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delicious vlish

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Paraphrasing, of course but it was something along the lines:


"Dikiyoba never wants to see a title that is just a members name again."


It was in the thread "Emperor Tullegolar" which was asking why he got banned. And no, I didn't check the archives, so the exact wording may be off. That's the gist of it though.

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Originally by Goldenking:


"Dikiyoba never wants to see a title that is just a members name again."


It was in the thread "Emperor Tullegolar" which was asking why he got banned. And no, I didn't check the archives, so the exact wording may be off. That's the gist of it though.



I originally posted it in the second or third thread some newbie had started consisting entirely of spam or information that should have been sent in a PM, and that's what I was objecting to.


Now can we let that line rest, please? Dikiyoba is getting tired of seeing it brought up all the time.

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From what I understand, the 'no personal attacks' rule only protects members of this forum.



Thus, this Code of Conduct. Please take a look at it before posting. All posts not conforming to the rules and guidelines within will be gleefully terminated.


In general, you should always treat people in the boards the way you would want to be treated and not say anything you wouldn't say directly to the other members' faces.


*Any communication that is intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to a fellow member. (Please take the flame wars elsewhere.)

From what I understand, Emperor is no longer a 'member' of this community. Good riddance.
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Thanks for advocating the harrassment, belittlement, humiliation, threatening, and embarassment of everyone who isn't a member of these boards.


Seriously, though, personal invective has no place here. I don't care who you're targetting. It's contagious, it threatens to turn these boards into the same cesspit of flames that most internet message boards eventually collapse into, and on my watch, I'll swat it down faster than you can say "Feisty Slap of Pain!"


And that, as they say, is that.

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