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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. My fighters usually have Strong Will, but since the singleton has decent intelligence and priest spells, it has good magic effect resistance already. I like to go with Fast on Feet and Divinely Touched. Divine Aid is wonderful in providing that extra boost to kill a tough monster, and the Regeneration ability helps when I'm running low on SP.
  2. It won't conflict much at all, actually.
  3. Quote: Originally written by PantherShadow: If someone did a (really, really good, hyper-accurate) BoE version of A4, I would buy BoE for that one reason alone. Hint, hint, all you BoE experts with too much free time. The engine is completely different - it would be incredibly difficult (but easier than doing a GF port).
  4. Yes, my favorite party is always a fighter-priest singleton.
  5. I would go with four custom character types. I like to have two fighters, at least one of which is a Slith and uses pole weapons, a mage, and a priest. The spellcasters will eventually get a few levels of each other's skills, and one should be a nephil who can pick locks/disarm traps.
  6. Personally, I prefer Exile because of the better atmosphere, graphics, and gameplay.
  7. In Valley of the Dying Things, there is a trainer in Sweetgrove. Or maybe Marralis.
  8. From Schrodinger's FAQ: Quote: Commander Graham will give you a quest: Destroy the evil nephilim altar. In order to do this, you'll need the ritual of sanctification. The wizard's apprentice will give you give you hints about this. In order to get it, leave the town wall through the west and head north on the east side of the moat. Go as far north as you can, then walk east through the secret door. Read the book and everyone who has a point in priest spells will get this ritual Remember that the Ritual is an ability and will show up in the abilities list.
  9. How could it possibly be bad with Calista Flockhart reprising her Rentar-Ihrno role?
  10. Jeff hopes to release it in several months, and it is a new engine with lots of new code.
  11. http://ryan-thompson.home.comcast.net/EXILE20.ZIP - Exile http://ryan-thompson.home.comcast.net/EXL2V201.ZIP - Exile II
  12. Like I wrote, only Create Illusions is worthwhile as a summoning spell.
  13. ryan-thompson@comcast.net
  14. Where are your skills invested? Soon you should be able to make a few Glaahks, which should be more potent than two Vlish. Or be a beast in melee combat with lots of quick action and parry. And don't forget that you can fight rogues in smaller bunches, retreat to a town and heal up, and return.
  15. You can do this by making a town that simulates the outdoors.
  16. Well, it's also a matter of splitting experience between three people and four people - when they would have gotten 20 xp apiece before, now they'll all get 15.
  17. It would help if we knew whether you were a Guardian, Agent, or Shaper, and what creations/NPCs you have, if any.
  18. Go to Almaria and give Abby a blue pass and then a gray pass to get a Priest's Bracelet.
  19. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean that they don't exist. And Troglo Shamans have enough magic to take down cities without wizards of their own.
  20. Giants can lob boulders from hundreds of feet away. Troglodytes have powerful magic. Slimes also have magic and travel in huge groups that can take down patrols. Also, there are not enough soldiers to both go on patrols and defend cities.
  21. Slimes have strength in their magical effects - they slime with acid, sleep, and webs, which can wreak havoc.
  22. The Anama have been unfairly victimized and slandered for decades. Shame on you for continuing this hate speech. Also, I <3 Avatar.
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