai are surprisingly strong - they are stronger than humans and Nephilim. Also, razordisks are like shuriken. Quote: 2. What does a pregnant Vahnatai look like? Or do they lay eggs? Or crystals? They have a live birth much like humans, and their loose flowy robes do a great job hiding their bellies. That said, no human has ever observed a pregnant Vahnatai. Quote: 3. How does one stitch mold into a cloak? Very carefully. Quote: 4. For a race that's so "superior," they sure have a lot of hatred to spread. Not so. Only half of one clan of Vahnatai are rageaholics. Remember people like Bon-Ihrno? They're the norm. Quote: 5. I have a theory. The Vahnatai alphabet goes something like this: a - crystal b - crystal c - crystal soul d - soul crystal e - crystal f - crystal g - crystal h - fine crystal i - crystal j - piercing crystal k - "Death to Empire! Death to Humans! Crystals are great!" l - crystal m - crystal n - unshackling crystal o - crystal p - endless razordisks for adventurers to pickup and sell for infinite gold q - crystal r - quickfire s - crystal t - mold u - is v - yummy w - Chitrach x - legacy y - power z - crystal See website. Quote: 6. Aren't the Vahnatai getting tired of those waveblades yet? No. After all, they can be enchanted and used to get into difficult-to-open pickle jars. Quote: 7. With all the time they've spent around humans, you'd think a few Vahnatai language professors would be able to talk human talk pretty clearly by now! Many can, but word order and syntax are confusing to them. Quote: 8. WHAT'S WITH ALL THE FREAKIN' CRYSTALS!!!??? See website.
  10. You people are mean. Be nicer.
  11. Use the cheat 'igotarock' over and over again, and sell the rocks.
  12. http://rachea3.tripod.com/avernum3/id12.html
  13. Also: http://www.sitemouse.com/users/drakefyre/valorim.gif
  14. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Quote: Originally written by Thralni, emperor of Riverrod: No. This is the only place i use this flag. It doesn't matter if I go to that place in the outdoors (this script is an outdoor script!) in the very beginning or the very end of the game, I'll always end up in the town, even when its not over day 20. As usual, the debugging calls print_str() and print_num() are your friends. Pepper your code with them at appropriate places. Print the numbers of relevant flags at points when you suspect they might change. Print different strings in different parts of conditional statements to see what code is being run. The first thing to do is confirm whether or not flag 100,2 is actually set to 1 before day 20, or whether there's something else going on. And for heaven's sake, make sure you're using a fresh party for these tests -- I don't want to be sent on another wild goose chase because you changed the scenario without starting your party over.
  15. You could always save before using Capture Soul and then reload if it copies over something else.
  16. Are you using flag 100,2 somewhere else in the scenario?
  17. I complained during beta-testing that Greta and Alwan counted as creations and could be Dazed/Terrified (which shapers are supposed to be immune to), but it wasn't changed. I believe that each % of armor counts as one point.
  18. When making a creation, it's best to put two points into intelligence so that you can control it and no points into anything else to save the essence. A fyora should cost 11 essence this way, and you should try to make as many as possible.
  19. There are the times when you become a perspiring Asian professional.
  20. I like to give my fighters Strong Will to prevent adverse magical effects like paralysis, confusion, etc. from ruining them.
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