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Level 1 Hermit

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Everything posted by Level 1 Hermit

  1. Apparently I can say I'm interested in joining the Trakovites, do their two quests, not join them, and have the loot anyways. I also get access to the Rawal locked storerooms. Then I can join Astoria afterwards. Is this working as intended because I feel like taking everything from everyone for all they're worth and end up as the strongest.
  2. Level 1 Hermit


    ISIS is most definitely caused by, but not limited to, western influence/intervention. Obviously there are various other factors that make up the whole of the "reason" behind their actions. But humans influencing, invading, and interconnecting activities are and always have been there. There's no one to blame but ourselves for all this occurring. Yoda once said and I quote, "... fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." And with this the vicious cycle of revenge continues. What have the people of the Middle East seen these past few decades? Military men both friendly and hostile (But who can tell really?) patrolling the streets. Gunfire heard year round. Mounds of corpses of family members fill the barren wastelands in the place they call home. Can they feel safe or feel peaceful after what has happened? No, then only feel anger. Anger at the West. Anger at their current government regime. And so they take action in the course they only can, fighting back. This is no surprise, it shouldn't be. It has happened throughout history. But we have yet to learn from it. Also it's not simply a Christian vs Muslim thing, though it may seem so on the surface. Religion is only evil by those who use it for evil. I am not religious, but I see that fighting in the name of their religion is hardly legitimate. The outcries of God and Allah are merely masks for our own agendas. That being land and resources in the time of the Romans. That being land and resources in the time of the Crusades. That being land and resources in our modern age. Go ahead, blame yourself. >.<
  3. I think all forms of advocacy should be used even if it's not effective in changing the person(s) mind(s). At least you got the conversation going and let your ideas spread. Maybe you touch some one who wasn't your intended target. Regardless, as long as you tried and as long as they listen. That's beautiful. I feel the same. Every day I feel like I can't measure up to every one out there in the world. I'm just a waste of mass and can't face anyone with confidence until I can get myself settled down with a stable income, enough to support me, my family, and my parents.
  4. We all really did leave our sanity at the door. These games are just too good, too fun.
  5. 1. What is your age? (Be approximate, if you'd like) 19.8 Earth rotations around The Sun. 2. What part of the world do you live in? In which part of the world were you born? What countries have you lived in? Western United States, California. 3. What is your native language? In what languages are you proficient? Native: Chinese. Proficient in English. 4. Describe your ancestry. Southern Chinese. 5. Describe your gender identity and sexual orientation. Male, Straight. 6. Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs? If so, describe them. In what religious tradition(s) were you raised, if any? No, raised with local traditional Chinese spiritual beliefs. 7. What is your relationship status? Do you have any children? Single, no children, never married. 8. Describe your social class. Have you always been in this class? Upper poor. Yes. 9. Have you ever served in the military? If so, what division? No. 10. What is your occupation (or former occupation)? What is your highest level of education (and your degree, if applicable)? College student, looking for job
  6. If humans were kind, trusting, and would never war on another I would abolish all large countries. Biggest a country can be will be as big as Luxembourg. Everyone's government will be a representative democracy. People vote who they want as a representative, each rep will handle (15?) international relations, and each has one vote in the democratic government. Max number of rep is by population size. Countries who do not have a resource may trade with other countries for resource. All countries will pitch in on building their area's highway system. There will be regions of land where it is dedicated to wildlife, no settlement whatsoever. These lands are determined by the United Scientists of the World. Well off countries may donate some value to less well off countries if they want. Understand it is to their benefit because of the universal trade system, unique products, and demand. So democratic republic(Republics) right?
  7. It could be that you've already finished off the bandits in your old save. Talk to the quest giver and see if you can turn in for a reward.
  8. You didn't play them in order?! Btw G1/G2 are the best of the five
  9. It's a roleplay. So do you want to give it to a rich woman or a poor man? Avernite or Surface dweller? Where does your allegiance lie? Unless if you're just power gaming I recommend going to harehunter's walkthrough http://www.harehunter.info/Avernum5/Maps/MainMap51.html NOTE: SPOILERS MAY BE IN HERE I myself chose Mother Alice because I like her reward better
  10. Is it OCD that people like me save in one file?!
  11. Wow I totally forgot about those specifics. My bad
