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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. Either load the last save you have, or just play on.
  2. As administrator of these forums, what I want most is an open environment where people can get help when they need it, talk about Spidweb games, talk to other people who enjoy the same games, and just have a good time. Since these are Spiderweb Software's official company message boards, it's in the interests of the administrators and moderators to keep people here and keep people happy, because happy people are likely to buy more games.
  3. Out of curiosity, do you know what your old member number was?
  4. A spell to increase spell points would kind of be unbalanced - you'd never run out. There's no tradeoff besides AP.
  5. Quote: Let the mods determine if someone is abusing the CoC. Hooray. I'm confused about the forums not being well attended part, though. Aren't all of the questions answered within a few hours?
  6. If you loved Emulations, go for Roots, Chains, or Quintessence.
  7. It could make sense - maybe GarageBand initializes sounds and cleared out the badness?
  8. I would like to see a scenario that doesn't suck. With lots of interesting dialogue.
  9. Yes, the Rentar-Ihrno clan is only one clan of Vahnatai. There are other Vahnatai lands that are unexplored that could be the focus of Avernum 4. Or Avernum 4 could have nothing to do with Avernum or Avernites at all, and focus on problems that the Empire was having.
  10. You also may be trying to download the registered version. Try an http mirror from the download page if Thuryl's advice doesn't work.
  11. Personally, I've never focused on missile weapons. I like to pump up melee, quick action, and parry. I'll also create a fyora to help Greta from a distance while the Guardian and Alwan close in to do melee combat. If you find that you're getting too damaged in the first round of combat by missile weapons, improving your parry skill or endurance should help.
  12. Just look harder for the commander. He wanders around a lot. He's a Guardian, if that helps you at all.
  13. There are three tests in caves around the Vahnatai cavern. The Test of Speed, Test of Strength, and Test of Patience. Depending on what you did coming down the river, you'll have to do any number of them, from 1-3.
  14. That's funny - I found that the Guardian was easier to play than the Shaper or Agent.
  15. Valorim was a backwoods continent, and there were not many troops there to begin with. And with the destruction of the Keep of Tinraya, they decided that they would basically just abandon Valorim to its fate unless/until they could find out what was creating the monsters and how they could stop it.
  16. You can't get to the mandrake without flying.
  17. GF3 is screaming for a sequel. GF4 is definite, and there will probably be more Geneforge games after that. But there will some radically different changes in GF4.
  18. TM (or Frankie Vallium) is banned, and he hasn't posted since his banning. All of his posts are dated before he was banned. And I don't need to be listed as a moderator, because I'm an administrator, which means I moderate every forum automatically, and I can also do behind the scenes stuff, like banning people.
  19. Roots is definitely a good choice too, as is Chains. Both have the fast-paced action you're looking for.
  20. I'm almost certain Geneforge 4 will involve the Sholai in some capacity (more than just one man in Dhonal Keep).
  21. I don't know what that means.
  22. I have no idea what you're talking about, but I assume that's because I use the keyboard and a Mac.
  23. I think the reason for that is that Jeff wants more "realistic" choices, where nobody can really win like they want to.
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