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wz. As

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Everything posted by wz. As

  1. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Dikiyoba thinks you should use the search button, as much as Dikiyoba hates the search button. Or at least just browse through promising looking topics like "Changes for Better or Worse" and "Rate Avernum 4" rather than asking people to repeat themselves. But that would defeat the whole point! See: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=14;t=000257 http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=003338 http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=003336;p=2
  2. Quote: Originally written by Left Outer Join: In line with the other Canopy names, it's German. Eagle Eye. Oops. In my head, I'd been rhyming it with "gauge."
  3. Is this the place with the really hard-to-find lever you have to pull? So many people have been unable to find that; I can't understand why it wasn't changed in beta.
  4. Just don't make the scenario while at work...
  5. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Out of curiosity, where does he use NUM_CHARS? I'm trying to associate that with something, and I can't. He uses it in t14Ogre Farms.txt, in A Small Rebellion.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: And if you are angry about this, I suggest blaming Apple. I didn't ask them to completely redo their OS architecture for the THIRD time since I started this business. Not exactly; it's only three if you blur things a little. 68k to PPC was both a system change and a hardware change; OS 9 to OS X was only a system change; and the latest switch of PPC to Intel is only a hardware change. So it's not really three changes whether "redo their OS architecture" refers to system change or to hardware change. Either way it's only two. To clarify: Major system changes: 7.x to 8.x/9.x, and 9.x to 10.x Hardware changes: 68k to PPC, PPC to Intel.
  7. Quote: Originally written by NoSpacesAllowed: —Alorael, who suspects that Jeff carefully tailors his games' politics to match the opinions of the septuagenarians. On that note, I wonder if Jeff has ever lost any customers over Nance and Elspeth?
  8. Sorry to temporarily attempt to derail the discussion, but I stumbled upon this thread and am very interested by it. I am currently taking an intro to Linguistics course, where I am learning about things like Chomsky's notion of a Universal Grammar. What do people think of the idea that Sliths and Nephilim may not have the same Universal Grammar that humans do? For instance, what if they are not limited by binding theory for reflexive pronouns? Or if they can have movement out of coordinate structures? What if Sliths and/or Nephilim are much better than humans at keeping deep nests of modifiers in their head at one time, and are much worse at disambiguating double meanings? The impression I received is that both Kelandon's Slith grammar and Thralni's Nephil grammar are consistent with languages that could actually be spoken by humans natively. Am I correct in this impression? Or are there any properties of these languages that do not appear in any human language? If, in fact, Slith and/or Nephil language properties are different enough from those of human languages, it could have many implications for whether or not there could be native human speakers of the Slith tongue or vice versa, and might explain why, for instance, there are more Nephilim who speak passable Human than there are Sliths.
  9. Also, I think move_to_new_town calls the EXIT_STATE and INIT_STATE in the town you leave from and the town you enter, respectively. So it might be worth checking that nothing in those states is causing the crash.
  10. I'm pretty sure there is no dynamic lighting in BoA. In other words, lighting is calculated once and then left alone. Changing terrains and floors that give off light won't have any effect. You can still get your desired effect in this case. Just make the default terrain be the light-giving one, and switch it to the non-light-giving terrain in daytime. Then you'd see the light at night, and in the day you wouldn't notice the overlap of, say, a lamppost, and daylight. You'd just have to make sure to switch to the turned on lamppost as soon as it got dark out so that you wouldn't have a turned-off lamppost giving off light.
  11. Well then that's probably not the problem. I was just offering a possible solution; if it's worked for you in the past, probably nothing has changed.
  12. I tried downloading the latest version recently (about 2 days ago) and found that it was actually version 1.02b5 rather than b6. I went ahead and downloaded the source to b6 and compiled it. EDIT: If anyone would like my compiled version of 1.02b6, you can find it here. It runs on my system, 10.4.3. I didn't test it specifically for the bugs mentioned, but if the bugs have been fixed as claimed, there should be no problems. NOTE: The info window says that its version is 1.02b5. This is wrong. It is actually b6. http://s7.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3ULN5RO6NQTZJ20SQ00GU7R6D7
  13. The issue I had with TextEdit was actually from mucking around with the A4 scripts rather than BoA, but it might be the same. Basically, I found that a new line in TextEdit (by hitting the "return" key) had hex value 0x0A, while the original line breaks in the scripts had hex value 0x0D. Changing the edited line breaks to the original ones (by copying and pasting) solved the issue. I don't know how you can fix it, but try editing it in a different text editor, and use a find and replace to change all the original line breaks to new ones. Does that make sense? I hope I'm being clear.
