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Everything posted by Ess-Eschas

  1. Hello askersandask3, Welcome to the forums! As you’re coming from Geneforge, and since you mentioned liking Spiderweb’s storylines, I have a very particular suggestion for you: Nethergate: Resurrection In some senses, I feel this game is the closest in spirit to that of the Geneforge Saga. It has an engaging, thought-provoking storyline, and it might serve as an interesting gateway of sorts to Spiderweb’s other games. It’s a standalone, too, so it’s not a huge investment of your time should it not be to your taste! Story-wise, it deals with the consequences of a repressed group of strong magic-users fighting against a much superior power. You can support whichever side you wish. Sound familiar? Only here, the setting is far closer to home. Nethergate is set on Earth. Specifically, it looks at the Ancient Britons, along with the magical natives of the fair isle, as they fight against the Roman invasion. It’s an interesting game, in some ways quite unique among Spiderweb’s offerings, and it’s well worth your time! Unlike Geneforge, you choose your side at the beginning. So Nethergate is essentially two games in one. The interesting point is that both games are set alongside each other; whichever side you choose, you’ll be competing against a party from the other side. And yes, you even get to meet them! Just to avoid any confusion, ‘Nethergate: Resurrection’ is an updated version of the original ‘Nethergate’, and will run a little more smoothly on modern systems. Also, are you sure that Steam doesn’t allow you offline access? I seem to be able to do that perfectly fine on my end – I can run Steam games offline, and there don’t seem to be any problems with that that I can tell, at least at a simple glance.
  2. It’s always nice coming across little connections like this, isn’t it? This is actually quite a bit more common than you’d think, particularly for certain types of sounds. Spiderweb, I believe, tends to get its sounds from large sound databases. These are commercial resources that contain huge numbers of sounds, and designers can pick and choose from these to build the sounds of their own worlds. Of course, Spiderweb isn’t the only company to be using the same databases, so you’ll hear some of the sounds in other places too! Certain specific sounds are extremely common, and you’ll hear them all over the place when you start looking for them. I can’t say that I’ve heard Avernum’s sounds elsewhere – that’s a nice connection you’ve posted! – but there are some other games where it’s really noticeable. Marathon is one. In particular, the sound for one of its platforms – the S’pht platform – and an ambient sound played on one of its alien planets – the Lh’owon Loon – appear all over the place in science fiction movies (including, for instance, Star Trek: First Contact), even to the present day!
  3. Hmm, that’s a very good point, TriRodent. I’d not thought about that! As presented, that setup is a little stranger than I’d given it credit for!
  4. Hello tuntunaxi, Sorry to hear that you’ve experienced a problem like this! I’m afraid I can’t immediately solve your issue – these types of problems are mainly experienced on Windows machines, so as a Mac user I can’t test it out myself. However, I do have a request that might make the scenario designer’s life a little easier, and I also have a suggestion for you. Could you let us know what version of the scenario you’re using? It should be included in the name of the folder but, if not, check the READ ME file. This will state the version number right at the top. The most recent version is 1.1.3. If you’re not using this version, I’d suggest that you download 1.1.3 and give it a try. You can find this version here: https://kppp.webs.com/exodus.html Your save files will still work, but be sure to remove the older version of the scenario from the scenario folder. To be on the safe side, you should probably leave and re-enter the River Bank before trying to go any further – otherwise, the scripts might not reset properly. The reason for suggesting this is that some unhandled exceptions were fixed between versions. It’s possible yours has been caught already – it’s worth a try! Do keep persevering with this! Exodus is an excellent scenario, and you’re about to witness one of its more iconic moments!
  5. That’s not the case, I’m afraid, although I can see why it would be possible to come to that conclusion! It’s a pretty natural assumption to make, and one I’ve been tempted to make myself! However, the games themselves present a slightly different picture. Otherwise, I think Randomizer might be being a touch harsh here! In some of the early Spiderweb games, there were a few inconsistencies relating to little details that changed a little between games. Some can be easily explained away with a little world-building. Perhaps the dragons changed gender because they chose to do so? Or maybe adventurers are just bad at figuring out the gender of a dragon. In any case, the recent games are much tighter on these points, and especially Avadon. Part of the conceit of Avadon is that it is set in a highly detailed, complex world – and that’s hard to pull off if the lore gets wonky!
