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When do you feel you must steal?

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I played through almost all of the avernum games and never stole once (or that I could remember). But now that I finally got avernum 5 for my birthday, Im realising I need to steal much more.


Before A5,there was basically a way around many things but in A5 it seems way harder. I don't know if its for me or not but it game me a thought.


So this brings me to the question, when do you feel the need to steal/ Do you steal to beat Avernum?

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You don't have to steal at all. However, especially on Torment, I enjoy shamelessly ripping from my allies. There are some nice things to steal. There was a discussion on the meta-morals of Avernum a while back. It is an interesting topic. To be honest, I find myself...a little vacant in the meta-moral department. If I'm struggling to survive, or I need supplies, or I want treasure, I greedily rob everyone. Sigh.


But seriously, if you don't care about stealing, it can be really helpful. I usually try not to steal, because...well, it just doesn't feel quite right. But on Torment, if I'm low on cash or supplies, I will rob. You better lock your doors. Tight.

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I always steal anything that's sellable for coin or usable by me unless I already have maximum gold. That is as long as I can do it without being seen. I have no qualms taking little Johnny's last pair of trousers if my parties butts are bare.


I figure that Jeff put them there so I can use them. If he didn't want me to use it he wouldn't put it there. Besides, by living vicariously through my party I have no urge to steal from the real world. Same with the killing thing. I get it all out of my system in game. wink

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I always steal anything that's sellable for coin or usable by me unless I already have maximum gold.


I used to steal everything that wasn't nailed to the ground, but as I've grown older, I role-play games more. I think it's rather odd for the saviours of Avernum to go around breaking into homes and stealing 6 coins from the resident peasant.

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Growing up on the Exile series where monster repopulate in most dungeons, there never was a real need to steal for money. Even the first time through Avernum 1 through 4, I didn't feel the money shortage.


Now anything I can take I do take. Somehow money is never there and I want it now. So I'm short on money at the beginning of the game and in the end I have a huge hoard of cash and items that I'll never use. It's just having the money early in the game allows me to get training when it's available instead of having to wait until I have the money.


This group has made me a thief since I never considered doing it before reading about it in the forum with Synergy's list marking all the good stuff to steal.

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Originally Posted By: Ghaldring

I always steal anything that's sellable for coin or usable by me unless I already have maximum gold.

I used to steal everything that wasn't nailed to the ground, but as I've grown older, I role-play games more. I think it's rather odd for the saviours of Avernum to go around breaking into homes and stealing 6 coins from the resident peasant.

On the other hand, it's odd that no one will pay for necessary training or equipment or even give you a discount when it's clear that you're the only thing saving Avernum, the Empire, or all of humanity from dire threats.

—Alorael, who does give the Avernum series a fair amount of credit for not relying on world-destroying or humanity-enslaving villains. Grah-Hoth almost counts, but he's more like a large-scale natural disaster and he's never the focus of an entire game. Rentar wants to kill a lot of humans, but even she doesn't seem to want every single one obliterated.
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I always steal. Even when I'm playing good (yes, I'm one of those who gives their characters personalities and everything), because I figure that my party needs money and equipment more than anybody else. So, with a bitter smile, I give up my selfish desire of feeling righteous and do what's best for humanity (and all other creatures antropomorph or impressive enough to be considered worth saving).


Heh. Now I feel like Batman in "The Dark Knight".

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I steal all valuable if can do it w/o seen at A5 since training costs alot and monsters drop (if they drop) only things which have low value. In A5 I have sold all extra armors, cloaks, weapons, girdles (even fine leathers and focusing crystals since crafted things gave around same protection/etc as things what I'd found) etc to get money for training and at end I have 9k gold in pocket, A4 all extra armors etc were stored in portal area. Not enough monsters drop sellable things and not enough monsters to beat to get money.


Exile 3 had endless money source from Empire-soldiers and their stuff but Avernum-games no moneymaking (except on A3 prolly where could sell clothes made on some town to some other town).

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Some runs I steal everything I can get without being seen (including moving barrels and crates to an unseen location and closing the door on NPCs who step outside the building). Other runs I don't steal anything unless it looks like a mistake (one NY item in a dungeon) or it harms someone I really don't care about (like the Empire's supplies in Harston in A2).



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Not to stray off topic, but in Geneforge, I always steal everything. It's usually much more profitable than in Avernum. Plus, I use up my supplies way faster in Geneforge.


On an average Avernum game, I don't steal unless I have to. Which is rare. In fact, sometimes, just to please my strange mind and OCD, I put valuables in peoples houses, or food in animal pens. Strange, I know, but I enjoy giving.

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I take anything that can be sold when I'm short of cash (which is relatively often, especially at the beginning). No object is sacred, except when it's marked as "not yours" and in sight of a friendly person.


Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Growing up on the Exile series where monster repopulate in most dungeons, there never was a real need to steal for money.
Those were the days. Destroy the Bandit Fort, sell their stuff at Fort Duvno, stop in for a moment at Fort Exile, followed by Silvar; repeat until wealthy. Also a great way to get lots of exp.
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I will steal everything in the games when I can get away with it (not being seen).


Well, not everything. In Avernum 5, I know what to steal because worthless items have "can't sell".


I steal everything that can sell. In Avernum 5, the small stuff really adds up. I accidentally hit the max in A2 recently so I bought Magery from that one dragon twice. Near the beggining of Chapter 4!

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Come to think of it, it's funny how in the early games, it takes a lot of luck and patience to steal anything valuable, but in the later games, all this stuff marked "NY" is out where you can easily pick it up and sell it for significant profits with no negative effects. Except in the case of that fellow who stops buying crystals from you if you rob him--maybe this is intended to be a lesson that stealing is wrong even if it gets you phat loot or whatever. grin

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