  14. Is it possible that line endings are the problem? Similar to what *i mentioned about bad characters, I've had problems with line endings where the game didn't recognize them. Are you using a Mac or a PC? If you're on a Mac, are you using TextEdit?
  15. it_bonus doesn't work as described. It does not provide any protection for rings, necklaces, and bracelets, and instead of preventing the given amount of damage, it prevents a random amount of damage up to the given amount.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Quote: Originally written by Two pipe solo: Alorael, who isn't so sure about ZKR's canon status. Fort Cavalier and those sliths aren't mentioned anywhere else True, but the Second Slith War is definitely mentioned in A4. At least that part is fairly certain. I'm not sure if you're acknowledging this or not, but the ZKR is definitely mentioned by name: Quote: z127silvardlg.txt The second slith war? "It was a small one, but nasty, not too long after Empress Prazac let the Avernites back onto the surface. I helped ferry supplies down the Za-Khazi Run, after some other adventurers cleared it out."
  17. You could probably edit the dialogue scripts to include such an option. In fact, a major rewriting of all major plot points undertaken by the community would probably yield better results than Jeff's predictable work. Volunteers, anyone?
  18. Arghhhhhhhhh is probably amassing all this information for his walkthrough.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: The town_status() call is partially broken. You have to call town_status(-1) to return the status of the current town, and you can't use it to return the status of a town that the party isn't currently in. Unless you use town_status(-1) while outdoors, in which case it returns the status of the last town you were in.
  20. In BoA, the chance of success for a given event did not increase linearly with the points in the relevant dependant skill. At one point I completely analyzed the effects of Lethal Blow skill in BoA. Unfortunately, this was at the Lyceum and I think the board purges there cleaned it out. I'm not sure I remember all the details, but it was something like, each point of Lethal Blow increases the chance that you'll do an automatic triple damage against an enemy of lower level than yourself. Chances were drastically reduced for enemies of greater level than yourself, up to a level 1.5 times that of your attacking PC. Higher than that and Lethal Blow would fail outright. I seem to remember the algorithm for determining chance of success being really weird and not making much sense. However, the skills in BoA and in A4 are very different; the latter's are capped at 30 like in the GFs whereas the former's aren't capped. So who knows. I do know that my method of analysis that worked so well for BoA won't work too well for A4.
  21. And if you have spoiler , you can still get spoiler if you spoiler .
  22. Actually, I find myself doing it compulsively. Usually before turning corners.
  23. If you look closely at the end of line 111, you'll notice there is a quote missing. The compiler is reading the question as everything up to _well, which is where the next quote is.
  24. Does anyone know if arithmetic operations are included in the limit? If not, then I came up with a different algorithm based on demipomme's that might be more efficient: Code: // Assumes that the only regular floor is 1, and everything to be surrounded with walls is 0set_flag(100,0,0); // None: No terrainset_flag(100,1,3); // Westset_flag(100,2,4); // Southset_flag(100,3,7); // South & Westset_flag(100,4,5); // Eastset_flag(100,5,0); // East & West: No terrainset_flag(100,6,8); // East & Southset_flag(100,7,0); // East, South, West: No terrainset_flag(100,8,2); // Northset_flag(100,9,6); // North & Westset_flag(100,10,0); // North & South: No terrainset_flag(100,11,0); // North, South, West: No terrainset_flag(100,12,9); // North & Eastset_flag(100,13,0); // North, East, West: No terrrainset_flag(100,14,0); // North, East, South: No terrainset_flag(100,15,0); // North, East, South, West: No terrainx = 3;while (x < 60) { y = 3; while (y < 40) { if (get_floor(x, y) == 0) { i = 8*get_floor(x , y - 1) + 4*get_floor(x + 1 , y) + 2*get_floor(x , y + 1) + get_floor(x - 1 , y); set_terrain(x, y, get_flag(100, i)); } y = y + 1; } x = x + 1;} I haven't tested it extensively, so I don't know how many operations it uses, but if anyone wants to give it a try and let me know how it compares, I'd appreciate it.
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