  6. Unbound Servile, Now might be a good time just to remind yourself of our forum Guidelines. You’re a little close to overstepping the mark here. You can find the Guidelines in the tabs at the top of this page. Please pay special attention to rule 2. This includes the statement that, and I paraphrase, this forum does not allow personal attacks on other members, or on members grouped together in any way, such as by their age. Good, healthy discussion is exactly the sort of thing we want to encourage on these forums. But if it degrades into personal attack, then that’s a problem. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for the moment, so this isn’t an official warning for now, but I do need to remind you to pay closer attention to our Guidelines in future.
  7. Hello ThomasCats, I don’t think there’s any mixup! The lore regarding Avadon and the surrounding lands is pretty consistent, and you’ll start to see a little more solid evidence for Avadon’s age as you keep playing. Your third statement is the correct one, I think: the Black Fortress is a little less than a century old. There’s a slightly more accurate statement that you haven’t come across yet, but I’ll leave that for you to discover! There are two different sources of confusion here, I think. The first is a simple one: I think you’ve just misinterpreted a sentence slightly. The portion of the introduction you make reference to says this: ‘Your skill and potential has earned you the greatest of honors. You have been sent to serve at a new fortress ... Avadon.’ I appreciate that this is a little ambiguous! However, I believe this means that you have just been sent to a fortress that is new to you, rather than the fortress being new. In other words, you’ve previously been working at another fortress, and now you’re moving to Avadon. It’s a little like saying you’ve gotten a ‘new job’. The job isn’t new, but you having the job is! The second source of confusion comes from some slightly ambiguous terminology. The second age you mentioned comes from this statement: ‘Avadon has watched over the Pact for three centuries.’ Note that it says Avadon, rather than the Black Fortress. This is open to interpretation but, so far as I understand it, ‘Avadon’ in this context is being used in a slightly broader sense than its true meaning (the fortress itself). Here, ‘Avadon’ is referring to whatever power was ruling over the Pact at the time. For a lot of that time, the governing force was Hanvar’s Council. So, in that context, Hanvar’s Council was ‘Avadon’. The physical building of Avadon only came later, when the word became associated the Black Fortress. That’s my interpretation, in any case. In other words, the statement is just saying that some body or other has ruled over the Pact for three centuries. So, there are three timescales here. The Pact has been ruled over for three centuries. Avadon, the Black Fortress, has been around for a little less than a century. And you are new! Speaking of newness, since I haven’t had the chance to do this yet, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your time working for the Black Fortress!
  8. This is a niche post, to be sure, but perhaps it might help some people down the line! ‘Assault on Valorim’ is a curious scenario. It’s famously huge in scope, recreating the entire continent of Valorim to some degree, and a good chunk of its friendly towns. It also has an interesting idea at its core: a new series of plagues is afflicting Valorim, but plagues that are simply too strong to be defeated by a single group of adventurers. The best you can hope for is to slow things down somewhat while people more powerful than you work to get things under control. You can’t really stop these plagues – it’s all you can do just to stall them for a while. And the plagues are causing a lot of damage, damage you’ll encounter during your adventure. The Island of Bigail has been completely wiped out. Towns you’ll be familiar with have been reduced to heaps of rubble, or become ghost towns after being evacuated. It’s a bleak scenario, with its own odd atmosphere. Sadly, the execution is not perfect. There are some nice, creative ideas, but only some of them work successfully – others can end up more as a source of confusion. There’s also a tendency to hide items in places that are either unmarked, or marked very tangentially. Finding these locations legitimately requires a good dose of luck. Because of this, working through the scenario is much harder than it needs to be. I know that several people have claimed this scenario is impossible, and I’ve tried several times in the past to get through it without much success. However, just for a little fun, I’ve given it another attempt. Over the past few evenings, armed with a text dump and the editor, I’ve finally gone through the scenario from beginning to end. The scenario can indeed be beaten! Since I’ve done this, to save people repeating the work, I thought I might as well put up a little walkthrough on here. That way, players who don’t want to bash their heads against some of the more obtuse parts of this scenario can still play it through and see some of the nicer ideas it contains – and see how the combined powers of Exile, the Empire, the Vahnatai, the Sliths and the Ratbane Clan finally get the plagues under control (it’s not what you might expect!). So, without further ado, here’s a little condensed walkthrough for Assault on Valorim!
