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Sleeping Dragon

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Everything posted by Sleeping Dragon

  1. One of the more difficult fights for me was the one against the two shades in the Disposal Vault (that dungeon before Sammann's dungeon). They were the ones that could only be damaged when out of each other's line of sight. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but the only way I could manage this was to stand at a corner and hope to get one on either side of me. It was very annoying. They're called the twinspirit shades I assume?
  2. You speak of bloodletting and chaos, yet the description of the sword you quoted clearly states that it can only be wielded by the virtuous. You are unworthy of that blade.
  3. I must admit even I get nostalgic for the days when we had magic.
  4. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel It's "Bahssikava", actually. And I haven't even played it. (Actually, there may be another H in there. But it's more correct than the other proposals.) According to the A1 manual you are correct. My guess from memory was the closest.
  5. Yeah, Jeff kind of built up the expectation that you would be rewarded for such a feat with the first four games, didn't he? Strange for him to abandon that path for the final installation.
  6. I still disagree Student of Trinity. Again, cars are really just a new application for combustion in order to refine personal transportation. The first ever TVs and radios were a huge achievement, but ones I would place the internet next to as far as importance. We are living in tough times, and it is typical for people to turn to nostalgia when things get really bad. They reminisce about how much better the times were back in the day, even though if you were to suddenly forced to live with forty year old technology, you would probably find life unbearable compared to how you live now. Penn & Teller did an episode on nostalgia that explained this phenomenon far better than I could. You should check it out. And remember, it could always be worse. We could be living in year 1000 Europe, a time when there hadn't been a single major technological advance for the last millennium. They thought that science was essentially over. Maybe technology does come in sudden bursts, and if that is so, forty years with 'only one' huge major advancement is nothing if you look at the greater human history. We are incredibly fortunate to be living in the times that we are.
  7. If Bassikiva is full of peaceful sliths, why would they be invading Avernum? And Linda, I thought she died when the Tower of Magi was destroyed?
  8. Not to shoot my own argument in the foot... but that was more than 40 years ago. I still think the internet is a pretty important invention, though, unless you want to actually travel around to each individual computer to see what they have going on in their chips.
  9. Cars aren't just refined horse drawn carriages? A trip to the moon isn't just a refined flight across the Atlantic? I must disagree with you and Mr. Krugman. I would never take the past 40 years of technological advancement for granted. I think the information revolution has had impacts on our society at least as great as the industrial revolution.
  10. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Of course now that the Darkside Loyalists have taken over ... Oh, do you think that will be the canonical ending for Avernum 5? I assumed Jeff would be obligated to have Redmark win, you know, because he's a Redmark.
  11. Well, I'm pretty sure they signed a deal with Prazac years ago that said they could settle Valorim. Either way, leaving Avernum will be sad. Nice fancy new item graphics. The little interface thing at the bottom is really pretty as well.
  12. I was so crushed by what you said I actually checked the scripts and to my delight you were incorrect. He does indeed say something different if you've used less than eight canisters. Guess that saves me the trouble of playing through again to find out the hard way.
  13. It certainly does not affect your ending. I believe there is a grand total of one fight that you are forced into but it is of little consequence and you probably would have preferred to fight them anyway. Other than that, the only other effect I remember was the dialogue with Guardian Makar. He laughs at you and you get really angry, proving his point about canisters. If I ever play a game without using canisters, it will be just for that jerk.
  14. When I saw that it was you in the other thread that said it had been a problem before I guess I assumed it was more widely known. Oh, well, he knows now. If its a real problem, he'll fix it, if not... I guess I got my ending. Though someone should organize that site a bit better. I had to basically read each ending until I determined who's ending it was, which is not good if you're like me and don't like spoilers.
  15. Wow, deja vu. I think the last time this was discussed, that exact same senator analogy came up and everything. I like to think that there were nine, and that two of them were eliminated when half of Terrestia was lost to the Rebellion. Mouawad could have been one. As for the other... get crackin' fanfic writers!
  16. Got my response from Spiderweb: Originally Posted By: Spiderweb Hmmmm ... I'm afraid that I have no idea. This is the first report I've had of such a glitch, and it really shouldn't happen to get an ending of a different faction. This is one thing I'm pretty confident will work. If you were able to enter areas you weren't supposed to be able to, however, it is very possible that something got set wrong. I was a bit surprised to hear that this was the first time they heard about this glitch, seeing as it seems to have happened at least twice before me. I guess the consensus is that it is the scrying stone that I picked up in the Tagen only area. Though it is strange that this would cause the Astoria ending to happen instead of, I don't know, the Tagen ending. Anyway, as my game seems unsalvageable, and I really did do all the work and thus deserve a conclusion, I'd like to know if anyone knows where I can find a transcript of all the endings. Anyone know?
  17. Hmm, typed it in before ordering the final attack on Ghaldring, but it didn't work. But thank you so much for trying, Randomizer.
  18. I know that's why I assume it has something to do with the item I got there. I don't know, I just can't think of anything else I did wrong.
  19. Yes I have both the Scrying Crystal from Rawal and the Scrying Stone from the Dera Vault. They are indeed different items. I guess I'll email Jeff, he should probably know about something like this anyway.
  20. Uhg, I wouldn't know how to go about doing any of that. I thought sdfs could simply be entered in the shift-d window. I'm not really qualified to alter the scripts themselves.
  21. Uh, you didn't happen to see my topic on a similar subject, did you Randomizer? You might know something that can help me.
  22. I just don't understand what I did wrong to make this happen. I killed Greta before the final battle (so she did not appear during it) but I've done that in previous games and they worked fine. My meeting at the citadel went fine, it involved Litalia and everything, so I don't think I messed up there. Anyone got any ideas? Should I email Jeff? Edit: Ah, one more thing I did was I entered the Taygen only area in the Lost Dera Vault. My unlock spell allowed me to open that door for some reason and even though I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, I ended up picking up his quest item. Not sure how that would get me the Astoria ending. Anyone know how to remove such an item through scripting in case that is what's causing the problem? Edit: It's called the "Scrying Stone" if that helps. I'm now convinced this toxic item is ruining my game. Please tell me there is a way to remove it. I promise I'll never enter an area I'm not supposed to again.
  23. I remember in the original Geneforge and possibly the second one as well you could not train in any skill above two if you had found canisters or books before meeting the trainer. That was annoying and I'm glad Jeff has fixed that since.
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