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Everything posted by Kreador

  1. I had the great pleasure of having met and spoken with Ray Bradbury on a few occasions. He was a warm, intelligent, loving man. He was everything that is good in humanity and only a little of what's bad and I'll miss him every day. And for those of you who have never read his work, you really should rectify that. Try The Illustrated Man, or The Martian Chronicles, or The Halloween Tree, or Fahrenheit 451, or pretty much anything you can get your hands on. Ray Bradbury wrote like a child with the skills and understanding of an adult.
  2. Originally Posted By: Actaeon You'd still have to say "US City". Mexico City would fit the other criteria. Look back at the original post. I did say US city. You can stop trying to point out errors I made in the post now, thank you.
  3. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Originally Posted By: Kreador Except for the great old party question, what's the most populous city in the US east of Reno, Nevada? Answer, Los Angeles. Longitudinally it is east of Reno. Uh, the answer is New York City. Did you mean "in California"? West of the Mississippi and east of Reno. Right. As Dikiyoba points out, you give the trick away if you say California, because most people think of Nevada as being entirely east of California.
  4. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I'm more or less complaining that it's dark at 4:30 PM in the winter. In high school I got out of class and the sun was already going down. It'd be more reasonable if Nevada was in Mountain time. Except for the great old party question, what's the most populous city in the US east of Reno, Nevada? Answer, Los Angeles. Longitudinally it is east of Reno. I'm wondering about the people in Arizona, though. Now they're on Mountain time, but in the winter they're on Pacific time, so which should they pick? ;-)
  5. Wait, this is like why all whales are elephants, right?
  6. I'm pretty certain it doesn't. The remix is a non-Spiderweb Supported effort by one member of the community. It has nothing to do with "official."
  7. Originally Posted By: ĐªŔŦĦ ËRNIË i carried a potted plant the whole game based on some memories of avernum 5 Were you hoping at some point it would say, "Oh no. Not again."?
  8. Originally Posted By: Valdain the King How do I solo this game if its at all possible on normal difficulty? Is it daze and dualwielding or does haste make up more of the repertoire with melee weapons? Somewhere down the board you should find Randomizer's post and the followup comments for how he did solo on torment. It's certainly possible on Normal, as well, but you'll need to be very careful about character point assignment and so on.
  9. Actually, you can get that one potion without having it brewed for you, but that is the quickest and easiest way.
  10. Originally Posted By: Jerakeen Kreador, I'm pretty sure the ones you named are just potion sellers; they won't craft for you. More awake now so I checked. You're correct.
  11. More than four in the game. My brain is blanking the names right now, but there's another in Formello. One in Kyass. One in Bargha. Also the pregnant woman in one of the early towns. Sorry, brain not fully engaged, but there are lots of places to get various potions and elixirs. Just a question of which ingredients you have most of, and remember that Wisdom Crystals are possibly the most important things to be able to make.
  12. Originally Posted By: Andariel PS: You're sure it's "steel" instead of "steal"? I only steal steel, so ...
  13. You can also grab a boat and get some cheap experience just going places. You can sail over to the Great Cave and visit the various towns, even if you can't get into the Castle yet, and pick up some easy run-around missions. Just avoid combat where possible.
  14. Thought this might amuse some folks. io9 shows us what if Jack Kirby had drawn My Little Pony.
  15. You can open the character editor and do pretty much anything you want with the characters. You have to first turn it on in the main menu.
  16. Originally Posted By: Rehctawthgin Oh and try editing your quote ---------- The mortar? Haven't heard of that yet ---------- -what mortar?, Nightwatcher Fixed the lost opening quote marker. And, there is no mortar. It's a joke.
  17. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires 5 passwords are needed elsewhere not on emperor assassination. 4 passwords for the exit. Five brooches for the Emperor (well, you can get there with 4, but...)
  18. If you're up to taking out the Aranea Queen, you can get my favorite armor option.
  19. Originally Posted By: Rehctawthgin I also couldn't figure out what it was while he said I could make a wall out of it. I kept it and thought I could make a wall over my enemies, but instead, I got useless stone bricks. Yeah, he forgets to give you the magic bucket of infinite mortar with which to hold the bricks together. ;-)
  20. The second row of attack numbers is for cleaving a second enemy, which does not happen every turn.
  21. I recalled the Freehold in A6. Having come to Spiderweb games with that game, I didn't realize when we get to it in A:EftP that it hadn't been there in A1.
  22. Smite is held by Click to reveal.. the Chasm Drake west of Fort Remote.
  23. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires don't try blinking pants or you might regret it. I have fun with the blinking pants sometimes. Put them on a melee fighter and it can be interesting. NEVER put them on a mage unless you just want her dead.
  24. Originally Posted By: Andariel Thanks! I finally figured it out. The waterfalls were misleading me cause they're a one way ticket no coming back. I'm quite disappointed by the orb though. I thought it would be a free roam not limited in turns, which is actually more a jump than a flight... On the good side, in the current version it simply won't let you make the leap if it's too far. I understand that in the original, you could take off and you would come down after three squares, no matter what was below you.
  25. Head west from Fort Dranlon, and keep going west as long as you can. If you just pull up the world map in game, you should see it between the Slith regions and the town of Spire. If you made it to the Slith fortress, you turned south too soon.
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