  9. Hello Isaiah, Thanks for letting us know! I know you’re just posting this for the help of other players, and that’s good of you. However, would you also consider sending a bug report to Spiderweb’s tech support address? As you say, Avernum 6 is an old game. However, Spiderweb uses roughly the same underlying engine for the majority of their games. Little problems like this can propagate through successive titles, so it’s important that they’re reported! For instance, if this is a bug in Avernum 6, it could also be a bug in later games. If it’s not reported, it can’t be fixed! So, if you have a moment, please do send a little report to the address below. Perhaps just mention that you’re flagging up the problem in case it appears in more modern titles, too – feel free to blame me for that part, if you'd like! support@spiderwebsoftware.com
  10. Blackcrag Fortress does indeed have a full map in Exile III, as it does in the later games too! Generally speaking, Jeff is very good at taking account of the Magic Map spell. If there’s an area you can see on the map, but you can’t get to, chance are it will be fleshed out to some degree. There are some pretty famous examples of this, of course, that tend to cause some consternation to players! Think, for instance, of these: In terms of Blades of Exile, there have been a few projects to convert Exile III's maps into BoE format. A few of the individual towns were converted in utility scenarios – including a version of Blackcrag Fortress, fully fleshed out with items and people. There was at least one utility scenario which recreated the outdoors and the important towns. It’s also worth mentioning Assault on Valorim. This scenario also recreates the outdoors, and a pretty decent chunk of the friendly towns, but in the context of a working scenario. In other words, the outdoors has been slightly changed, as have a good number of the towns. It’s an interesting idea for a scenario, actually, even if the execution isn’t always perfect. It’s a little like a souped-up version of Exile III. The scenario begins with Valorim having already been mostly destroyed by monster plagues, and the party has to go through the ruins to try and find out a way to stop the monsters escaping through Blackcrag. It’s a little gloomy seeing a whole lot of descruction, but it’s an interesting concept! Incidentally, Syaoran2001, if you wish to see all the game has to offer, here’s a little something else to experiment with. There’s a little lizard in Foot Emergence. Talk to it, and say this: Also, be sure to get the second Alien Blade in Footracer!
  11. Hello ThomasCats, I appreciate the confusion! There is a very definite way that buildings are dealt with in Queen's Wish but, in situations like this, it's not always immediately obvious. The update isn't so much slow, it just takes place at a specific time! Just for future reference, alterations to buildings only kick in at the next Resource Report. In other words, you'll need to wait up to two days in order for the changes to take effect, but no longer. If you think about it, this does make some sense. After all, you've removed a building at some point during a payment cycle, so you'll need to pay your employees for the work they have done during that cycle, even if the buildings is no longer standing at its end!
  12. Excellent. I’ve been looking forward to this! It’s great to see Redemption getting its beta call. Good work, Bain! I’ll send you a DM with my contact details but, just so that others know who’s on board, and so that the information is all in one place, I’ll put my other responses here too: Name: Ess-Eschas Email: <See DM> Previous beta experience: In BoA, I’m credited in Kelandon’s 'The Magic', where my testing was apparently quite helpful. Otherwise, I’ve recently tested Queen’s Wish for Spiderweb, and a few games for other companies. Mac or PC: Mac! For the purposes of this, I’ll probably be using Mac OS 10.8.5. Familiarity with the BOE scenario: I’m very familiar with the original. I’ve both completed and won the scenario, and found the Amulet of Doran. Sorry to hear about your internet troubles. I had the same myself several years ago, and it was awkward enough even with freedom of movement – so I can’t imagine what it’s like under the current conditions. At least it sounds like you’re not completely cut off, but it can’t be easy.
