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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Per Student of Trinity's request a separate topic to discuss common descent is now here. For those of you that missed it, the Science abstract about finding Tyranosaurus Rex proteins and a related article that the protein is closest to chicken. While this doesn't show that chickens are descended from T rexs, it is the first genetic proof that they have a common ancestor.
  2. You can't get out without Motrax waiting for you. If you really want the stuff then prepare for a nasty fight. That shade in the southwest lied about there being no alarm.
  3. Avernum 4 is hard in parts as a singleton in torment. I can think of several places that required several reloads as my character was destroyed by a stun loop or paralyzed by cold where I couldn't act. The fact that experience decreases so quickly as you increase in level really slows down advancement to the point that quests are the only real source of experience. Avernum 5 is supposed to be even harder for singletons in torment in an attempt to finally end this challenge.
  4. Avernum 4 is hard in parts as a singleton in torment. I can think of several places that required several reloads as my character was destroyed by a stun loop or paralyzed by cold where I couldn't act. The fact that experience decreases so quickly as you increase in level really slows down advancement to the point that quests are the only real source of experience. Avernum 5 is supposed to be even harder for singletons in torment in an attempt to finally end this challenge.
  5. The servile has an easier time than a warrior since he can gain magic spells easier and still make creations later on in the game when things start to get hard for him. The warrior is a weaker version of the guardian since all the other classes can make creations which was the guardian's main advantage as a fighter. DV you can keep up the game if you want. I think the hardest part at this point will be getting through the western part of Sandros Mine. Since you won't use magic you are severely going to be hit by essence shackle slowing by the Soul Twins and I don't think you have a strong enough creation to face the Old Golem. Most of Burwood won't be a challenge except the Western Morass.
  6. Stillness - I posted this before but it is more relevant now. How the information goes from the eye to the brain . This site has a refutation of Behe's argument that the pathway from the eye to the brain is too complex to have evolved. Basically it shows that in the simplest organisms that have some type of photorecptor system for light detection the method is simple ion transfer chemistry and not a complex protien system. The current complex protien system that we use is a later evolved system, but we can still tranfer information using a more primitive system.
  7. For facing that vlish instead of making another vlish, you could try making a few fyoras to swarm the four images to find the right one. I know you don't want to use temporary creations. The worst part is the four images split up to attack. You could try luring them into the eastern room.
  8. This might work at Rocky Point. Stay near the entrance and wait for the roving roamer patrol to go past. I forget if there are three or four of those that split into worms. Go for the last one each time as they circle so you don't have to deal with the rest. On speed spores you should be able to kill half of them before the worms get to move. Hopefully you don't have to fight the lashing roamers at the same time. The rescue of the Rebels isn't too bad if you don't mind losing some experience losing some Rebels. Speed spores and let them help even up the odd.
  9. Depends how you use the mule PC. It sucks off experience if you keep him/her around all the time. If you wait until the area is totally clear to create and then delete after unloading in town, then it doesn't matter. Some people also create a temporary PC just to unlock doors.
  10. Depends how you use the mule PC. It sucks off experience if you keep him/her around all the time. If you wait until the area is totally clear to create and then delete after unloading in town, then it doesn't matter. Some people also create a temporary PC just to unlock doors.
  11. You went in through the kiln side!!! No wonder you had trouble after facing the hell hounds and then the vlish. It's marginally easier from the entrance side. Maybe you should try the Electrified Fields for some easy experience. I'm surprised that you are lasting this long without crystals. You have all those roamer packs to fight in Rocky Point that are going to be a problem.
  12. Just explore since you want to be powerful when you go in to it. Buy a boat and explore the islands and along the shore. You can get some experience and have a quick retreat when you have trouble.
  13. Also if you are just a little bit off melee range when you are out of spell energy you can lose the attack because the game treats it as a failed missle attack.
  14. z0rebbasedlg.txt is the name of the text file being replaced in the Geneforge 4 files folder. z0 is the zone number and rebbase is a longer name to help identify the zone. dlg refers to the type of file since some zones have 2 files.
  15. No Cryodrayks are the level 3 version of drayks after you have used 3 drayk canisters. I didn't find them that much better since they cost more essence and run out of spell energy for missle attacks.
  16. Cryoa even work with undead if you don't mind that they have to bite them. You really need to raise endurance as soon as you can. I found that you can wander through the dumping pit's poisonous atmosphere and shrug off the damage except for that box in the corner.
  17. You get to drakons, gazers, and war tralls in the last part of the game. The first that you can get is gazers in Quessa-Uss and the rest in the Grayghost Mountains.
  18. Always have a complete back up of the game and your saved games. Usually you replace a text file in the game with the editor and then play the game for that zone. You will get additional dialog when you tallk to someone or in one case look at the sign in the first zone where you start.
  19. Out of curiousity, which version of C++ did you use to compile the code and did you use any special features that aren't standard ASCII? This can sometimes cause compilation errors.
  20. Going north to Formello runs the risk of being chased by large bandit groups before you are ready.
  21. Oozing sword is hidden in the Warded Sea Caves if I remember correctly. Viper's touch is a reward in Burwood area. Check the links for Synergy's item list for an idea of what is available and when.
  22. I would have held off on mechanics of 12 until after the Cairns gate. Since you are so high in mechanics I assumed that you hit the Boiling Mudpits for the easy experience. High mechanics really hurts in the early part of the game except for the extra experience and being able to save living tools. It will be interesting to see how you do in Sandros Mines. Daze is really useful in the early game to keep from getting swarmed. It's harder to edge up and just get one at a time from most of those groups.
  23. It used to be OS 9 with a small patch for the application file that you clicked on that was upgraded to OS X. I supposed that Jeff now only has the OS X version available for download. You might be able to find the older version on an old CD-ROM as a demo file that could be installed and uses your current preference file to register it.
  24. You can't go west of the sealed gates in the Turabi Gates zone. Drayks have the advantage that they never run out of spell energy during combat. Wingbolts do more damage and their melee attack with poison isn't that bad. They are a little more fragile, but if you kill your opponents it doesn't really matter. Kyshakks are a little less damaging in the initial round, but they continue damaging with their lightning aura attack and they have enough health to survive most attacks.
  25. Except for advice on specific parts of the game like locating items, there is no right answer for creating a party and playing. Do try to use proper spelling since you will get picked on about it.
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