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Everything posted by VCH

  1. Originally Posted By: Rowen One of the problems I see is that we divide ourselves into groups. All the crossed-eyed people over there, blue skinned lizard people over here, and all my friends over here by me. Push come to shove we are all equal, but enjoy dividing ourselves into groups to support our pride and ego only show that we do not want equality amongst us. Yeah, this is very true. IMO Many world problems would be solved if we stopped thinking only of our nationality. I've often thought that a world government would help. For example, if countries were thought of as provinces, we might feel more obliged to help them, whatever help might mean. I know there are many objections to a world government, and it's probably impossible, but it's worth some thought.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Master1 Currently we're learning how to identify internet predators. I'm not using this as an experiment... Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows the Internet is at the top of the food web. Dikiyoba is going to have to have a word with your school. Recent food-web theory puts more emphasis on parasites as being at the top. After all, a lion eats a gnu, but a spiny-headed worm eats a lion. Now, how that translates over to the Internet, I don't know
  3. Originally Posted By: Clocknova If you ever played Deus Ex, you'll remember the part where you are forced to lose a fight to Gunther and be taken prisoner. I love it when games do that because it allows for way more interesting story telling.
  4. I'm shocked that funding for US public schools is based on property taxes. Funding levels must be all over the place. In Canada, public schools get funding based on the number of students in attendance from September to November. But as Slarty said, funding is rarely the main problem. The emphasis parents put on education is paramount. We have to remember that children are only in school for 5 hours per day, so a teacher's influence is pretty limited. Yet there's this pressure from the government for schools to essentially "fix" children. To make them all equal. The fact is, they aren't equal, not in intelligence or opportunity. That doesn't mean we should give up on certain kids, just that we shouldn't expect them all to achieve at the same level. I have no first hand experience with the US school-system, but from what I've heard the teachers are brave to work in it. Teaching in Canada is actually pretty cushy job, (high pay and not too much government interference) but that could change.
  5. Avoid them? Why would you do that? Avadon must make examples of those who oppose it.
  6. I think many people go along with whatever the politically correct view point is at the moment, without putting thought into whether it's right or wrong. Just because the majority, or sometimes the most vocal among us, support a certain viewpoint, doesn't make it right. And like Alex said, it’s a good thing that your Sociology class has some differing viewpoints, because that will forced you to think about why you believe certain things. I find that the same holds true for science. It’s easy to become complacent about a particular theory, especially older more entrenched ones. But when someone finally challenges this status quo it forces you to reevaluate the evidence.
  7. Agreed, being smart doesn't make you an outcast. The way I approached that, was to do well on tests, assignments, etc, but not act like an egotistical know-it-all.
  8. That's a good reason to complete all the grades in highschool.
  9. I don't agree with skipping grades. There's a lot more to school than academics. If the current grade structure has any meaning, nobody should be allowed to skip grades.
  10. My question is, what kind of college lets 16 year olds in? (Weird)
  11. I don't see why anyone would want to use the old dialogue text size. This new large text should become the default.
  12. Does any one have the original v1.0 of Exile?
  13. But how much power do you need?
  14. VCH

    Ideal party?

    Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves I actually played a lot of the game with sorceress, shaman, blademaster. I know it's not considered ideal, and probably wouldn't work on Torment, but it's fun to watch large groups of enemies basically melt in one turn. No, it works well on Torment. I played the whole game with that setup.
  15. VCH

    I laughed...

    The quotes do not fit at all with any of the pictures. But the pic of the cat in the toilet is funny by itself.
  16. The only reason I play online multiplayer games is to mess with people.
  17. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Quote: Minecraft has multiplayer? Yep. Quote: How does that work? Not that well (actually, things are apparently less buggy now; I wouldn't now, haven't played multi in ages actually). Quote: Can you stab your fellow players? Yes. But why just kill other players? They can walk back from their spawns in a minute or two. Instead, flood their mines, steal their swag, and destroy their homes. Why cause moments of inconvenience when you can destroy hours of productivity? EDIT: Hey, Frozen Feet! Is it possible to find their spawn point and just keep killing them every time they spawn? I have fond memories of doing that to people in Neverwinter nights multiplayer.
  18. Plus, if you continue to follow orders immediately, you'll eventually find yourself too weak to complete them.
  19. VCH

    The Party of Four

    Originally Posted By: RCCCL Originally Posted By: VCH Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I am neither old, nor have I watched Hunt for Red October. All I can think of when I read Dantius's line is Rimmer saying "Better dead than smeg!" Oh! And ... I hated that toaster. So annoying! Originally Posted By: toaster Would you like some toast? No!
  20. VCH

    The Party of Four

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I am neither old, nor have I watched Hunt for Red October. All I can think of when I read Dantius's line is Rimmer saying "Better dead than smeg!" Oh! And ... I hated that toaster. So annoying!
  21. Originally Posted By: madrigan Here's my list: Save the Shadow Creature instead of killing it I was actually convinced that the Shadow beast was Lord Carastral. That would have been much more interesting.
  22. VCH

    random venting

    Do you have any Uncles, Aunts or Grandparents that would understand and take you in for a few months, years?
  23. Minecraft has multiplayer? How does that work? Can you stab your fellow players?
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