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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. Quote: Originally written by Drew: the firesphere from Book 3(?) Given that it was the Kalte Firesphere, yes, it had to have been from Book 3.
  2. Hmm, Kass won't heal it? Now I have to check up on this. Lava Ocean, yes?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Just... don't think too hard about the racial undertones in some of them. (Undertones? Ha ha. More like overtones.) Joe Dever's probably a BNP voter now. I took it as typical fantasy fare; Tolkien's just as bad or worse, and that's trickled down into lots of other authors as a result.
  4. I just re-read the Lone Wolf books. They were my original introduction to fantasy literature at about age 5, and they're now free online at Project Aon . Freakin' awesome.
  5. I don't know anything, but it may be useful to look here for some of that as you wait for someone more knowledgeable to respond.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: It's like a pretty blue bottle full of sadness. I feel like this description needs to make it into a game somehow.
  7. Xel: Never make posts that only comment on thread revival. That is spam. If you must comment on the thread revival, make sure to answer the question when you do so. (This, lacking an answer to the question, is saved from being spam only by being a rule clarification.)
  8. Given that the title says "iMac," I doubt it's a Vista problem. When my sound goes wrong for some reason, I open up GarageBand, let it initialize, and then close it, and that almost always fixes the problem. It might even help here, too.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Diprosopus: Although I recognize that the player must get whatever she or he wants, so if the player wants a big battle at the end, who am I to disagree? After all, the septuagenarian eskimos are always right. FYT.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Celtic Minstrel: It may be harder for some Mac users to do this. Preview will do it, and all reasonably current Macs have Preview.
  11. Oh, right, species. The slimes are set to species 10 (slime/plant), so that can't be the source of the problem.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: I think slimes are innately immune to webbing. No, they're not. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to make anything immune to webbing, and the slimes certainly are not, because the hint file documents what I actually did, and the hint files says that Bind Foe is effective against them. There's nothing wrong with the code, but there's so much wrong with BoA (apparently) that it's hard to know what the problem is. Note that you have to cast Bind Foe at least two or three times before you should notice any effect. Let me know if you cast it four or five times on a creature and it can still move; if so, something's wrong.
  13. Yeah, that was during a time when I wasn't even able to look at BoA stuff, so it just got lost in the shuffle. Okay, Turtle, here's what you do to fix the spell. Go into the folder called "Exodus." Open the document "exodus.txt" (or possibly just "exodus" if you don't have the extensions visible). Find this bit of text in it: Code: beginstate 23; // casting Capture Soul // PS 10, 15 SP // effect 4, sound 90 if (get_stat(who_used_custom_item(),12) < 10) { print_str("Your Priest Spells is not high enough to cast Capture Soul."); end(); } if (get_energy(who_used_custom_item()) < 15) { print_str("You do not have enough energy to cast Capture Soul."); end(); } // Level check: // (your level) + ((your PS + your Magery) / 4) + ((your CS skill) * 10) if (get_level( // long line deleted to prevent board stretching print_str("Your power is not high enough to capture this creature."); end(); } if (func_return == 0) { reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"You must now enter which slot you want to save the creature into. Enter a numeral between 1 and 4 inclusive.",0); next_state = 24; set_state_continue(51); } func_return = 0; deduct_ap(5); change_char_energy(who_used_custom_item(),-15); set_flag(294,i,creature_type(who_is_custom_item_target())); put_effect_on_char(who_is_custom_item_target(),4,4,0); run_animation_sound(90); break; Change this line: Code: next_state = 24; to this: Code: next_state = 23; While you're at it, in the next state (a few lines down), find this line: Code: next_state = 25; and change it to this: Code: next_state = 24; Let me know if that fixes Capture Soul and Recall Soul. If so, I'll upload the fixed version to my website.
  14. Bind Foe should really put a stop to them. If you cast it two or three times on anything, that thing should be out for a long while. I don't have any idea why that wouldn't work. Nioca, if you e-mailed me about a problem with Capture Soul, it must have been at a time when I wasn't able to maintain Exodus at all, because I don't remember even attempting to do something about it (and, frustratingly, I can't find the e-mail now). I used Capture Soul a lot during my various play-throughs, and I never had trouble with it, so I have no idea (none) why it would be acting up like this. The code is really straightforward. If you could do me a favor, I might be able to figure out something. Use Capture Soul, and tell me if you get the dialogue about putting the creature in a particular slot (1-4). If so, put it in slot 1, and then insert the following code in the scenario script's START_STATE: Code: print_num(get_flag(294,1)); Load your save file and tell me what number prints when you walk around and after you try to capture something's soul.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Lucidus: Does anyone else think it would be a Very Good Thing if there were some standard way of indicating the version of a scenario? Even something as simple as including the version number in the name of the parent folder would suffice, if everybody did it. I think most designers use the "version" field in the editor. However, checking it requires actually opening the scenario in the editor and looking at "Basic Scenario Details" in the Scenario menu, which is not very player-friendly. All of my scenarios have the version number in the readme, too, but this is not a universal practice.
  16. I feel a Dr. Strangelove quote coming on.
  17. If I could once and for all get rid of the two or three Unhandled Exceptions that semi-regularly occur, I'd be very happy. Unfortunately, this requires access to BoA-Windows, and I don't have that at the moment.
  18. Mac BoA graphics are in a cmg resource file. Windows BoA graphics are in BMPs. Unfortunately for Windows designers, only Macs can handle cmgs at all.
  19. Code: beginstate 23; if (get_flag(0,23) > 0) end(); message_dialog("With no where else to go, and an army of muffins nearby, you step into the portal hoping Iffy wouldn't send you to your doom",""); toggle_quest(0,0); move_to_new_town(3,18,15); set_flag(0,23,1); break; Reverse the order of the move_to_new_town() and the set_flag(). The town script stops running after a move_to_new_town().
  20. Quote: Originally written by Iffy: ...wow. I really messed up. Is this common among new scripters? Yes. Oh, yes. It just takes some practice.
  21. Quote: Originally written by xerex: I think it would really be in Jeff's interest to release some modding tools unless it is prohibitively time-consuming. Turns out it is prohibitively time-consuming. (See Blades of Avernum, "Nearly The End of Spiderweb As We Knew It.")
  22. For reference, there's this , which is linked in the board header.
  23. I believe that's exactly what it does. EDIT: Randomizer is just slightly faster than I am.
  24. Quick checking suggests that probably you just need to open the scenario with the scenario editor, go to the Scenario menu, select the option "Set Variable Town Entry", and change the first row of entries from "21 100 0" to look like the others, "-1 0 0".
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