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So, who is the scariest foe?

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It doesn't have to be an endgame enemy. A lot of enemies are scary for a lot of reasons. Low levels, lack of spells, lack of damaging weapons, a very powerful monster at an early point in the game when you are to green to properly deal with them, etc.


So what scares you every time you deal with it?

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I thought the hardest fight was Matala, and I cheated, too. She does a lot of damage, plus you have to fight her some five times. Aside from being difficult, her concept is pretty creepy. A shaper ghost that lives in a golem which the shapers only allowed to exist so she can kill rebels. Kind of the Geneforge version of a lich. Unsettling.

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Oh, he's a pushover. Really.
I've devoloped a tactic that works, but then he runs away and I don't know where he is.

Just use batons, wands, and crystals, keep your distance, and watch out for his summons.
If I kept my distance he would kill me in two turns. His esscence orbs really kill me. Also, I'm a melee warrior that has three in missile weapons and I've used up the wands that I've gotten so far. And I'm on torment.
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For me, it was during the beta. I had been awake for a long time. (Insomnia) I had received the quest to go in to the wrecked lab and fetch items. I hadn't yet seen the hatch in the Golem's fen.


So I stumbled around carefully till I found it and went down the stairs. **Que spooky music**


So, I noticed, it was dark. DARK. I was a bit loopy from sleep deprivation. And it was dark. Here I was in a dark hole with a couple of cryoas and a few vlish, and suddenly there was one of those rotterthingamajigs tearing around the corner at me.




Somehow, the overall effect was rather good. I was instantly and totally awake. I had a quiver in my leg from adrenal response.


It was an odd moment as I realised, well, a surealistic moment, but at that moment I realised that I, the game player, was having the same sort of reaction as the character in the game was having at some rotting acid dripping goo encrusted zombie coming around the corner.


Some times Jeff does a little to good of a job on atmosphere.

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The effect was spoiled for me when I went to the rubble pile before going through the passage. The rotting scent made me immediately expect rotghroths. Buffing makes everything less scary.


—Alorael, who had several scary moments in the second chapter when running into shades with an army of cryoas and nothing but cryoas. Monarch built up fear well, although he wasn't actually hard, and Mystithus evoked panic on the second attempt.

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That 'hunter in darkness' Rotghroth was cool, but the effect was rather spoiled for me by the fact that my hasted Infiltrator was cruising around the place so fast that she really only figured out that it was chasing her when she got all the way around back to the exit and found that whatever lurking monster the pop-up had warned about wasn't there anymore. So then she set out after it, caught it half way around on her second lap, and blew it away quite easily.


Only realising you are being hunted at the same time you realize that your hunter is a lot slower than you definitely lessens the effect.


It is hard to choose a scariest enemy. There are lots of scarey ones. Of single enemies, Matala and the Titan are both pretty bad, though maybe Matala gets the nod just because with the Titan you're expecting it to be bad, and you've got everything from the whole game to throw at it. The Old Golem was also nasty, as was the Warped Creator, and Salassar was pretty hard, though I think he got toned down a bit before release.


But probably the worst fights are against organized groups of enemies. Thornton and Western Barrier Zone are maybe the worst, if you're a rebel without a pass. Or the Drakons in Grayghost Gates, if you pick a fight with them. A dozen angry Drakons are bad news, and they do try hard to sack your Lifecrafter.


One of the things I really like about G4 is just how many memorable battles it contains. Instead of exploring a zone and picking off a lot of rogues in ones and twos, you have a lot more places where you fight a big pitched battle, then explore the rest of the zone after it's empty.

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hmmm.... i think matala is definitely the hardest... he/she/it keeps flingin tough stuff at you. and he/she/it isn't a pushover either...


However, for creepiest enemy, the rotgroth doesn't even come close to that unbound in the breeding pits. It's the same sorta dark enviroment, cept its a bid more deadly than a rotgroth... and running doesnt work too well, its got tons of action points, and you've got pylons on one side, and more enemies on the other... nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, heheheh. And the blood stains and dead bodies aren't too encouraging.

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Matala has to be the hardest battle against a single foe. The amount of effort for a lifecrafter army is incredible and I still have to do it as a single servile,


Mystithus is just a drag out fight as a single character being damaged and slowed by multiple vlish. Someday I'm going to dig out an old file of my lifecrafter at that point in the game and face the original beta version. I don't know if I want to try it as a servile.

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The Wrecked Labs rotghroth defnitely freaked me out more than any other. I knew something was up when my Infiltrator went around that corner and caught a whiff. Thing is, I'd never seen a rotghroth, since I never played GF before. I knew something unpleasant was going to come of that. I had no creations. When the thing took off after me, I was flying past all those mines and just keeping out of reach. Then I hit the turrets and did not have high enough Leadership to have them be docile. I'm pretty sure I died a time or two trying to get through that gauntlet with the rot on my tail. I was too weak to take him on personally solo, so ran all the way around and got the pylons to fry him for me. You can only have a surprise like this the first time. Now when I go in, I'm prepared.


The undead foes in the back of the Sandros Mine are kind of creepy, but the Parasitic Shade was a startlingly nasty brute guarding the anvil. Not easy at all for a singleton.



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The Parasitic Shade was the first horrific thing I encountered with my band of cryoas. I ran away quickly and came back later. The other undead (and company) in the mine are far worse. I found the twins very creepy.


—Alorael, who thinks that hardest enemies and scariest enemies aren't the same thing. Monarch gets more buildup and seems more intimidating than any of the Shaper roadblocks. Many of the roadblocks are harer, but they're not more frightening.

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Originally written by Kyrek:
All you need to do is corner him so there are only one or two copies. All you need is two guys to block places for copies.
I'm not usually one to be impressed by stratagy, but this struck me as clever. I guess that more taking advantage of a bug than a real stratagy, but still.
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