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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. You basically have it. The chance is influenced by your current SP, I think by your Intelligence, and definitely by wearing a Ring of Will. It is decreased if you are dumbfounded. You will usually win if you are wearing a Ring of Will, and do quite a bit of damage: not only can you recover and even supplement your natural SP that way, once you have reduced enemy SP, it will dumbfound them, and even kill them. I won't spoil anything, but Mindduel is the intended solution to one very important fight, very late in the game. Solberg talks about this.
  2. Original BoE will not run, or will not run easily, on most modern computers. I don't understand the fuss, though: how hard can it be to make a preferences item that says "leave rarely encounted exploits and bugs that some old scenarios make use of intact" and then make the relevant lines of code conditional based on that boolean?
  3. I tested this a long time ago and couldn't find any damage adjustments beyond what would be explained by level-based changes to strength. However, we're talking A4 or maybe even G3 here, and I'm not sure how conclusive my conclusions were either. More recently, somebody asserted there is actually a percentage shift in damage received. So it's hard to say, really. It definitely does affect enemy levels and basic stats though, which is why Daze (for example) is less likely to work on harder levels.
  4. CECIL: What's wrong? PALOM: It smells! POROM: Like a monster! BAIGAN: Where?
  5. In this case, they were actually better, because EVERYTHING ELSE had its damage reduced: not just allied creation attacks, but PC spells, PC melee and missile attacks, and enemy attacks as well. There were other general balance shifts, particularly in terms of HP and Endurance, and enemy level, that were made to compensate. So the Vlish really is better in the context of G3, not just better compared to other creations.
  6. Arguments could be made for Shanti, Sharon and Khyryk to go on the best list. There are some other, pretty noble individuals, too -- they just aren't as memorable as the bizarre eugenicists.
  7. The numbers don't agree with you. In G1, Vlish were very good. One of the best creations in fact, they nonetheless rolled smaller dice for damage than any other creation did. However, in both G2 and G3, the size of almost all damage dice shrank -- dramatically in G3, when most melee dice went from d8 to d4. However, Vlish ranged attacks never had their dice shrink. So the Vlish in G3 actually has an attack with larger dice than most other attacks, in addition to being cheap and recruitable early in the game that gives the largest advantage to long-surviving creations. See this analyrrative: http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=62244#Post62244
  8. I don't think it's QUITE that cut and dry: Drayks and Cryodrayks have no competition as "strongest creations" in G1, but on the other hand, the Vlish is the only way to consistently slow enemies, and due to the stat system, high level Artila and Vlish (both very cheap) are nearly as good as Drayks and Cryodrayks: they do less damage, but aren't significantly weaker in any other way, and the acid/slow makes up somewhat for the damage. The real bonus for using them is that they are so cheap in essence: you can neglect your Intelligence and still have an army of 7 with essence to spare. Additionally, Fire Shaping costs 150% the skill points of Magic Shaping. This means you get 30 free skill points for going the Magic route, AND your creation levels ramp up a lot faster -- and since the Artila and Vlish are better than the Fyora and Roamer anyway, this is really noticeable early on.
  9. http://www.macgamefiles.com/detail.php?item=12146
  10. Whoops, you're right! In G1, the quiet marshes freakout has this condition: get_sdf(100,0) > 5 And the G1 canister script already has the code to increment said SDF. It just isn't used for anything except the quiet marshes dialogue, plus one slight dialogue difference with Anya, I believe.
  11. Yeah, canister use does not trigger anything in G1. It was a novelty when it was tracked in G2, and a dialogue at Freegate makes a big deal of this as I recall
  13. Originally Posted By: Microvenator flames... flames... the flames on my body as I tried over an over to reach them... burn scars... even on his face Edit: And I almost forgot: the player of Dikiyoba, no less!
  14. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: The Mystic Maybe if Dikiyoba ever gets the urge to write another Spiderweb episode, it could be called "Return of the Oldbies." Actually, saying "if" doesn't reset the timer; saying "when" does. THE DEMON OF GOOD TASTE *AND* THE NINE-HEADED CAVE COW FROWN UPON THE DISHONEST MANIPULATION OF LANGUAGE. IMPLICATIVE TIME IS CLEAR AS WHEN, OR CLEARER EVEN THAN. YOUR WEAKEST INK, GOODBYE! THOU RUNNEST IN FINK
  15. Quiconque


    This one really did sound like a Scorpius topic, for at least the first sentence.
  16. Infontainment: les enfants de la télé.
  17. Originally Posted By: Kelandon Nine years doesn't seem that much less than eight, nowadays. Heretical implantee!
  18. Both Mac and Windows have options (built-in, to the best of my knowledge) to magnify the screen in certain places. Yes, this is all mouse- and keyboard-controlled, so it is a hassle if you are doing it constantly, but that is at least a temporary solution.
  19. Verb? Look in one of the G3 FAQs at GameFAQs. There's probably one there, or you can just control-F for them. This thread is five years old, G3 is older, and I doubt anyone's going to generate that information at this point if it isn't out there already.
  20. Hopefully it does not mean an endless horde of clawbug-doppelgangers
  21. rules : game :: words : language The actual selection of what word to use for what significand is arbitrary; however, for the language to work, you must have words; you must have words for certain types of concepts; and the words must fit together in a coherent and meaningful way. So it is with game rules.
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