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Everything posted by Zummi

  1. Non-hostile spells to be exact, like summon spells, then again, who'll be summoning a giant rat against the Slith Horde?
  2. If you're really up to it, you can manage to cap Parry without putting points in it. Depending on your item choices and tenacity, you can get 17 Parry @ 56. Don't trust dodging. It will betray you and laugh at you. The end-combat trick is useful when you need to heal but cant spend a turn doing it.
  3. I hate the sparkles. It ain't gonna make me fly.
  4. Is the idea of pumping Arcane Lore, Tool Use, and maybe Nature Lore in character creation good for a singleton in Torment? Quote: "take on the aspect of a wild beast" An effective way I found around this unholiest upon unholy ability is to put up Bladeshield since the damage is physical. Even works against those f.o.e. with riposte's.
  5. If you're the sole hope of a dying nation, who cares about ethics?
  6. Zummi

    GDC 2010

    Heroes of Newerth won an award? Wow. Never knew that. I have to agree on Eph said about it. Sure S2 ain't one of the mainstream gaming companies but they already have an established company. Though, how does one describe an indie game developer now? Should it be one of those people whom you can only find in the deep recesses of the interwebz just to get a glimpse of a game in process that will never be completed? Or are they the ones not called Electronic Arts, Bioware, Ubisoft etc.? Sidenote: If anyone else is playing HoN. Hit me up, my username is Garche.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Well, Dikiyoba just ran a very quick test (on the Windows version). Dikiyoba was getting experience from selling skribbane but then stopped getting it. Not good. Wait. What? Crap! Really!? Oh no. How about for the Mac one?
  8. Synergy's item list list barriers that could either be pierced or dispelled.
  9. Also Luck increases hit chance. That's another point for investing in it.
  10. What would rather have as your defensive skill for a singleton? I know it's stupid pitting luck against parry but with it, you get a bonus to armor, resistance, and dodge while parry just gives you dodge albeit in greater value.
  11. You can defeat Talis-Eye with BC early. Use Unstable Thahds against him.
  12. Don't forget that the Mental Focus Charm is in there too.
  13. Zummi

    Movies 2009

    psssh, District 9 is overrated. my favorite was new moon.
  14. Roses of Reckoning has a dirt cheap trainer for Resistance. If you're going for survivability, train on Luck. I know I did when I did my torment singleton run of Exodus.
  15. can i be a strawberry thahd with chocolate sprinkles then?
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