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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Yeah, ironically, I was going off of one of those FAQs that I recently told you not to trust for technical information in another thread
  2. Quiconque


    There probably needs to be demand for SW games in a country with few English speakers for that to happen.
  3. Quiconque


    What made it sound like I had a good experience? I'm just saying that it clearly makes adjustments based on syntax. Its adjustments often fail to conform to actual syntax, but that's a different issue.
  4. If you're aiming for simplicity, why roll a bunch of dice in the first place?
  5. Quiconque


    That's definitely not true. It's not even true if you meant "word order" and not "syntax," which I'm guessing you do. Google Translate's grasp of syntax is rather lacking. But it does pay attention to it. It doesn't alter word order frequently, but it will do so, especially when words don't translate on a 1:1 basis, as is common.
  6. "Do you think Leena thpontaneouthry combuthted?"
  7. Quiconque


    I doubt that Khoth made that up. It sounds exactly like a round trip babelfish translation. JRPG: All your fortress of doom are belong to us? Also, MagmaDragoon. Wow. Blast from the past there.
  8. So basically, each level of skill you have gives you an average of 3 points towards beating the DC of an attack, bluff, or whatever. There is substantial randomness involved when your skill level is low, and less when it is high. But basically, this is just comparing 3 x skill level with the DC, and throwing in a bunch of randomness. That's your core mechanic?
  9. Originally Posted By: Brocktree I have no problem with the graphics. What I do find annoying is the GUI. Why the hell does the actual game screen only occupy half of the screen, and the world screen cover 1/4? When you have a whole screen to work with, why not use it, instead of producing a GUI that causes eye strain? Because at the time, standard screen resolution for Macs was 640 x 480, and Macs with smaller screens were still around. So it did occupy most of the screen. Your monitor has just grown. A lot.
  10. Quiconque


    I didn't realize Basilisk's efforts failed. Both Eschalon games contain probably less than 1% the dialogue of a SW game, and I don't think that's an exaggeration. So if it doesn't work for Eschalon, doing it for SW seems futile.
  11. That really isn't true. OBoE has already fixed and tweaked numerous bugs that were essentially impossible for scenario designers to plan around, either because of their nature, or because they were impossible to discover without looking at the code. The "lack of outcry" is because pretty much all the people who designed scenarios back in the day left the community before the BoE source code was released. The few who are still here no longer design for BoE, and there aren't many players around either. So the people participating in these conversations seem to consist of: - 1 person who currently/recently designs scenarios using BoE, and therefore does not care about legacy considerations - a handful of programmers who, as far as I am aware, were never involved with BoE before the source code was released This is not a criticism in any way; I just want to point out WHY there is no "outcry." That's why I post in these topics: somebody needs to speak for the dead, here. The fact is that the corpus of existing BoE scenarios designed using in the original, buggy version of BoE is HUGE AND MASSIVE AND EXTENSIVE, and it is really not foreseeable that OBoE will generate more than a tiny handful of scenarios to add to that massive pile. Therefore, if you are "fixing" problems that older scenarios may have already had their own workarounds for, you are completely missing the point.
  12. I'm not sure why you keep saying that. Between gathering the images, gathering all the data (quite an exhaustive amount, on Silver's maps, from many different sources), making it all look nice, and dealing with technical and practical issues, it's quite an extensive undertaking.
  13. On the last point: possibly, no. The original game used item fields somewhat inconsistantly. Look at where regenerating items actually have their strength listed in the item data. This is one of those things to be VERY careful with, since existing scenarios may have used the "item level" field for regenerating item strength for custom items. Really, if there's ANY chance somewhat designed AROUND the existing bug, you either need to craft a custom solution, or more likely, only change it when you branch it!
  14. Originally Posted By: GingerGlaahk Another thing that I noticed that in combat, if a press a quickly enough after attacking, I can squeeze another ability - for example, after attacking, I can summon a Hellhound. Uh oh. Can anyone else verify this? Sounds like an ugly bug.
  15. Personally, I hate having scrollbars within web pages anyway. Scrollbars on static dialogue boxes are one thing, because the scrollbars always appear in the same place. But on a web page their position can vary as you scroll the page itself up and down. Something about that just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  16. Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam, Lord of Song Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Once upon a time, Alorael was not the only one who changed his name. I myself have at least two — possibly just two — changes to go, while I am still here. I do it occasionally, remember? No, I don't, mainly because I have no idea who you are. People who changes their avatars all the time, but rarely change PDNs, are easy to recognize (say, Dintiradan). And people who change their PDNs all the time, but rarely change avatars, are also easy to recognize (say, Alorael). People who change both all the time are difficult to recognize. In fact, it's been suggested in the past that something be done to make that harder to do.
  17. Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES No. ET was eliminated from the Deathmatch. He then interfered in one of the semifinals, which led to everybody dying, and the final match never took place.[/url] Bah, if everyone else is dead then ET, as the sole survivor of the deathmatch, becomes the winner. The victorious side writes the history books and ET would surely consider himself the Deathmatch Champion whether he won it fair and square or not. It didn't lead to everybody else dying. It led to everybody dying, including ET. If you want to be technical about it, as I wrote the ending, the last person to die was actually YOU. There is really no plausible interpretation that puts ET as the winner. If you go by survivors / victors, there is no winner; and if you go strictly by the tournament brackets, ET had been long eliminated and the potential candidates for victory were Alorael, Ephesos, and Stareye. Edit: Also, your "writes the history books" analogy may be working against you, in this particular case.
  18. Scrollbars that are too large to fit on my monitor (at 1280 x 800) are simply too large! If scrollbars do not dynamically size themselves proportionally to the window, you really can't make them that big.
  19. Some of the self-inflicted titles were removed by various admins/mods after the UBB.threads switch. Most of the ones that have disappeared did so apparently on their own, as Dikiyoba mentions.
  20. Quiconque

    Alan Turing

    Adjectives can easily become nouns. This is a normal process of language change and no false analogy is required. I like to call such words convertibles, for hopefully obvious reasons.
  21. Yes, ~w was mine, with the tilde. I don't remember anymore what the particular inspiration for that one was. It came between two PDNs with no apparent relation to it.
  22. Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel Still, most of your earlier games certainly allowed even *more* customization, which made many of us happy. More possibilities, yes -- but so many of the possibilities were seriously sub-optimal that I'm not sure anything was to lose. The set of skills that were important for a given character focus was pretty black-and-white: You might decide to have a character just focus on mage spells, or also pick up priest spells or a weapon, but either way the mage spells skills were pretty set. Warriors had a lot of special skills to choose from but some were just better than others and at high levels, a few points here or there made very little difference to any build. I think Avadon is an improvement.
  23. Fie, Dintiradan, fie: there is a Hat for every At.
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