  13. Hello Blxz, Despite the objections of the previous posters, I am confident that Spiderweb would like nothing more than to distribute their games on Android. After all, an Android port has appeared on two Spiderweb kickstarters as of this post – and I imagine it will appear again next time! Jeff’s costed it, he knows what it would take, and he’s shown that he’s willing to take the risk if the mass interest is there. If it wasn’t this time, perhaps it will be next time. We can certainly hope so! It more than makes sense, after all. More platforms means more people enjoying your work, and more people paying you for it. What’s not to like? However, the main difficulty is in practicality. Spiderweb’s games are made by a tiny, tiny team. Given the number of people involved, their turnaround is very fast – at the moment, Spiderweb works very efficiently. So, in order to develop their games for Android, one of two things would need to happen: 1. A very, very significant delay on releasing a game, as Jeff takes time he would usually use for game development to work on the port. This would involve learning the required skills for porting his engine to a new platform, writing it, testing it, finding out what’s wrong with it, testing it again etc.. That might not be implausible on its own, but remember that Jeff needs to do all of this while writing his game and running his company. That’s no small task! 2. The game is outsourced to a professional company that ports it themselves. This is not only expensive, but awkward, since all professional support has to run through this third-party company. This is more problematic than you might think, since no-one’s really sure what the relationship between Spiderweb and that company might be 5/10/20 years down the line. If you lose the support of the porting company, you can’t offer support for a game you’ve distributed – and that’s not good. To see Jeff’s own thoughts on this, albeit it a few years old now, see here: http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2016/11/we-are-no-longer-supporting-android-sigh.html So, at least at the moment, I really don’t think it’s laziness on Spiderweb’s behalf, or a lack of a desire to make a port. There’s definitely merit in it! It’s simply a matter of numbers and practicality. But that might change. Be sure to back Spiderweb’s next kickstarter, and bring along your friends! It might be possible to change the tide next time!
  14. Hello SherlockTAS - MSW, The link is still alive and well! What I imagine has happened is that you've tried to download the editor without being signed in to the forums. Spiderweb downloads are only available to registered forums users, so you will have received an error message if you weren't signed in. I'll admit that error message is rather misleading – once I've found out where in the gubbins it's hidden, I'll try to alter it to make a little clearer! For the sake of completeness, here's a complete description. Take a look at the topic I linked to earlier in this thread: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/6800-new-a4-editor/ In the first post in that topic, click on the link titled 'A4editor.zip'. Be sure that you're signed in before trying to download the file. That links still works – I've just checked it myself!
  15. Sorry to hear that you’ve been having computer problems. Upgrading old machines can sometimes lead to some real issues, as I know from my own experience! At least it sounds like everything is now working as it should – and your computer should now be happier overall, and have a longer shelf life – so hopefully there’s a silver lining in there somewhere! It could also very well be the cause of your problem here, too. There are some strange types of behaviour associated with corrupted save files that haven’t really been fully explored, so it’s possible something like that was messing up your flags, or otherwise stopping things appearing when they should. Now that your computer’s happy again, hopefully you shouldn’t have any further problems. Best of luck with your new trip into Valorim! Be sure to stop and smell the flowers – there’s lots of interesting stuff and the surface, and not quite everything is covered in the hint book
  16. Hello Wendy, In a sense, you’re looking at this problem backwards – the statues are a solution, not a puzzle! The aim is not so much to figure out how to get the statues to divulge their information to you, since you can’t do that on your own. When the time comes to learn about the statues, you’ll know. It’s worked into an important part of the story, so it’s hard to miss! That being said, just to clear up some of the contradictory answers in this thread:
  17. Hello Corylea, From what you've said, I think you might be trying to go in the wrong direction. The staircase you want is in the southern part of Thabhlen Pass, through one of two portcullises which open when you get permission to head upstairs. To be clearer about this, the stairway itself is found at the following location: X = 22, Y = 44 You can find your own location by holding 'shift' and pressing 'd', which brings up a dialogue box. Then enter the code 'location'. If you find that you can't make it to the coordinates I've shown here, then let us know!
