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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. The Southern Pass is on the bottom left of the G4 map, which is immediately adjacent to the bottom right of the G5 map. So geographically it does fit.
  2. What's the point of giving the 5th review more points than the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th? There's nothing special about the 5th review, and all 5 reviews are needed to earn "rated" status. I like Handyman's idea.
  3. Wouldn't rule 2 just discourage people from posting a 3rd or 4th review, so they could wait and try to be 5th? Isn't the idea to get people to POST reviews, not withhold them?
  4. At least archery does something. It's a waste of a skill in all too many RPGs. And it IS possible for it to be too powerful: Avernum 4 was close to that happening, and in Eschalon 2 it did happen.
  5. Oh god. Nociduas. There's something I'd like to forget right there. Anyway, mental effects have always been mechanically a bit different from regular attacks. It seems possible the terror effect could read the wielder's spell stats regardless of how wands are normally treated. So that still doesn't suggest spellcraft (or Natural Mage) would affect wand damage or hit rate (hit rate being distinct from effect success rate).
  6. I've heard a lot of proposed rationales for population thinning, mandatory-suicide-at-a-certain-age, and so on... but "they're irritating" was never one of them. As Sega used to say before they euthenized the Genesis, welcome to the next level.
  7. There were not 227 pylons. Thank god. Edit: Although a PDN ending in "Pylonballons" does have a certain appeal.
  8. The internet is a series of diminishing returns tubes.
  9. Define "seems to." There's an anecdote to back up any assertion about game mechanics; that doesn't make the assertion true.
  10. I'm pretty sure that wand damage isn't connected to any stats. Same thing for hit rates. Note that this is totally different from Geneforge -- in Geneforge, wands are equipped just like weapons, while in Avernum they are usable items just like crystals.
  11. If he didn't want players to destroy them, why not just make them immune to damage? Actually, it would have been an incredibly irritating zone either way.
  12. Yeah, those pylon fields were an incredibly irritating slog.
  13. Yes, you don't want to incur the wrath of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow.
  14. Originally Posted By: Droid I´ll send you a message with the info. I have only found one of the stories I have in mind, and I guess it's not something that happens regularly. Just out of curiousity, where you Raven W/ Writing Desk on the old boards? If not who was that? Yes, <i>Raven v. Writing Desk</i> was my title for several years, italics included. Were you around then under a different name? Re college mail, the school I ended up going to (U Chicago) sent me one advertisement that I found so distasteful, I refused to look into the place for nearly two years. I eventually decided to shoot for Chicago, ahead of other options, on two largely irrelevant bases: (1) the existence of a rare program in cuneiform studies that I thought was cool, even though I knew it wasn't likely I'd spend my life doing that, and (2) the fact that there were numerous used bookstores near the school. I ended up being glad I went there, but mainly because of its proximity to downtown Chicago. The reality is that most BA/BS programs are similar, and most colleges are similar. Unless you have a very specific research or professional interest that you are way more sure about than most teenagers are, or you want a specific, unusual program, the two factors that really retain meaning when comparing colleges are geography and cost, and maybe also the student culture.
  15. Again, what exactly are these visitors getting in trouble for, that they wouldn't get in trouble for at home?
  16. What have you heard about people getting in trouble for? And do you mean in trouble with the U.S. law, or in trouble with the people running the exchange program?
  17. Given the huge number of skills melee-oriented characters have to invest in, and given that beyond a certain point investing in melee/pole is a sub-par way of increasing damage, that may also be true for melee fighters, and is almost certainly true for impure casters too.
  18. In G1, unlike in the other games, the answer is: all of them! Seriously, in G1, there is relatively little difference between most creations in terms of stats. Additionally, since creations get better bonuses from being created at high level than from getting there via experience, you can run disposable creations always and change creation types whenever you feel like it. You can either pump fire shaping for cryoa, drayk, cryodrayk goodness; or magic shaping for early artila, support vlish (including terror vlish) the entire game (note: vlish do have a weaker attack in G1), and potentially glaahks. Battle isn't horrible since melee attacks are still d8 in G1, but the lack of range is inconvenient, and battle alphas match up poorly to the other tier 3 creations.
  19. Originally Posted By: To the Wire He understands that you have to walk across a stage to get the diploma, and, well, he's not welcome at those events anymore. Is there a story here?
  20. Exile never distinguishes between doses of potions, and different copies of the same potion. In other words, a stack of two one-dose potions and a two-dose potion are the same thing; you can't have a stack of multi-dose potions.
  21. If you have 2 unidentified, stackable magic items of the same type, they take up separate item slots. When both are identified in a shop in CBoE, they remain in separate item slots, even though if you drop them and pick them up again the game will put them in 1 slot. This also happens when creating potions with alchemy.
  22. I thought I heard somewhere that Steam's cut was about 30%. Is even the ballpark not known?
  23. You probably want 1.4.x or thereabouts. That was the classic version that was around for a while. There was a major overhaul at some point where the class and race lists more than doubled and the names of all the stats and spells that were lifted from D&D were all changed, to negative effect. I suspect this was around the time that Paramount threatened to sue the developer of Starfleet Rescue and thus they replaced Klingons and Romulans with Kigons and Rulans.
  24. Wow, 1.3.2, that is old. Which ones are you looking for older versions of? And why?
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