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Geneforge 4 Editor

TJC Shaper

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some players will want to cheat the game but the editor isnt made.

do you want to have a editor?

(its unsupported just like g1, g2, and g3 editors)

Plus if answer yes choose the place to set up the editor.

it has to be a person or thing.

that lets u choose like.


add exp

add coins

add skill

add item

add recipie item

full power





(if u want to add more thats fine)

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Interesting stuff, but there is something a little more specific im interested in.


See, i never much liked the class system in Geneforge. The open point based system from Avernum works much better. With that in mind, is there any way to play as an average battle/average magic/average shaping char? I hate being, in effect, locked out of one of these aspects, much better to be able to balance things out the way i want them.

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Originally written by Ibian:
With that in mind, is there any way to play as an average battle/average magic/average shaping char?
In Geneforge 4, the Infiltrator is pretty much exactly what you want. She's technically weak in shaping, but she gets more essence than the other weak shaping class, and in G4 low shaping skills aren't much of a handicap, since you can get so many bonuses from equipment. An Infiltrator that can shape is a perfectly viable character build, and often superior to an Infiltrator that doesn't shape at all.
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Oh dear, the link Dikiyoba posted had two character editors for which I hoped to get artifact componets with however I downloaded Worf the Cats editor and placed the scripts within the data folder and uhhhhh...forgot to back up the files, the editor causes the game to crash. Can someone post with a link to working files files?


Oh wait, don't bother anyone I've fixed the problem.

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Surprisingly, the download instructions in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS are there for a reason. Edit: I just re-downloaded the files and they definitely do not break the game.


On the classless character, I think that would be dangerous. Try to be good at everything in Geneforge and you will die, a lot. Specialisation is very powerful (although you can have more than one specialisation, but not everything).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back up all your files.


Go into "Geneforge 4 Files" and look for a folder marked "Scripts" that has the individual scripts Then find the appropriate script to open using a text editor program.


If you are using an existing editor, then you replace the old script with the new one that has the editor installed in that script. Because of problems downloading an editor you may have trouble getting an editor to work. See above posts about it.

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I downloaded the editor and placed it like it said but it crashed the game(i couldnt speak with anyone read anything...).I then replaced it with copied script file.Then I tried again to download the editor and copy it but it CRASHED THE GAME AGAIN.


I tried both editors but both of them crashed the game twice.

Any sugestions what I do wrong?

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