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Posts posted by keira

  1. Our directive is clear. We, the great Endar, must show the galaxy the meaning of knowledge, and we shall show the mudmen the afterlife.


    But all things have a beginning, in our case a humble beginning. Gross incompetence by our predecessors mean we know as much about the planets of our system as we know of those in star systems we haven't even been to! It will take almost a year to discover what would have been discovered centuries ago, were our ancestors not to busy preening and killing each other. Sad!


    Our Great Star Flock (three corvettes) embarks through a wormhole to our nearest neighboring star, a system with a planet scientists say could be well-suited to raise our hatchlings. As expected, there is no signs of the mudmen on the other side, so our construction ship plans a route to build an additional wormhole station. It isn't necessary now, but in the future this sector will be packed with interstellar vessels.


    The Great Star Flock continues on to our other neighbor, discovering it too is free of the filth of the mudmen.


    Lo! Our state-run media is chirping with excitement over news from Vehement Hatchling, one of our own system's planets has signs of ancient life.



    After an inspection by our honorable science staff, however, it is determined that the buildings were created by unusual weathering patterns, not by an ancient alien civilization. That would be absurd! The surveying continues, with our construction staff in tow, harnessing the bountiful resources of Shantar.


    With many planets ahead, the Directive commissions another research ship, Oblivious Hatchling, help study our galaxy as the great Star Flocks of our navy cleanse it of impure filth.


    The investment is paid off almost immediately! Oblivious has discovered a planet bearing alien life! It is not remotely sentient, but this confirms our suspicions. We are not alone.



    Even more signs follow from the Porabim system, as we discover what seems to be ruins of an alien amusement park. The discoveries shoot our scientific knowledge forward significantly.


    In fact, the first five years of our mission shoots Endari knowledge on aliens forward at never-even-imagined levels. No less than four higher forms of life are discovered, and several artifacts hinting at others are also discovered. The Directorate's science staff is stretched thin performing all the necessary research. It doesn't help that several of the creatures found act with hostility towards our research vessels.


    Our corner of the galactic community after only five years:


  2. (inspired by http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/20642-alt-history-blues/)


    Now that it's been out for awhile and there's DLC for me to ignore, I'm following in Dintiradan's footsteps (also thanks for the title dinti :)) and doing a thing for CK2, except with Stellaris. (note: this thread will be image heavy, so i'm resizing the images down for your bandwidth convenience. Click the images for the full version)


    For those of you unaware, stellaris is exactly like CK2 in all things, except with a bit less politicking, it's in the future, and you get to be bird people. The bird people in question are the Endar, a proud race of nerds doing nerdy things for their species, while also killing any mudmen we come across. The mudmen will know why they fear the night (spoiler: it's because we have these sweet ships with lasers).



    Because i'm not a coward (and also because there weren't any cool mods) the game will be in ironman mode for your pleasure. Also, starting all the empires kind of on the same foot because last game i got a more advanced empire mad at me and that was less than fun.


    Our story begins with our great cosmic nest: Shantar Prime. Located in a true jewel of a system we have called Shantar. Unfortunately we enlightened Endari were too busy developing wormhole travel and advanced spaceships to explore the other planets in our system. Squawk.



    Haatrek, the captain of the most honorable science vessel Vehement Hatchling, plots a course around the Shantar system to see what all the fuss is. Meanwhile, his colleagues landside start working on some valuable research to speed us along on our conquest of the stars!



    Our fledgling empires place in the stars:






    more to come!

  3. if we're making voting mandatory, we might as well go all the way and "simplify" the ballot for citizens by providing them with a single party to vote for


    if you want to get people to vote, maybe fix the underlying system's problems (why are we using the electoral college and fptp) instead of forcing people to participate in the theater when they'd rather not


    also are you really calling people who said "hey, i'd like a third choice rather than choosing between a hugely corrupt turd in existence and this sentient demon-possessed cheeto" cowards or is that just people who didn't (or couldn't?) vote

  4. Yet I can't help but wonder, If Bernie Sanders had won the primary, could he have beaten trump?


    back in the primary, if you look at the "[sanders|clinton] v. trump" polling, bernie was destroying trump, and hillary was losing or barely ahead (edit: source: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/29/bernie-s/bernie-sanders-says-he-polls-better-against-donald/ not as bad for h-dawg but still a pretty big difference)


    but what do i know, i'm just a salty sanders supporter yelling "i told you so" while the world around me goes to hell. today, for instance, one of my coworkers was verbally attacked by a guest today because of her skin color. but hey, by the time HRT makes it so i can't pass as not-trans, trump will be inaugurated, so that'll be fun.

  5. protip: invest in companies like bnsf, union pacific, norfolk southern


    stock prices will shoot right up once they get the contracts to ship all the queers and brown people that'll be herded into boxcars

  6. ok story time.


    so in like may, neb, iffy, and i moved to ohio, from colorado.


    we all did the exact same paperwork to register in ohio. we all had the same paperwork, same colorado licenses, same everything.


    they both got back the cards saying everything was fine.


    i got back a letter basically saying i was voter id law'ed and would not be voting.


    literally the only thing different about us was that they were both nonaffiliated, and i switched to dem last year to caucus, and hadn't changed it back.


    i'm not saying it's kasich's doing, but *tinfoil hat sounds*

  7. I've been putzing around here for the last eight years. My best friends are all from here. There is a long list of things i owe to this community, for making me who I am today.


