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Everything posted by Edgwyn

  1. Jeff has always been honest about his strengths (Story telling and design) and weaknesses (programming) and it definitely sounds like the right business decision.
  2. The max level of a few spells matters more for earning the medal than the increase in power of the spells depending on what level of difficulty you are on.
  3. I am very much a completionist, though I do balk at some of the more evil quests (deliberately killing helpless babies, etc). I also use hints/advice and save often, but do not use the editor/cheat codes. I play on normal difficulty with a party that I have used advice to build, but is not min/maxed away from my style (e.g. I do not use dual wielding even in A:EFTP).
  4. I contacted Harehunter and he was unaware that his website is down and will work to get it fixed. Last year he asked us to remind him around this time to do his renewal and we all of course forgot (as Dikiyoba predicted).
  5. Edgwyn


    I enjoyed my trip to Alaska, but spent no time in Anchorage and very little in Fairbanks. If I want to see a city, well, I have already spent a little time in New York City and Boston and a lot in SF, LA and DC and a reasonable amount of time in Denver and Dallas so I think I have cities covered.
  6. Edgwyn


    I have been in 49 US states (I am missing Maine), 1 US territory and DC, 1 Canadian Province, 7 or 8 Mexican States, one Caribbean country and a Caribbean UK territory. In Europe I have been in eight countries (this does not count changing planes in two others), Africa three countries and Asia eight countries. The Pan-American Highway is relatively doable and would be quite interesting. West to East across Europe/Asia would be fairly workable as a combo car/train trip. Cape to Cairo and then entering into Turkey to access Europe would be really rough. I would like to visit Australia and a couple of parts of South America, but neither is likely to happen for a while. I am hoping to make it back to Hawaii in the next couple of years though.
  7. Edgwyn


    I enjoyed visiting Italy, Greece and Egypt. The first time that I went to those countries I was into ancient history. The second time I still enjoyed them. Turkey was interesting as well. Hawaii and Alaska are both neat to see because of the extremes that they represent. I would also add Death Valley for the same reason. DC is interesting to visit because of all of the museums and monuments. In terms of theme parks, the Disney Parks are of course very well done. I used to like Universal Studios (Hollywood) because of the way that it covered Hollywood history, but it has become more like a normal theme park similar to Six Flags, Bush Gardens, King's Whatever, etc.
  8. Jerakeen is of course correct on how the merchant's make their money in Avernum. If it makes you feel better, you can drop some items in the castle or elsewhere, but it will have absolutely no effect on the game itself. If you are talking about something that you would like to see in future games where you can turn in some special items for reputation, Jeff could probably do that pretty easily as a another collection quest if he wants to.
  9. Thanks Tyranicus. So as Sylae's library of Ponies grows we should end up as a different Pony next year.
  10. I am disappointed, I had to manually change the theme in order to see the ponies. Also, it has been several years since my daughter had My Little Ponies. Which Pony am I?
  11. I have not watched much TV in the past 10 years. These were pretty much all in either broadcast or syndication with Buffy being the only one that I saw more episodes via DVD than cable. Star Trek TOS Star Trek TNG Star Trek DS9 Emergency Superfriends Star blazers Bonanza Battlestar Gallactica (The original not the remake) Buffy Friends Third Rock from the Sun LA Law Married with Children Tour of Duty MASH CHIPS The A-Team
  12. It was certainly a big factor in the gubernatorial situation, but Nagin got re-elected as Mayor despite having the poorest performance of anyone involved. It ended up taking term limits followed by federal corruption charges to get him out of the picture.
  13. Interestingly enough, Bush didn't gut the Federal emergency infrastructure, and what Katrina showed was how poorly prepared some local and state governments were to handle a natural disaster. The plan for decades under both Democrat and Republican presidents was for the local authorities to exhaust their capabilities, call to the state for help, then the state exhausts their capabilities and calls on the Federal Government to help with various charity groups (Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc) following essentially the same scheme. In New Orleans, the city did not use its resources (remember the lack of evacuation despite all of the busses sitting idle) and then complained that the Federal government had not done many of the tasks that were the City's and States's responsibility. While FEMA certainly did not cover itself with glory, the first and largest failures were with Mayor Nagin, but that is not the story that the media portrayed.
  14. I believe that Jerakeen's concept would work just as well in A:EFTP & A:CS, but the trick would be to choose the right graphics. I don't remember if A:CS has the puff of smoke graphic that Avadon has and I do not know if the switch is the same graphic number in both games.
  15. I scored essentially in the center, but like last year, I consider the whole thing overly simplified.
  16. On the Mac, when you click on an item to pick it up if you hold the command key down it will put it in the junk bag instead of in the character's inventory. I suspect that in the windows version it is the ctrl key that does it. If you go into a character's inventory screen and open the junk bag, text will appear under their quick use items that says how to put items in the junk bag.
  17. if you are that good, then lets talk about setting up a business where you provide those services for a substantial fee. Of course if you are that good it won't do me any good to be your partner in the business since I will have sudden bouts of amnesia and won't be able to find any records when it is time to get my share of the profits.
  18. Australia has a better chance of successfully quarantining itself than Europe/Asia/Africa or North/South America do. The WSJ article of course just focuses on the US. Any outbreak of zombies in the US would quickly spread to Canada and Mexico via land transport and almost as quickly spread to the rest of the world via air transport. Australia would have to cut off all air transport very quickly, something that is very hard with a disease type outbreak, but then could rely on the fact that it is an island.
  19. After that pun, I am surprised that the rest of the mods did not just do us all a favor and delete your post.
  20. I just tested it at the barrier tower campsite and my unconscious character was restored. I would assume that any of the campsites would work the same. I don't know about the shade that heals.
  21. Yes, Jeff often has areas that you cannot get into. I think that the collective decision has been that they are to cause us to loose what few shreds of sanity that we have left instead of to tease us.
  22. You cannot import characters from one episode to the next in any of Jeff's series. Each one is independent of each other and starts with a group of level one characters (Avernum) or single level one character who joins with other level one characters (Avadon). This is essentially a balance thing as your team who successfully completes the three endings of A:EFTP could skip around 80% of the material in A:CS and be overpowered. In Avadon, you control the actions of the other characters besides your own, and their dialogue reflects their personal opinions in sometimes interesting and sometimes annoying and interesting manners, but ultimately they will still do what you tell them to do. They look up to you.
  23. Yes it is (speciesist not racist since I doubt that Nephilim, Sliths and Humans can interbreed with each other), and quite realistic especially considering that at the time of E1/A1/A:EFTP the three species are at war with each other.
  24. Very nice cake, reinforcing the position that Nethergate is the best game
  25. I returned the Crystal Soul from Pyrog's lair on Normal on a Mac and do not have the medal.
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