  18. There’s no need to throw in the towel just yet! I have one final suggestion for you, one which I believe should finally deal with your problem. Your last post taught me something useful: the problem you’re experiencing seems to occur when the game loads Castle Troglo on entry. My previous solution will have failed because it was trying to manipulate that entry code – hence why it didn’t help you! So, to solve the problem, we’ll need to look elsewhere. This one’s really easy, and it avoids Castle Troglo entirely! Go to Sharimik, and stand inside Mayor Knight’s office. Then, bring up the usual shift-d dialogue, and type in the following: sdf 28 8 7 Talk to Mayor Knight. You should see a dialogue option that reads: ‘The Troglodyte King gave me a message for you.’ Select this option, and read what the mayor says. Because of the way quests are coded in Avernum 3, you’ll need to do a quick check. If he talks about a ‘reward’, then the quest has been completed successfully. However, if he talks about ‘permission’ instead, then the quest hasn’t quite been advanced enough. Close the dialogue, talk to him again, and select the same option. Keep doing this until you you see text about a reward. Of course, if something else happens, then something’s gone wrong somewhere else. Either there’s something iffy going on with your game, or we’ve had a failure of communication somehow! On the subject of the reward: By the way, since you mentioned some of your saved games, do you happen to be using a Mac? If you are, I’d be interested in having a look at some of those saves. Although I can alleviate the symptoms, I still haven’t gotten to the root of the problem – and the best way to do that is to look at some saves myself and see what’s happening!
  19. Hello mrsmac, Hmm, like the original issue of this post, this is a strange problem. This is perhaps even stranger, since receiving the reward after the encounter with Elhioc is very simply coded – there isn’t much in the code that could go wrong! Still, that's not much comfort when you're experiencing the problem yourself. I’ll do what I can to help! First of all, it’s worth just being clear on one point: If you did do this, then something’s gone amiss in the code somewhere. I can fix it for you but, as with all recommendations using sdf codes, be sure to save beforehand! Ideally, save your game in a new slot after making these changes – this is just to make sure you can recover your game if something goes awry! There’s a fairly simple fix, but it relies on you already being in the dungeon Under Castle Troglo. If you still have a save where you’re in that dungeon, then you’re in luck! Before you go back up the ladder to the main castle, press ‘shift’ and ‘d’ and enter the following: sdf 28 8 6 When you go back up the stairs, you should immediately be greeted with several textboxes. You’ll also receive a message from the King, to be delivered to Sharimik. If this doesn’t happen, let me know, and I’ll come up with another solution. If you’ve already left Castle Troglo, then you’ll need to do a little more busywork, I’m afraid. Unfortunately, you can’t get back in, since you will have lost your scroll of passage. So, first, you’ll need to get it back. Go to Sharimik. Then, enter these three codes in turn: sdf 11 0 1 sdf 10 9 1 sdf 10 0 1 Now speak to the mayor. You see a dialogue option saying you have ‘permission from both Corie and Levin.’ If you select this, you’ll get the scroll of passage once more. Now, return to Castle Troglo. Perform the steps I listed in my previous post, exactly as you did before. This will reset the Castle encounter! As if this were your first time in the Castle, go and talk to the King, receive the contract, and go back down into Under Castle Troglo. But don’t explore the dungeon this time. Just enter the code as above: sdf 28 8 6 Now, go back up the ladder. You should immediately see several textboxes, and receive a letter intended for the mayor of Sharimik. Phew, you’ve done it! Now, this is a slightly complicated workaround, so let me know if you have any problems. To reiterate what I said above, be sure to do this on a new save file, just to be on the safe side!
