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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. Well, not compared to some However I recently tried to explain to some ppl at work about manual typewriters and they thought I was some old fossil. It's all relative, innit. Edit: I just remembered what (the character of) my avator said "Life begins at 140." Let's hope so.
  2. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. Gather around children for a story. If you're going to use that line at age 12, imagine how ancient I feel being nearly three times as old But I'm quite impressed that at your tender age you found Exile II and were sufficiently hooked to follow up on Spiderweb. It just shows that basic graphics and sound effects need not be an obstacle to enjoyment even in these high definition, 3D times. E2 was of course my first Spiderweb game as well... But my first actual computer game was Rainbow Islands (on the Amiga). Happy memories. Oh well, it's my bedtime now. Us older folk need our sleep.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith (i know there were games before Mass Effect that let you import saved games from previous instalments. please nobody ruin my joke by pointing that out. thanks in advance.) Yeah it was really a shame what happened to that Fireland joke.
  4. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. So Trenton, you used to be a loyal servile, now rebel. What happened to change your mind?
  5. Just keep exploring, you'll find the plot eventually. Also, it's a bit late for you now, but the Geneforge games are generally easier if you play as a shaper and make as many creations as possible. More creations = more turns in combat. Just so you know.
  6. Interesting. Could it be another leftover from G4 (like the guardian's essence)?
  7. For so long as you can only pick two traits, and so long as advantages bestow the permanent benefits they currently do (which increase as you level), I'd never consider using disadvantages. If we were allowed to pick 3-4 traits, then they might *possibly* come back into play.
  8. You wait until you're older and you spill a latte... it's way worse.
  9. Perhaps he's never heard of it.
  10. Fairly cold here too... because it's an English summer.
  11. Careful, you don't want to start a flamewar. Back on topic, I find these days on a laptop, without a numpad, that I cope fine with using the mouse for moving, but the keyboard is still helpful for casting spells. Actually, I don't have a mouse either, it's really just a swishy thing (it has a proper name, but I don't care to learn). The next generation of Avernums should support touch screen.
  12. Considering how relatively weak poison was in Exile compared to the recent games, I think you'd take a very long time to beat Exile 2 if you were trying to kill all enemies with poison. Whatever you do, pacifists are going to level more slowly than other characters which means they will have inadequate health, so poor meatshields. They also aren't allowed to cast haste or bless, so not much good at buffing either.
  13. So to recap, on closer inspection, this otherwise brilliant plan, has three subtle flaws: 1. It is really boring to do and not fun at all 2. It isn't worth it (at level 50 your character is already sufficiently powerful; if you must cheat there are easier ways) 3. It doesn't work anyway
  14. In preferences, you can set the mouse speed and scrolling speed to 'fast' which should reduce the lag. But I think basically the game will always use 100% of the cpu it's on.
  15. Maybe, if I could believe it was worth doing.
  16. Originally Posted By: Harehunter As for Gladwell, I try to kill him off every chance I get. Something about him always raises my hackles. Heh, my disapproval of Gladwell only extended as far as refusing to complete his quests (especially not betraying the GIFTS). I'm just not ruthless enough, I guess. Does anyone else remember those 'Damaged an innocent' popups you could get in the Exile trilogy? I was traumatized...
  17. If you get to level 50 and then start typing iamweak, you're basically lying Not to mention, this would be unbelievable tedious to do.
  18. Have you done all available side quests so far? I often find the fire-breathing critters a bit tough, you can always leave those and come back. As for attrition: summons are useful, Dex and Defense can also help you avoid getting hit. Also, I do try to have more than one priest in the party. A4, more than other sw games, has tactical challenges. Sometimes you need to figure out a new technique, to survive, or to make the fight much easier. Fighting the same combat a couple of times sometimes you can find a trick, or sometimes you just get lucky.
  19. ... so you will find the Exile Trilogy CD-ROM a great investment.
  20. Quote: Most jobs don't let you take more than a couple of weeks off. And, you usually get a cheaper holiday if you choose not to take those weeks during the summer.
  21. That's the one where he keeps cursing one half of the room, isn't it? The surprise there is that the "zombie" soldiers don't hinder your movement when you are adjacent. I don't know if that dispensation only applies on Normal, but I would guess so.
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