  12. Forsaken Lands - Burned down to the ground. No one wants it. Rebels were driven out and the Shapers need men on the front in the Fens, Burwood, and Grayghost. Probably wouldn't have enough men to secure it even if they wanted to. But now main Shaper forced to West Terrestia. Shaper recapture would have to be done at the end of the war. The area holds no significant military importance except for the fact that the Geneforge was there. And as we all know, the Rebels broke the Geneforge up and moved the parts north. Illya Province - Dillame probably gave the Rebels a decent fight, Unbound or not. There's probably pro-Shaper lurkers somewhere disrupting the Rebel troop movements south, especially since the only three paths from the north to south is through a mountain. Not even the Unbound can move mountains right? I mean the Rebels could have some naval presence but it doesn't seem likely because an effective troop movement require a huge armada of transports. Grayghost Mountains have no ports, Rebels unlikely to have a huge fleet (Unless Ashen Isles...). Lifecrafters may be possible but I remember the Rebels being low on that end and everyone one of them go mad or something in the end. Fens of Aziraph - Lurking rogues everywhere, causing disruption to Rebel movements. Also, moving an army through a large marsh land like that is definitely a hindrance. Again, movement north to Burwood or south to Fens is either one mountain pass or the secret Shaper tunnel. Burwood Province - Decimated, devastated, destroyed, demolished by the Unbound. The ruins of Poryphra and Valeya are laid flat. No more greenery and trees are all mangled/dead. Scenery is probably a lot similar to the Forsaken lands. Rebels would probably not have any tangible base after the release of Unbound. Litalia leaves and joins the Trakovites in the west after witnessing the horrors first hand. Grayghost Mountains - Safest Rebel Haven, assuming the Unbound do not walk back LOL(Reminds me of WW1 gas attacks). Rebels continue their insane research for Unbound 2.0. Drakes are entirely banished, as are humans and other "lesser" creations. These would have to seek refuge either in Mera-tev or Illya Province or even the Storm Plains if they are sneaky enough. There is no way there can be stable Rebel support lines with the emergence of the Unbound. I remember they were violent to all living creatures, Rebel or Shaper, after release. Summary: Loosely rebel controlled territory. No place is safe, especially with the emergence of the Unbound and unchecked shaping powers as decreed by Rebel philosophy. War-torn, desolate areas filled with bandits, rogue creations, and crazed mutant "Shapers". Rebels cannot properly maintain troop supply/movement with the barren lands and Unbound presence. Many rebels have already died in Geneforge 4. Only the remaining few were left during the release of the Unbound. That may explain the troop deficiency, reliance on an outside force and creations for battle during Geneforge 5.
  13. I hope Jeff writes a series of books about Geneforge explaining the events of G1-G5, before G1, Sholai, Western coastal provinces, and multiple books on the different endings!!! ...Nah, it's too much
  14. Omg now the lieutenant of Fort Remote died. The quest cannot be completed on my quest list even though I spoke with the commander. No previous save. All my fault
  15. Yeah I think I have a really low GPA because I have not taken any GE classes. They have all been required classes such as Orgo, Bio, Chem, BioEng. Really brought down my grade but the classes were pretty interesting. I just couldn't do as well because teachers need to "keep a normal curve". I'm on a quarter system and it's past my second year. I'll try harder to get a higher GPA. Thanks for all the thoughts. It's opened my mind to try and start from the bottom if I can and work my way up.
  16. I volunteered a lot in High School. I had a leadership internship at a political outreach organization for a year. I'm in a university pursuing a Biochemistry degree with a 3.0 GPA. I have no work experience. I can't find a job. I'm pretty much friendless. My parents have no connections. I can't find a job. What do you guys recommend? I'm asking on this forum because people usually have VERY long detailed posts. I assume everyone is well educated and can give a youngster some guidance on what to do with his life. Thank you. <3
  17. Long story short: Crenshaw died and I have no previous save file. Auto-save is also bust. How can I add him back into the game so I can finish the quest?
  18. "Years after your adventures, you settle down in your own castle. However, your short peaceful life would soon be threatened by assassins, hired by friends of the villains you have conquered over the course of your journeys. No assassination attempt has succeeded, but it has left you tired and stressful nonetheless. Each day you worry about an ambush: during meals, sleep, and even the privy. But with each unsuccessful attempt, your enemies grow more anxious. It wasn't long until they have decided to mount a full scale assault upon your home. It seems the only way to secure peace for your future, is to eliminate and utterly destroy your enemies on this fateful day. Your guards stand ready at the gates. Your archers draw their arrows on the ramparts. And your subjects remain vigilant to contribute however they possibly can, whether it be dousing flames or fighting within the walls itself. You draw your blade and order the first volley of arrows..." It's bad, but I imagine this scenario. Sort of.
  19. I would love less predictability in item drops. Not many people would just replay the same battle/event over and over again just to get a better item. It would defeat the purpose of surprise and variability that I find so interesting about the concept in the first place. And why not apply the same idea to other parts of the game. Instead of having a definite "reputation", why not change it so it can vary within a small range, say 1 or 2 points(depending on how important the event is). And different towns NPCs react differently depending on your reputation. Say, if you're over a threshold value(which you don't know), you could be ambushed by a certain number of people or be welcomed as a friend. And who says that particular NPC HAS to be rebel or shaper? Maybe there's a shaper who works in the loyalist camp but has rebel views, not necessarily a spy. The RNG will provide for much unpredictability in future playthroughs. You'll never know who will be friend or foe! For example, Mehken from G5 could be helping Rawal faithfully or secretly under the allegiance with the Trakovites! I figure it must be hard to code all these possibilities/random variables/strings.
  20. I went full agent, didn't have creations at all. Unless you count my other run-through including the consumption of canisters. Only then did I have creations, and even then they were easily replaced MWAH-HA-HA-HAAAA
  21. All shall bow before me! Me! ME! MEEEEEE
  22. See you later~ We all grow out of our old pair of shoes. Just gotta wait till Jeff makes a new pair for you
  23. I hope you get in. And when you do, please make sure to check your class appointment time. Remember it, and be ready to pick. Don't make the same mistakes I am making because it sucks to not get the classes you want/need
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