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Shapers Moderate Alignment[G5]

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Astoria responds better if you have a high reputation with the rebels. I found this a bit disturbing, and I felt bad that I had to work for the warmongering rebels for the majority of the game in order to get her more peaceful ending. I imagine I'll feel the same way when I go for the Trakovite ending. Jeff really should have had those factions require a neutral reputation, you know?

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Please try to stay a bit on topic in these threads. Signature arguments can be kept in PMs.


—Alorael, who also thinks the Trakovites definitely need their own reputation meter since their opposition to shaping is rather unique. Astoria does seem rather like a rebel in all outlooks except actually wanting to overthrow the Shapers. She supports creations' rights, (some) more access to information and power, and a relaxation iron discipline and control.

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It makes even more sense if you think of it as pro-creation rights and anti-creation rights. Astoria, the Trakovites and the Rebels all support creation rights, to greater or lesser degrees. Alwan and Taygen categorically deny them.


From G2 on there have really been two continua, one for attitude towards creations & shapers, and one for restrictions placed on shaping. We have something like this:


<--- Cruel to Creations ------ Creations Subordinate ------ Creations Equal ------ Destroy Shapers --->


<--- Eradicate Shaping ------ Tight Regulations ------ Light Regulations ------ Unleash All Power --->


Cruel to Creations, Eradicate Shaping: ---

Cruel to Creations, Tight Regulations: Taygen

Cruel to Creations, Light Regulations: Rawul

Cruel to Creations, Unleash All Power: Barzites


Creations Subordinate, Eradicate Shaping: ---

Creations Subordinate, Tight Regulations: Obeyers (Rydell), Loyalists (Aodare, Rahul, Alwan)

Creations Subordinate, Light Regulations: Zakary

Creations Subordinate, Unleash All Power: ---


Creations Equal, Eradicate Shaping: Trakovites (Khyryk, G5 Litalia)

Creations Equal, Tight Regulations: Awakened (Ellhrah), Astoria

Creations Equal, Light Regulations: Awakened (Pinnar)

Creations Equal, Unleash All Power: Trajkov


Destroy Shapers, Eradicate Shaping: ---

Destroy Shapers, Tight Regulations: ---

Destroy Shapers, Light Regulations: Takers (Gnorrel)

Destroy Shapers, Unleash All Power: Rebels (Ghaldring, Greta, G3 Litalia)


I'm not entirely sure Trajkov is in the right place, but it's my best guess from memory. This is not a perfect chart: for example, the G1 Takers did not actually want to destroy the shapers as an end in itself, just to fight them to secure rights for all creations. Greta's personal opinions seem to align best with G2 Awakened, but her political affiliations and some of her actions are aligned with the Rebels. And whether Astoria actually intends full equality is questionable. But this chart should be a decent approximation.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
The reputation scale makes a little more sense if you simply think of it as pro-Shaper and anti-Shaper. The Trakovites are in an alliance of convenience with the rebels right now anyway.

It would make sense, but it doesn't always play out that way. It's especially inaccurate for the questions about how to treat creations and nearly all reputation changes with Trakovites.

—Alorael, who finds it somewhat funny that no one wants to eradicate both Shapers and shaping. You'd think it would be popular with someone. Really disaffected serviles? Extreme Trakovites?
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Yeah, right. They should, but come on, when they're at the top of gthe heap, do you really think that they're going to step down.


*Trumpets Blaring* "All hail the new conquerors, who have destroyed the oppressive reaign of the Shapers and the maniac Rebels, and have come to rule benevolently over us!"


That is more whats going to happen.

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Originally Posted By: pitchblack
Yeah, right. They should, but come on, when they're at the top of gthe heap, do you really think that they're going to step down.

*Trumpets Blaring* "All hail the new conquerors, who have destroyed the oppressive reaign of the Shapers and the maniac Rebels, and have come to rule benevolently over us!"

That is more whats going to happen.

Very Soviet, isn't it?
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Originally Posted By: Uber Unbound
I agree. Everyone who once knew how to shape should die, their writings should die, and the canisters should be destroyed. Then, effectively, we have unrung a bell.

The Shapers tried this in GF1 with the Geneforge and canisters. Judging from the entire series, it wound up blowing up in their collective faces rather spectacularly, despite their best attempts to hide all evidence of their existence. And that was just two aspects of Shaping. Try to hide all Shaping forever? Someone better hurry up and invent FTL-travel so people can get off the planet when the essence hits the fan.

Course, wouldn't that be something. Wingbolts on a Starship!
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...vs. the Clawbugs!


—Alorael, who can see a potential solution. The problems that started in G1 were all due to insufficient destruction of documentation and equipment. If the shapers had been aware that they weren't coming back to finish their work they could have made sure no one else had access to it either.

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Originally Posted By: feo takahari
On the other hand, if they came up with this thing, what's to say some other Shaper researchers wouldn't develop it independently.
Independently? The shapers are one, if someone develops something new you would most probably be required to send the information back. Else you would appear to be withholding information. That would most probably result in death.

Originally Posted By: Alorael
The problems that started in G1 were all due to insufficient destruction of documentation and equipment
Yes, it was also unbelievably stupid to leave serviles behind. After hundreds of years even the lowest of single-celled forms of life would have shown some signs of advancement.

It is surprising to think that as tight as the shapers were before the rebellion they let something like several hundred serviles slip to become rogue. No wonder they created the dryak.
That is all.
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More likely is that the Shapers were a lot less centralized and their culture far less strict in those days -- centuries before the series. One could envision many reasons for Sucia to be hurriedly abandoned and the Serviles abandoned and no one returned for the Serviles.


The most likely is that they did not see Serviles (or any creation) as a threat. Let them stay there until they decide to return. Over generations, the knowledge of what is on Sucia is lost other than that it is barred.


Another cause could be a war or internal revolution could have called the Shapers of Sucia back to the mainland. These Shapers lost and during the takeover, knowledge of Sucia was lost as well. Of course, this is just "speculation" and far from cannon, but there could be justification beyond incompetence. This rationale would make a far more interesting story than the previous one. smile

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I remember that the canisters killed the serviles. Since the island was barred, the only unexpected thing was the sh... something people from the distant continent. They shot down the PC from GF1, and they/the PC led to the rebellion, since the serviles couldnt get off the island or use canisters.

well, that and the drayks (who were, if i remember, content enough to have sucia to themselves)

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Originally Posted By: Nebulan
Aside from this, does anyone recall the note 'm referencing?


Originally Posted By: Kazg
Inside the cabinet, you find an old, dusty scroll. Unrolling it carefully to keep it from crumbling, you read the faded words on the page. It is a proclamation, issued about two hundred years ago:
"By declaration of Corata, Danette, and the Council of Shapers, Sucia Island is hereby declared interim Barred. All research is to be ended. All Shapers are to evacuate the island by one week from today.
"All work on the Geneforge is to cease immediately, and it is to be deactivated. All other research is to be held and products, instruments, and notes are to be stored.
"The Barring will be ceased or declared full at such time as the full council of Shapers is able to query the relevant researchers."
The proclamation is signed Corata. You have no idea whether the Barring of Sucia Island was ever declared to be official and permanent. You'd never even heard of Sucia Island before you landed here.

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