  20. One of the interesting features of the Exile series, unlike some of its later brethren, is that examining the map files is a little tricky. It’s certainly possible – people have done it, as shown on these forums! – but it’s not something that can be done as easily as with the more modern games. This means that, even today, there are still a few lingering secrets in the Exile games waiting to be discovered. For a little fun, I want to expose a small secret in Exile III. Today, I’m going to tell you how to find the hidden Alien Blade and Mithril Broadsword in Footracer Province. Yes, there are two Alien Blades in Exile III – and a maximum of four Mithril Broadswords! These weapons have been mentioned obliquely on these forums before but, to my knowledge, no-one has confirmed their existence on here until now. Indeed, they have usually been reported as rumours, so I thought I’d set the record straight! I attach images to demonstrate this, just to alleviate any doubt. Apologies that these are taken with an edited party, but this was the party I had most easily to hand! To find the Alien weapon, head to Dellskeep. It’s possible to do this without resorting to trickery, but it makes matters a little easier if you prepare beforehand! Around the edges of the town are three ominous 3x3 sections of walls. Ordinarily, these open up when traps around the town are triggered, releasing a quickfire storm. However, you can avoid this. If you move around the outside of the town, and place a barrier next to each block, positioned on the middle wall facing into town, the quickfire will not be able to spread. You don’t have to use a force barrier; a fire barrier will work perfectly well. Once you’ve done this, you can explore inside the traps with little danger. Go to location x = 40, y = 20. This is the square on the eastern side of town. If you try to ‘get’ items here, you’ll find a Waveblade. It’s an Alien Blade! The Mithril Broadsword is found in Wyvern Pass. Use a similar trick to block off the quickfire traps, and head to x = 28, y = 40. This is the square on the southern side of town. ‘Get’ again, and you’ll find a broadsword. It’s a Mithril Broadsword! Just to show that these are what I claim they are, here are two screenshots, before and after casting Identify. The two items are shown in the red box. Note that I already have one Alien Blade on my person before revealing the second Blade. There you have it! Interestingly, while these two locations and their quickfire traps reappear in both Avernum remakes, these weapons have been removed in both of them. Perhaps that’s because of the increased strength of quickfire in the later games, or because having multiple weapons of this strength could cause issues with balance? Still, this is a fun little secret unique to the Exile series!
  21. It’s much simpler than that! After all, this is a location about deception, so it’s best not to always take what you see at face value. Don’t forget that you can always take objects that are in your field of view, even if there isn’t a direct path between you and them.
  22. Hello Lady Antji, I have a theory as to what might be happening but, since this isn’t a situation I’ve experienced myself, I don’t have any way to test it. If you are a Mac user, I might be able to help you out if you sent me a saved game. Otherwise, it might take a little research. One thing that would be useful to know would be the sorts of hostile creations that were being affected. Did you notice Drayks, other creations, or a combination of both? I’ll see if I can explain what I think is happening. Creatures in Geneforge are governed by scripts that tell them how to act. Most creatures use a default script but, in special situations, creatures can be given a new script that makes them act differently. In your case, there’s a special script for Outer Gazaki-Uss, one that strengthens creations that are near you. So far, so good. Now, usually creatures in Spiderweb games are assigned scripts manually during the game design process – a creature is placed in the game, and then Jeff chooses a script to give it if necessary. What I suspect has happened is this. In your situation, the game acts by spawning a bunch of friendly creations, and a bunch of hostile creations. Only the friendly creations should have been assigned this boosting script, but perhaps a couple of the hostile creations were accidentally assigned this script too. It’s only a little slip, and I could see something like that getting missed easily. I have an idea for a fix that would alter the script and get rid of the problem for you – it should be possible to make the buff happen only if a creature is friendly to you. However, if possible, I’d like to experiment on a saved game to see if it works!
