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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. For that matter, you will start getting game errors (which don't affect anything but look bad) as you pass level 50 or 60 or 70 (depending heavily on your stats). The game clearly becomes a little clunky at high double digits.
  2. Now up to 1998 in the X-Books, and I should be moving forward again soon. Also starting on Discworld myself (with The Color of Magic), and I'm tempted by Mistborn. Like many, I first heard of Sanderson when he took over the last book of WoT after Robert Jordan's death, and I read a large chunk of his blog at one point to see where AMoL stands. Seems like a good writer and a neat guy.
  3. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I think your problem is that you have to physically transfer on the hard disk each scenario folder into the Blades of Avernum Scenario folder. This folder comes blank so that when you play the game you only can access the scenarios that you want. Really? In the Windows download, they don't start in the Scenarios folder? That's an odd decision on Jeff's part, if true.
  4. In other words, you'd only ever use a set_state_continue in a terrain script for the same reasons you'd use set_state_continue in a town script.
  5. Okay, likely final version uploaded. This version should be good enough to be a 1.0, but it's still called "beta" in case anyone comes up with anything to change in the next week or two.
  6. On Mac, they can replace the existing PC graphics directly from a cmg file. LP, for instance, does this.
  7. Oh, I meant I know the story of Myst III (did play it at one point) but don't know the story of how Narayan's name ended up being what it is. Oh well. I suppose it doesn't matter.
  8. Um... I don't actually know. I had that thought, too, but I'm not really sure what the story is. I guess the name could be changed, if it's distracting.
  9. I just discovered that the 3D Editor (uh, I think I have the latest version, but I haven't updated in, like, at least a year) doesn't reproduce a graphic glitch that appears in the real game. If a corner of two walls is on a spot that is elevated, BoA shows the cliff in the next room over, though the 3D Editor does not. See Nobody's Heroes, town 6, space (25,21) as viewed from, say, (22,24) as an example.
  10. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Do joined NPCs use basicnpc.txt for all states other than DEATH_STATE, or do they use some internal, inaccessible script? I believe it's the latter. Let me check.... EDIT: Yes, a quick test suggests that it's the latter. For whatever bizarre reason.
  11. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel I was recently wondering – if you have less than 4 party members, is it possible to make more than 2 NPCs join your party at the same time? I think no. But it seems like creations could just as well be NPCs that just follow you around as they could be real joined NPCs.
  12. Yeah, I kinda thought the flowers and the mushrooms clashed, too. But there seems to be disagreement. But then, it's not as bright without the mushrooms.
  13. I've uploaded a slightly revised version. Several typos are corrected, and the day/night thing in Pleasant Town Inn should work. Some options for the Perilous Path: Flowers with mushrooms Flowers only Mushrooms only Prettiest?
  14. There are no crime tolerances set. That seems to be the source of the problem.
  15. It can definitely be done. The only questions are: how frustrating would it be to create, and how awkward would the end product look? My feeling is that it would probably be about as awkward as special spells usually are.
  16. It was fine on the previous version of ezBoard. The upgrade broke it. I have it in a text file if anybody wants it.
  17. Eh. Couldn't it just be a dark town with a few torches? What does "night" actually mean for BoA?
  18. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I'll test, but only on the condition that the title is actually a Rush quote. The original tag line, before "Fortune and glory!! Or something." was "I knew he was different in his sexuality." Originally Posted By: Lazarus. -The nighttime scene at the inn should be, well, night. What's the simplest way to accomplish this?
  19. It was this: http://thelyceum.yuku.com/topic/1925/t/Custom-Objects-Script-Base.html
  20. I'm a week late, but yes, it's worth noting that my Custom Objects Script Base (god knows where it is, now) has all the unused default graphics, including four books (I think two of the five are identical, so I didn't bother with repeats, but I don't really remember). There were a LOT of unused default graphics.
  21. Ev: Sounds as though you gave up too soon. The beginning of Legends is somewhat agonizing, and I think the only reason I was able to survive it was that I was too busy trying to figure out what was going on to be too embarrassed for Caramon. You need to get to Istar before it gets good, and when it gets good, it gets significantly better than Chronicles ever was. Pitchblack: Whew, the War of Souls trilogy. Not their best effort.
  22. The thing that I liked about Dragonlance (at least the Weis and Hickman books) is that, while the characters were obviously designed by committee to be certain archetypes, they were not shallow. Raistlin Majere, for instance, clearly comes from the "sympathetic villain with a good streak" and "mysterious dark mage" archetypes, but simply knowing that doesn't tell you who Raistlin is. I think a lot of people just see that the characters are drawn from archetypes and immediately think that they are cliche, and then their brains shut off and they don't notice any of the subtleties. I started with the Legends series, which meant that I was immediately faced with stuff that was not archetypal or cliche (Caramon's drunkenness, etc.).
  23. I'm finally up through the Age of Apocalypse (1995) in the X-Books. Most of the major series (Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, Cable, X-Force, even X-Factor) have been pretty great in the early '90s, but Excalibur really tanked after it stopped being funny around #60 or so. I'm hoping that a series with Nightcrawler and Shadowcat can't be boring for long, though. Age of Apocalypse is quite enjoyable, and I have high hopes for the X-Man series. Nate Grey seems pretty cool, though you probably need the Cable/Cyclops/Jean Grey/Sinister context to get why.
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