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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I can't remember the name right now. The Ziggurat, if I remember correctly.
  2. Introducing gunpowder into Avernum would drastically reduce my enjoyment of the game, I'd bet.
  3. Originally Posted By: Earth2025 I used on Exile 3 editor to get money and food (was useful after rapids). Rapids? Don't you mean Exile 2?
  4. For some reason, I always forget that Windows keyboards don't have command buttons. It just seems like it'd naturally be there.
  5. Well there's the shipwreck in Northeast Krizsan that never seems to run out of metal bars, but I'd imagine The Mystic is talking about something else. Anyways, if you want to know a cheat, Command + W (I think) resets random item shops with new inventories. It's pretty cool when you're looking for some mithril chain mail.
  6. I play BoA, beta-test, and judge and review scenarios. I've been making a scenario on and off for two years (even though it's very small, I never seem satisfied with what I'm doing so I end up coming back to it several months later), though I doubt it will ever reach the light of day because I simply don't put forth enough effort.
  7. I always use the same names, and with the exception of A1, the same races and graphics as well.
  8. E3, it's the only Exile game I've purchased, and the first Spiderweb game I bought.
  9. Originally Posted By: Doom Warrior Excalibur, why did you give Thuryl the clover boots? In order to gain his trust for the time being. I think it worked, to an extent.
  10. Originally Posted By: Sporefrog The ONLY problem is that giving an item you need for a victory condition to someone makes them your enemy, and thus you can kill them, unless the rules were changed from like two games ago when I did that? Yeah, we were playing hot potato with the crystal spire, so I went bye-bye because I ended up having it again (I think *i implemented the trade acception rule in the middle of the game, though).
  11. Thuryl, I'm wondering, did you know from the beginning of our PM that I was with the Anama, or did I at least deceive you for awhile?
  12. Funny, I was going to kill Thuryl myself by use of the vulnerability scroll in the Anama shop, since I had thought wz. As was Domont, but then people were telling me that Andraste was definitely going to kill Thuryl, so I gave all my coins to Tarson instead and laid back until the game ended. Yeah, I think we had a serious problem in communicating. What we needed was a big Anama group PM. If I had known better, I wouldn't have killed Andraste, which would have allowed for Alorael's resurrection, and the prevention of Marlenny's death, and a better likelihood that Thuryl would have died.
  13. I'm confused. I joined the Anama, yet I still won...
  14. How are we supposed to know that Machrone knows what he's talking about?
  15. That seems like a rather odd thing to broadcast publicly... Anyway, does anyone know what kind of merchants are present in this round?
  16. I agree. Making the bound servant a power role basically gives Gladwell a servant as powerful as the darkside blademaster, and probably more powerful considering the servant would have the first strike. Gladwell could easily dispose of his enemies that way.
  17. Didn't think about the Anama Hunter. Someone punch me please!
  18. I noticed that joining Gladwell now gives you the skill of power instead of physical immunity. I don't think it makes sense for Dionicio to join Gladwell as a result, so doesn't that make the game slightly in favor of the Anama in terms of potential recruits? (especially considering that Dionicio is the only potential recruit that is a guaranteed role)
  19. Some pictures I took in Chicago: Am I upside down? My favorite skyscraper (No seriously, I really like it for some reason) Can I climb this? Chicago Tribune Vroom! Vroom! I spy the moon.
  20. Originally Posted By: Rent-an-Ihrno If you really want to use some kind of magical plant-matter, you can always let a tree have grown on a patch of rock containing mithril, or in the middle of a healing spring or whatever. That tree could produce wood, leaves, fruits or whatever with special properties. There is no such tree in any of the games though, so you would have to create some kind of mystery around it. There's a tree near Squiggus and Lenus in A3 that the party can pick rubies from, though that might be some trick made by the resident gremlins.
  21. Slightly spectacular sunrise? I just got a digital camera, so... Lilac blossoms
  22. *Notes advertisements in signature* Naughty Spammer.
  23. I think having a strength bracelet allows you to carry a bit more, but I might be confusing A1 with BoA.
  24. I let weak summons take care of them, so at least I don't have to see them.
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