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About half of the creations can't be listed until the game comes out so this is a list of those that are from the earlier games and have been revealed:


Fire shaping:

Fyora, Cryoa

Roamer, Pyroroamer

Drayk, Cyrodrayk




Battle shaping:



Battle Alpha, Battle Beta




Magic shaping:







Jeff has mentioned that some of the higher creation versions are charged which means more essence cost, more strength, shorter lifetimes, and not to be used near open flames.

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Randomizer, do you mean that all these creations can be shaped, or that they appear in-game?


Also, according to the Oxford Genuine UrDictionnary:

Ur. (noun. German.)

1. Original, as in "the source, unaltered". In particular, UrGlaahk should be read like "Original Coca-Cola".

>The new glaahks? Don't stand up for that nerfed crap. (Mark Twain)

2. (hip) Your.

>Ur[Name] is the new My[Name], which is the new i[Name]. (Jeff Vogel)

>"An iGlaahk attacks your party"

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This is a partial list of creations that the player could create. It depends upon getting the appropriate level of shaping skill, learning one ot more levels of the right creation skill, and having enough free essence left for the mininum amount. Jeff has two versions, the normal and one at 3 levels of creation skill, Some of the 3 creation level versions are charged versions of the original instead of ur- versions that were in previous game.


For example the charged ornk now does more damage if attacked in the fields and can suddenly die and explode while eating.


This board might crash if I tried to include even a partial list of all the new creations and their variants that Jeff made for GF4.

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Oh, imagine my delight when I discovered the fearsome Gazer upgrade. I'm not sure if that was in the previous Geneforges, but it's not even called a gazer in G4. If it's safe to reveal, someone else in the know may elaborate upon what it is.


Suffice it to say, I got some good mileage out of that lethal critter, and found it highly gratifying to invoke some unholy wrath on my foes with it. It is also highly useful in getting through some tough bonus areas.


-S- is for Soon...soon.

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Never tried the upgrade for the gazer although even one gazer is fun (look he's smiling). I got by just fine with the normal group although I did try some cryodrayks. Pity that the upgrade for drakon comes when there is almost nothing to use it on in the game.

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Originally written by Kelandon:
Well, except for that business with SMoE, maybe.
What business is that, sir?

—Alorael, who has no further commentary except that he thinks battle creations deserve more attention now that they're able to close and start pummeling rapidly. Range isn't everything it used to be.
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Originally written by Justication:
Originally written by Kelandon:
Well, except for that business with SMoE, maybe.
What business is that, sir?
You know what I'm talking about. Even if I don't, except via hearsay.

Unless I'm remember things incorrectly, and it wasn't SMoE but someone else.
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Ah, the UBB is causing duplicate posts again.


I have thought about trying the battle shaping set except that I ran the new tier 5 one in the expert area against the boss monster and was unimpressed with the damage versus essence cost. It cost as much as a magic creation and wasn't any more effective. The only savings is in skill point cost to get the battle shaping.


I think Jeff went overboard on making fire shaping the easiest way to go. My fire shaper type finished with 24 intelligence and 15 fire shaping when he wanted to create something. With that army all he had to do was buff and heal.

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