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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. Originally Posted By: Øther http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=bgpu0l&s=4 Exposé for the win!
  2. Don't ask about anything unless you really want to know. Also, I used to just use apple desktop images until the big volcano eruption a while back. This and the immediately preceding desktop image came from the thread about it here.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dantius Yeah, but you can get Gazers a lot quicker than any other Tier 5 creation while doing Alwan's messenger quest. I don't think you can even get War Tralls until the Dera Reaches. On my battle only walkthrough, I took the trall canister from Ghaldring as soon as I got to the area (goodness I need to play again, I can't even remember the names. Gazakii-Uss?). I believe that's the same quest you're talking about for getting gazers. Hmm, seems like the same timing to me.
  4. I was going to do something, but I never got around to it. More like I forgot until i was passed it.
  5. All of the games have great moods. A bit of humor that stuck with me from G5 is this: Quote: You search through it, looking for clues. Alas, not all pots in Terrestia contain valuable information. Not sure why, but I always appreciated that.
  6. Ben Folds is great. I went to a DCI show last night too.
  7. The only G2 editor I ever used that was supposedly a remake of the classic G1 editor is located at a sign outside of an abandoned building in one of the first two zones.
  8. The obelisk in the bandit woods is just outside of the entrance to the ruined school.
  9. Originally Posted By: boggle What this post normal science double-speak actually refers to, of course, is a reproducible experiment which showed that, if, under certain favourable lab conditions, you superheated CFC’s, they released super-reactive, hot chlorine ions, which “broke down” O3 to O2 (the natural fate of O3 molecules anyway). What happens in the upper atmosphere is more or less this: The CFCs are his by radiation, which causes them to break down. This is initially good, as it absorbs radiation, which is what ozone does for us in the first place. However, the halide atoms produced are highly reactive and catalyze the decomposition of ozone, preventing ozone from absorbing radiation. I see that people are referring to the chlorine as an ion, which is not true. The CFC decomposes, it doesn't ionize. Therefore, the resultant chlorine is an actual atom of chlorine, which is a free radical, and thus highly reactive.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Master1 As far as geometry is concerned, there is no definition of a point or line. Don't make me sick my old teacher on you! would your old teacher mind you bringing him up? No, no she wouldn't.
  11. I'm no expert on ozone, but I trust Thurylilith. Or whatever he's called. That said, editing is nice. Originally Posted By: boggle, or wherever he got this from. definition of a point, line, parallel lines etc). As far as geometry is concerned, there is no definition of a point or line. Don't make me sick my old teacher on you! Originally Posted By: boggle, or wherever he got this from. This ASSUMED “layer” – created entirely as a mathematical construct, is the only “real” layer of ozone there is. Math models reality. Originally Posted By: boggle, or wherever he got this from. When DuPont Chemicals invented chloroflourocarbons (CFC’s), I didn't realize that flour was part of a CFC. Try chlorofluorocarbon. Also: Originally Posted By: boggle Just found this thing, and as you are all much cleverer than me; I was wondering if you could do the decent thing, if you feel so inclined, and demolish this comment! Are you asking us to call this BS?
  12. Different? Surely. Weak and depleted? Not necessarily. The rapid extinction opened up massive amounts of resources with very low competition. New populations would develop as soon as the region could support life. Organisms with natural resilience to radiation would be at a higher advantage. With the amount of radiation constantly decreasing, populations will live longer and healthier lives, especially given the amount of resources. Sure, there is probably still a notable ecological difference between the fallout region and similar non-radioactive regions, but it doesn't surprise me that life is thriving there. That said, I'm just a guy with a single bio course (high school AP) and a good bit of logic. I could well be completely wrong.
  13. Originally Posted By: Dantius the photo of Eyjafallajokull erupting with lightning in the background. I think that image was posted here a while back. I used it as my desktop image for a while.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Lilith on the bright side they've also discovered a new species of fungus in the exclusion zone that seems to have independently evolved a form of photosynthesis, using melanin to capture background radiation and convert it to chemical energy Really? I doubt that... If I remember correctly, Lilith is a biology teacher. My inclination is to trust him, but not quote him until evidence is provided. Evidence that I am very interested to read, but too lazy to go and find.
  15. When they start discovering/decoding the genes for specific functions and organs, will we have to pay royalties for having/using such functions and organs?
  16. You may want to post what you did in case others have this problem.
  17. Originally Posted By: Lilith this is a lot less fun than the monthly spamming contests used to be FYT
  18. Does anyone fully understand how trademarks/patents/copyrights work?
  19. Gah, I've been sucked in. johari nohari
  20. In that case, I'm not sure a forwards exists.
  21. Originally Posted By: Lilith You said that you obey copyright laws. If you videotape a show on TV and don't watch all the commercials, or you watch the show more than once, you've violated copyright law, according to the broadcasting industry. The only legally established use for a VCR's record function is "time-shifting": watching the exact same program in its entirety at a different time, once. If you skip the commercials when you watch a video, you could legally be sued for hundreds or thousands of dollars, and depending on where you live, you may be a criminal. Yay for copyright. I now hate it. Or at least its current manifestation. Originally Posted By: Means and Ends Committee Failing that, the RIAA needs to make enough money suing people that they're content. They seem to be making plenty of money. Maybe happiness will follow. You forget that the correlation between money and greed is exponential. The more money you have, the more you want.
  22. Jeff has to give credit for all ideas not his own. He'd rather just avoid the hassle and come up with ideas on his own.
  23. Originally Posted By: Actaeon OR it, like most words, has more than one definition. My dictionary has four, actually. Your dictionary has a whopping four definitions? Nice!
  24. Originally Posted By: Dantius Video sites make money by making you watch commercials. Simple. You, my friend, need to learn about Megavideo. Also, SurfTheChannel gives links to tons of tv shows/movies that don't have commercials.
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