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Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas

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Everything posted by Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas

  1. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Originally Posted By: Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas Originally Posted By: Karoka I thought China was communist. Yes, but it's the people's republic of chinese communism. What they call it is meaningless. East Germany proclaimed themselves the Democratic Republic of Germany, even though their "democracy" was a rigged process which denied its citizens any real control of the government. Anyway, is China a communist nation, or a socialist nation? Often times the two terms are used interchangeably, but I believe they have distinct meanings. Yes, thank you. In case you completely missed the point I was being, what's the english word for this? Not sarcastic, I want to say pedantic maybe.
  2. Originally Posted By: Karoka I thought China was communist. Yes, but it's the people's republic of chinese communism.
  3. Originally Posted By: AethirWeb So then I guess it's like this, Sword = Long, Sharp Pointy shard of Metal on a stick Dirk = Really really short sword Dagger = Butterknife made for combat A dirk, from what I understand is pretty much something in between a gladius and a stiletto. A dagger is bigger than a bowie knife, at least two hands long in order to have any real effect in combat. Originally Posted By: AethirWeb How about this challenge, the Attack of the Stick build. I want to see who could beat GeneForge 3 wielding only a stick aided by a limit of three creations on torment. >=) A4 does the stick tank very well. With 30 total spread around melee, strength and blademaster (really easy to come by what with bless, item bonuses, ec.), you will consistently deal more damage than you would with the puresteel soulblade or whatever it's called. You can deal almost as much damage with a stick as with a halberd though with a good shield, your defence will be much better.
  4. Originally Posted By: Karoka I thought a dirk was a really really short sword. . . And what, may I ask, is a dagger?
  5. Originally Posted By: Randomizer A few members have used memorable Alorael quotes as their signatures. One time a member changed his PDN to Alorael using Hebrew characters. So it wasn't a complete impersonation. Really? Who/when was this. Anyway, off to change my PDN... EDIT: it wont let me.
  6. Wow, talk about necromancy. I had forgotten about this run and I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. Don't expect an answer, by the way. This topic is from 5 years ago (before I got drafted - wow, was it so long ago?), so chances are whoever wrote that isn't here anymore.
  7. "I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Jefferson
  8. Originally Posted By: tehpineapple I don't need an extra pair of pants to leave on a rune at the end or anything like that? +1 For being the best part of A3.
  9. Originally Posted By: tehpineapple agreed, you should always know where your unsellable trowel is. FYT
  10. I could kiss you. I can't host them, but if you can send me a link, I'll download them so the next time this happens I can hopefully (lacking any total system failure) send them out to all interested parties.
  11. Pachtar's Plate? In the demo? No. Just no.
  12. I've got to say that I'm kinda dissapointed that so far I'm the only one to have voted for blades. Seriously, by themselves most of the 24 hour and 1/10 scenarios by themselves were better than A4. And the great part is that it's a neverending adventure. You can literally play blades for weeks and never worry because in no time at all there will be more scenarios to play.
  13. Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone Also, another question: I'm running tests to see the maximum amount of stat points you can boost yourself with items (roughly 190 with STR INT DEX END and over 6000 with weapon and magic proficiencies) and ran into an odd one: when my luck goes above 9, the game freezes any time I enter combat. Anyone know why? I've done a few tests on this back when G1 came out and it's been the same in all subsequent gf and av games. My hypothesis is that your turn order (which is affected by luck as well as dexterity) is too high and wrapping over to a negative, which means that either your turn is skipped endlessly or the game crashes.
  14. Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam son of Godo Wow. I lost my thread already. WHOA! WHOA, BOY! Easy, boy, easy. Yea. You're going to see a lot of that here.
  15. They have a lightning-bolt icon in the corner. Click on this icon to use it.
  16. In a6 bf is useless. There are other ways to gain the effect that it gives. And as far as I remember there is no boost to damage.
  17. I'm really going to have to start remembering this stuff better. Ash I think I knew. Wasn't he the one that JV permabanned for quoting him in a way that made it seem like he didn't want people to buy A4? And who says that I can't get into banfights over you all being white devils?
  18. Originally Posted By: Lilith i'm surprised and slightly disappointed by the lack of mockery in your post. Having fun playing with yourself, you dirty sinner? You'll suffer for eternity in hell for that! Fun fact: In Judaism, gentiles don't have to worry about hell as long as they don't break any of the seven noahite laws. In that case, the longest possible sentence is 9 months. In the end, everyone makes it to heaven.
  19. Well this is all news to me. Best of luck to Marlenny and Creator. I don't know if they still even frequent these forums. Creator I don't think I know aside from his scenarios; before my time. Lilith, I'm surprised you had the courage to come out with that (on teh internets no less). I suppose she it is from now on. If I may, I hope you manage to cope with your family. I think I know something of religious fundies (as I am one, that's not too hard), and I know how news that's not to their liking is treated with scorn if not outright rejection. But my family have had several years to deal with my aunt's transgender issues, and we've gotten over it.
  20. His website mentioned that he's a guy. And turned 35 in 08 if that's of interest to anybody.
  21. Originally Posted By: Sarachim I doubt this is what Lilith was thinking at the time, but now that I've said it she can take credit for it if she wants. So all this time Thuryl's really been a girl. Huh. I wonder what Marlenny's take on all this is. EDIT: Or was it Kel she was dating? And didn't she break up with whoever it was? Just goes to show how long I haven't been here.
  22. Huh, I had the same problem back when I give it my second go years ago. After a couple of TM scenarios I simply had to play a decent scenario again just to make sure it wasn't really me spouting all the psychobabble nonsense. (God, how I hate you, TM.) Anyway, back to the point, I hit this bug that hadn't occurred on the first playthrough. So I restarted it, just to make sure. Hit it again and gave up. Couldn't figure out for the life of me what caused it; I had played through once sans bugs. I was using Win XP for all runs. Can't tell you just how frustrated I was that I was stuck with all that post-post-postmodernist [censored] (or whatever TM's philosophy was at the time,) still stuck in my head. Oh well, I played Bahss over again with a seriously overpowered party.
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