    Today I'm getting married, to someone from SW, and it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for this lovely webforum and all the people who hang out here.


    This is short because I'm already fashionably late, but thanks for the good times, and the good times to come :)

  8. i guess i'm less neurotic now. and less open. and more jobiness? i dunno





    So i guess i deleted that image, which was actually the only record i had of the second test soooo...COMPARING TO THE FIRST ONE I DID IN LIKE 2012...





    lets see if this image lasts longer than the last

  9. It would be nice to but i leave in literally one week so I don't think we have time to work out the logistics.


    I'll be in this place called "london" for a few hours though if you wanna drop by for lunch or something :p

  10. If i'm not incorrect, this should be somewhat what the graph should look like by the end of June. Holla if there are any errors.



    Also, here's the nodes and edges in csv (there'll prolly be come duplicates, but no mistakes besides that): https://cdn.calref.net/files.calref/16/0286e911_swirl.tar.gz


    Tyranicus is winning with 12 still, followed by Aran and Diki with 11 each, Nico with 9, and then [Nalyd, Sylae, Iffy, Actaeon] with 8 connections. updates, i'm stupid


    Dikiyoba     11
    Tyranicus    11
    Arancaytar    9
    Nicothodes    9
    Nalyd         8
    Sylae         8
    Iffy          8
    Actaeon       8
    Sarachim      7
    Lilith        7
    Neb           6
    Marlenny      6
    Lauren        5
    Rose          5
    Slarty        5
    Kelandon      4
    Nikki         4
    Lord Grimm    4
    Zeviz         4
    Ash Lael      4
    Vergil        3
    Alorael       3
    Thralni       3
    Ephesos       3
    Niemand       3
    Andraste      3
    Sporefrog     3
    Djur          3
    Creator       3
    Jemand        2
    Lady J        2
    Alec          2
    Dragyn Bob    2
    Drakefyre     2
    Wz. As        2
    Goldengirl    2
    JLS Galadriel 1
    Feo Takahari  1
    Dareva        1
    Wiz           1
    SMoE          1
    Silent Assa...1
    Sir David     1
    Khoth         1
    Sherbiebaby   1
    Archmagus M...1
    Whyte         1
    Rowen         1

  11. I have 32 GB, and I've only maxed it out twice -- both times were rendering some heavy stuff in AfterEffects.


    That being said, in modern systems, having excess RAM is not wasteful, as the computer (at least Linux, and modern Windows) will use spare RAM as a cache for commonly-used files on the disk.

  12. At the Internet's suggestion, I've been watching a new show, The Expanse. It strikes me as what would happen if Firefly and Cowboy Bebop had a baby, and that baby had really bad haircuts. Pls, go watch it, so that it won't get canceled after one season.

  13. (Sorry for the resurrection)


    The Blades of Geneforge wiki (linked in this topic (and elsewhere)) will no longer exist by February of this year.


    An XML dump for people wishing to start up a successor wiki is available here: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/ec277aa6_Blades+of+Geneforge-20160106210122.xml (you can also generate this file yourself using Special:Export if you so desire, the site will most likely remain up for a few more days).

  14. Stuff I saw (I don't see much, mostly because I don't go to theaters, so I have to wait for the blu-ray or something):


    Kingsman: The Secret Service

    This was...not what I was expecting. Very over the top, with lots of...excess, for lack of a better term. I normally don't care for this sort of film, but this wasn't so bad. Really, though, who can say no to [inspoil]the Not Westburo Baptist Church getting massacred in what is probably the most ridiculous fight scene this decade[/inspoil]. Not an award winner by any means, but definitely worth a watch.


    Mad Max: Fury Road

    I've said it before, but this is a movie that knows exactly what it is. Epic fights atop and across cars, packaged neatly with some of the best cinematography I've seen in a long time. As someone with a worldbuilding fetish, I can really say it exemplified the idea of "show, not tell" in every scene. Some of the supporting characters felt a bit papery, but that's not why you watch a movie like this. Highly recommended.



    I found this somewhere off reddit, it's a cancelled pilot that they turned into a movie, and you have to put those goggles on when watching it. Would've made a good TV show, but as a movie it falls flat. Meh.


    The Martian

    PEOPLE WHO LIKE SPACE CAN FINALLY WATCH A MOVIE ABOUT SPACE STUFF WITHOUT WANTING TO KILL THEMSELVES. You can really tell they (and/or the author of the book this film is based on) had NASA on speed dial at all stages of this film. They do take some artistic liberties (I don't think "Question Mark" is a digit in hexadecimal), but as a whole it's basically the exact opposite of Armageddon in every single way. Highly recommended.

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