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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. Originally Posted By: *i It is admitted weird reading this ten year old argument. It felt like one of those black and white flashbacks you see in movies. I didn't notice until Djur pointed it out later that it was mostly Djur defending Solberg against everybody else.
  2. Originally Posted By: Ephesos For reference, Kelandon's slith scenarios do kinda riff off of a bunch of very well-entrenched stories. And I'm still waiting for the author of the Bible to sue me.
  3. Originally Posted By: Imban Originally Posted By: Thuryl Hint: what do skulls normally do? Remain comfortably inside your head? I was thinking, "House brains?" Didn't quite seem like the intention either.
  4. This is the place. You're not likely to get a much better response than you got here. You could try Shadow Vale, I guess.
  5. So how in the heck do you fix that?
  6. Could you just make customizable hotkeys?
  7. Originally Posted By: Niemand I bet what's happening is that Jeff forgot to put in any bounds checking (does this sound familiar?) Ach, any time you get a crash like this (game fully quits), an out-of-bounds parameter is responsible 99% of the time.
  8. Originally Posted By: Niemand (Making the user press keys with no indication of which keys to press, or what they do is far from ideal.) You could, like, write documentation or something.
  9. Some of the error-handling code is different or at least behaves different (hence Unhandled Exceptions on Windows, not on Mac). I've seen the equivalent of UEs on Mac, though, sometimes in really, really bizarre situations. Heck, I could take a look, too, if for some reason Niemand can't replicate the crash.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Edit: Also, as Dikiyoba just pointed out, BoA DOES already have an option not to take up the full screen. It's in the preferences window. Which makes this completely non-news, unless I'm missing something.
  11. I like the idea of four-way options. I do like gridlines when zoomed out sometimes.
  12. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan By the way, have you checked the <title> tag on the cookbook page recently? ;-) I wouldn't have had to check it *recently* to spot that error. I haven't changed that page since it was first put up. My website is due for an update (at least fixing the Links), so I'll deal with this now. EDIT: Okay, update done.
  13. I'm a little late to the party, but I second the suggestion to use Alint. Alint is your friend. Alint makes your life better.
  14. Okay, two things: you need to look at other people's code and read the editor documentation for a while. You're going to be hopelessly lost unless you do that. Second, you need to read the game's error messages. If you see an error message when a town script loads or when a state is supposed to run, then NOTHING will work after that. Scripts stop running when they reach an error. Here's an example of the "code =" feature being used (stolen out of Bahssikava): Code: begintalknode 7; state = 4; personality = 151; nextstate = 5; condition = 1; question = "Freed?"; text1 = "_Our leader, Voss, managed it somehow. He has freed a number of us from servitude at the hands of the demons. It does not matter. Our freedom is only a temporary reprieve unless you defeat the demon lord."; text2 = "_I know you are here to fight Nolagh-Khar, and I will help you as much as I can, but I am afraid that is not much. I can tell you that the eldest son in this house was training to be a warrior, and you can find some potions in his room."; text3 = "_I know also that a large number of slith spirits are kept in a large crystal south of here. It is heavily guarded, and it has a magical system to prevent meddling by anyone who is not authorized, but I think there are holes in its protection."; text4 = "_That is all the help I can give. I must go now and deal with events in the western mines. Good luck. We are all depending on you._"; code = if (get_flag(14,21)) remove_string(3); set_flag(15,28,1); erase_char(65); end();break; This causes a character to vanish at the end of the conversation, IIRC, but set_attitude() would work much the same way. At least one reason your message_dialog() calls aren't working is that they only have one string in them. You want every message_dialog() call to be formatted message_dialog("",""), even if you've got nothing in the second string.
  15. The Help menu is not normally used for that sort of thing. Maybe you could make another menu or something. Also, an arbitrary keyboard shortcut seems better than a counter-intuitive one.
  16. Originally Posted By: Duck Vader Edit2: I want the guy to turn hostile after the dialog, but it doesn't say anything about it in the instruction file thing. Does anyone know how? You have to use "code =" to do this. If I remember this correctly off the top of my head, the call you want is set_attitude().
  17. I'm pretty sure that he said that open-sourcing BoA was part of the plan for the distant future but not any time soon. He said this some while ago, so the distant future is nearer than it was then, but I think we're still not there yet. How's that for specifics?
  18. I assume that somebody has already pointed out that that name ("Platapi") is an abomination on several fronts. I have mixed feelings about WoT. Stopping at 6 does make sense. I think I'm going to re-read the whole thing this summer, though, in advance of Book 12 coming out (and, as I've alluded to earlier, I do think that Book 12 is going to be good, probably as good as or better than anything since about Book 6).
  19. Kelandon


    I've said before that I think that BoA-ASR is worse and BoA-ZKR better (for BoA) than BoE-ASR and BoE-ZKR. BoA-ASR is missing things that would be expected of a BoA scenario like it (more vibrant cut scenes, action sequences) but that would be less expected of a BoE scenario. Unless I misunderstood something, Jeff was aware of the poor reputation of BoE-ZKR and made deliberate improvements for BoA. The result, though, is that ZKR has a worse reputation and ASR a better than they deserve based strictly on BoA. I never did get anywhere in DWtD, so I can't say anything about it.
  20. Script typo. You can start over after redownloading and it should be fixed. Lazarus, the designer makes a special request: "The current scenario is released, so it can be hosted at databases, but I don't want it rated on CSR. If you (or whoever) would, please make the usual topic on CSR, state in it that the designer has requested that Nobody's Heroes not be rated, and lock the topic."
  21. Originally Posted By: Niemand Basically what it comes down to is that it could be done, but to do it at all could take years for multiple people, and that's to say nothing of doing it well. Right, so, that's why I asked what I asked. Screw doing it right. I'm wondering if it would be possible to put together a crappily-coded, Mac-only program that basically just linked those three programs: place a special rectangle and up comes the town script at that particular state, or find a menu option that says, "Edit custom graphics," and the custom graphics sheet pops up. It would be painfully clunky, of course, but could it be done?
  22. By the way, how hard would it be to integrate AScript and Graphic Adjuster into the 3D Editor? People have wanted an integrated design program for some time, and that would be one way to make it.
  23. Ach, I could've sworn calls were case sensitive. Are they really not? PRINT_STR works?
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