  23. Nice work! It’s great to see that you’ve got something working so quickly! While this is clearly a proof of principle, your additions fit into the engine nicely. That's a good sign, since you've obviously found out how to access the sheets and work with the appropriate dimensions. That's arguably the tricky bit – now you can focus on working art into the engine, and do some playing around with it to see how it works! Do keep us informed of how you get on. Because this is such a new area for modding, it will be interesting to see where your ideas take you – and you may just provide some food for thought for other potential modders further down the line!
  24. Ah, that makes a lot of sense! I had the feeling that the Hhortah were a reference to something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it ... With the similarity of the names, the shape and general form, along with the ability to produce acid – which can be used to attack others if necessary – I think you've hit the nail on the head here. That's a nice catch, cfossedal! Welcome to the forums! It's always good to find someone who's knowledgable about the Original Series, and sci-fi more widely. While some of these references have come to light before, I suspect there are a whole bunch that haven't yet been teased out. If you've come across any more references you think might not be widely known, do let us know!
  25. Welcome back to the forums, White! Unfortunately, there aren’t really any guides at the moment for making graphics for the newer Spiderweb games. Mods for these newer games are relatively few and far between, and the majority of these focus entirely on altering internal game text and numerical details. Altering the graphics of recent games is still something of an undiscovered country, and that’s quite exciting! However, all is by no means lost. While Spiderweb’s games have evolved, streamlined and improved over many years, the very heart of the game engine has remained fairly constant from game to game. This means that there are some earlier guides that could still probably be of great help in guiding anyone who wanted to make graphics modifications for these newer games. In particular, I think the most helpful engine to look at by way of example would be Blades of Avernum. This engine was designed more than any other to be transparent, to be played around with by users, and many of the aspects of this engine can be traced through subsequent games to be found in not dissimilar forms in the present day. [Actually, as a brief aside, it looks like as if the core of the engine really crystallised in the first Geneforge game, which is rather topical at the moment!] As an example, take script editing. Blades of Avernum introduced users to scripts, several governing the global behaviour of things such as walls, objects, enemies and so on, and one for each town/dungeon and outdoor section. These specialised scripts controlled things such as dialogue, cutscenes, dynamic changes to the dungeon during play, etc.. Further, there were scripts that controlled how monsters reacted, scripts that were enormously powerful and could be used to heavily customise fights. These scripts – all of them – are still to be found today. In the most recent game, Queen’s Wish, all of these scripts still exist. Granted, there are some slight differences in form, but the basic idea still applies. The same holds true for the graphics, although that’s said with the caveat that I’ve not done any modifications myself. In the modern games, much like in Blades of Avernum, each floor/item/creature is defined in terms of a graphics sheet. In Blades, this was a single .png file, but the recent games have slightly more detailed graphics so, particularly for characters, one graphic sheet might extend across several .png files (so, in the scripts, only the starting file is indicated). Remember, for characters you need to have all aspects of their behaviour – standing, walking, fighting, taking damage, dying etc. – from every angle. Note that Queen’s Wish is a little more efficient in this, since certain angles are obtained by just mirroring other angles, cutting down on the number of poses that need to be stored. As a way to get started, then, I’d suggest that you read about the way that Blades of Avernum stores its graphics. This will give you a good idea of Spiderweb’s modus operandi. Combined with looking at examples from the game you want to modify, this should give you a strong start towards making some changes! Perhaps the best way to do this – with apologies for the slight faff – is to go to the address below and download the Blades of Avernum demo. Then, navigate to the editor and look at the documentation. It has several useful sections about graphics, and how these connect to the scripts. That should give you a good, broad starting point! http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/avernum/blades/index.html Otherwise, I’d suggest just looking at examples from the games themselves and diving in with some experimenting (of course, be sure to back up your game before making any changes!). Do let us know how you do! If you have any specific questions, we’ll of course be happy to try and help out! Lastly, I might suggest getting in touch with Slarty. Slarty is definitely one of the most knowledgable of us regarding modding of Spiderweb’s recent games, in part due to producing the excellent balance mod for Avernum 1. If anyone will have picked up detailed knowledge of graphics adjustments in these games, it will be Slarty! Have a look at the staff tab at the top of the forums, and look for the canine avatar!
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