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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Who says an apocalypse has to be caused by nuclear warfare?
  2. Unlike soy, I find that rice milk takes vanilla flavoring quite well. I tend to be quite picky about real milk. I don't like 1% (milk fat or whatever you call it) milk, so I always go with 2%.
  3. Calculus is my largest class with 25 people, and I have a class with 23 and another with 20 (a choir). The other three classes don't even have 15 people. It's always nice to know your school district doesn't have to "import" teachers like Las Vegas does.
  4. I usually get rid of the skull after awhile because its sudden talking startles me, and then I bang my knee on the desk. Next time I play A3, I'm going to make sure it dies a fiery death in the roach pits.
  5. I usually only craft potions, but I keep a big stock of focusing crystals just in case. At some point in the game, I get so engrossed that I kind of forget about the crafters altogether.
  6. Is there really a need for schools to treat drug usage so severely? It seems that a lot of kids use marijuana to begin with, just that only a few of them ever get caught, so it doesn't seem to deter marijuana usage at all.
  7. Name: Excalibur Operating System: Windows XP (I have a Mac, but it won't work for this) E-mail: int80@sbcglobal.net Favorite Species of Bird: New Caledonian Crow
  8. "Subterranean Homesick Alien" for the win.
  9. Originally Posted By: avatar42 (oh, and did I mention the lack of kids?) I don't like this as well, though you have to consider how dangerous the lands in A5 are, and just how long those settlements have been around.
  10. Originally Posted By: Earth2025 Nephar: Hey Cordelia, cast Mass Sleep spell so we can loot this town. The mass sleep spell in the Exile series didn't cover a wide area though, unless you got lucky with the spray fields spell. Oh wait, this thread wasn't about Exile.
  11. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith I would write reviews, but I already wrote reviews elsewhere when the scenarios were fresh in my mind. If I ever get around to playing them again, I'll definately give a review. This. I've only reviewed Incorruptible here because I recently played it and I don't feel comfortable making a review if I don't remember all the details. Sure, I remember enough to give Valley of Dying Things a favorable rating, but I don't remember a lot of the details I liked about it, in addition to the ones I would criticize.
  12. So you're saying it's okay to give a rating without an explanation? I don't think saying "It is very, very, very bad." is much of an explanation.
  13. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Excalibur I learn because I choose to learn, and most of my learning happens outside of the classroom. Why should we keep forcing people to go to school if they don't want to learn to begin with? Because most of us are not okay with letting people grow up to be unemployable? I don't think it makes sense to not attend school either, but I think that's my choice to make and not other people's. Originally Posted By: Slarty 2) One size fits all educational standards make sense in younger grades, but by the time you get to high school, they're ridiculous. Practically all of Europe splits teenagers up depending on whether their inclinations are more academic, or more towards technical or trade studies. Belgium, for example, lacks our system in which students are assigned to public schools based on where they live. We end up having schools whose students are mostly poor, or mostly upper-class, etc. Letting parents decide what public school their child attends forces schools to compete for students (and funding, consequently).
  14. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Lengthening class periods, however, is a totally reasonable idea. Our school used to have 102 minute block periods. It didn't work out because a lot of kids simply don't have the attention span, and teachers would frequently complain about having to make a lesson plan for such a long class period (And much of the time, the lesson plan didn't actually accommodate the whole period and we'd end up with twenty to thirty minutes of free time).
  15. It is a guideline, but it was designed to discourage reviews like the one TM just made for Nephilim Mystery (which is what I was complaining about). Saying the scenario is bad and calling it poop without offering an explanation isn't helpful.
  16. So just because a scenario's particularly bad means we can ignore the 100 word requirement?
  17. Why should that be the decision of the federal government? Keep the feds out of it. (Side note: Stupid Bush and his No Child Left Behind Act) I learn because I choose to learn, and most of my learning happens outside of the classroom. Why should we keep forcing people to go to school if they don't want to learn to begin with?
  18. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity But at least you can see the percentage of health. When a monster is wounded, you probably saw it happen, so you have an idea of how much it took to bring it down as far as it is. But when you first meet a new monster you have no idea how much health its full red line represents. Ah the joy of Torment play, when you whack the horrible boss for enormous damage and its health line shrinks — imperceptibly. I thought you could use the look command on an NPC to determine how many hp it has.
  19. Originally Posted By: Earth2025 Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith And here I was looking forward to practicing cannibalism. Then party should be able to start fire somehow. There are such things as flame spells.
  20. Meh, they care too much about graphics. We were "@" symbols back in the old days.
  21. Callie


    Congrats! I had thought for a second that you left out the Nethergate picture...I would have been surprised.
  22. Why the need for all the re-installations? I've never had to do that with mine.
  23. I think it'd be cool if the abrupt starving noise from the Exile series came back. I kind of liked having the heck scared out of me...nostalgia ya know.
  24. Originally Posted By: Marak Quote: This has caused confusion before; people seem to assume the X is for Exile. <----- P.S. This thread has been brought to you by the Letter "X" and the number 3. I still watch Sesame Street every once in a while...
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