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Bahssikava in A6-Discuss?

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So I have been playing early Avernums again and I just remembered the Lost Bahssikava area in A1. It made me think about the fact that the sliths needed to learn to live peacefully before returning. It seems to me that this is close to happening, many of the Slith are at peace. So what do you deem the chances of visiting Bahssikava in A6?

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I don't know how to estimate those chances, but I hope that this last chapter includes all the areas that were in the first five games. Possibly I'd feel differently if I had to design, code, and sell the thing, but I would like to to visit/revisit all those places. I'm hoping for a game even more epic and huge than the previous Avernums.


I agree that it would be enjoyable to see that loose end tied up.

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I think all the sliths in Gnass and Lost Bahssikava have learned to live peacefully, and we should finally go to the Sliths homeland and meet their leaders.


Sort of like how we met the Vahnatai leaders in A2...maybe the Sliths could have something valuable stolen and need adventurers to go rescue it?


That brings up another point though....who will the villains be in A6? Dorikas and Rentar Ihrno are dead and Avernum and the Empire is at peace. Unless the Vahnatai and the Slith are at war over the lower caves and we have to pick which side we're on, oh that would be cool!

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I like happy endings. The Vahnatai and the Slith can have a war if they want, as long as all is right with the world when the game ends.


I would also like to see the Nephil come to some sort of rest. They're pretty bad off everywhere. Maybe the PCs will discover Lost Mrrrrrr or something, which will be the ancient Nephil homeland.

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How do you know that Dorikas is dead?

Don't you know that there are two main ways to end A5?


Who knows, maybe Dorikas becomes Emperor instead of Manfred.


We can't be certain of what happened in A5 until we see A6.


I also like happy endings, but we need more stories with evil endings. It would seem more realistic.


I want A6 to have the choice of ending it with a happy ending or a "everything is decimated" ending.


I also want it to only have one ending so that we can have what happened in A6 added to Encyclopedia Ermariana.


In other words, I'm not sure what I want.

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Well they can only pick one of the two possible endings to A5 to continue the series on, so my guess is they would pick the one where Dorikas is dead.


Afterall, that is the more standard "hero-adventurer" type ending. In most games, adventurers usually don't end up fighting on the bad guys side. tongue


I also agree that A6 should have the choice between a happy ending and an "everything is decimated" ending as well.

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We could look at it this way: What loose ends are left for Jeff to tie up in this last game? Lost Bahssikava is one. If the game begins with Dorikas as emperor, that's a pretty big loose end right there. What else? The impending famine. The relationship between Avernite and Vahnatai. The future of the Nephilim and their traditional culture. The location of various artifacts, like the Orb of Thralni and Demonslayer. The fate of the GIFTS! And probably a bunch of things I forgot.


Also, let's remember that the new game could be set fifty or a hundred years after A5.

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Originally Posted By: Toby-Linn
That brings up another point though....who will the villains be in A6? Dorikas and Rentar Ihrno are dead and Avernum and the Empire is at peace. Unless the Vahnatai and the Slith are at war over the lower caves and we have to pick which side we're on, oh that would be cool!

So far all Jeff has said is Melanchion will return in A6, despite being killed by various Empire Soldiers.

In keeping with the theme that A4 through A6 will relate to the Darkside Loyalists, it would imply that A6 would either be crushing them completely or Dorikas being in charge and crushing Avernum once and for all.
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Well, what I mean is those specific Empire Soldiers did some adventurer things and they acted occasionally like them, but overall they are still Empire Soldiers.


So that means that it is possible. I also think that Dorikas will become Emperor, setting the theme for A6 (Heh, if you think of it, it is kind of like combining A1 and A2...sort of...).

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Heh. The entire series has been building up to the revelation of the century.


"You're cute!"


Seriously, though, we're hardly getting any GIFTS anymore. Bring the GIFTS back!


As for Bahssikava, while it might be interesting for Jeff to revisit it and get his take on it, I think he'd be better off focusing on concluding the series. Preferably doing something that ends the series on a high note, if not the highest note of all the Avernums.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Dorikas being in charge and crushing Avernum once and for all.

That would suck!

Personally, I'd like to play Avernites in A6. I would have liked to play Avernites in A5, also, but then it would have been a different game and stuff. Of course I play the Empire soldiers exactly the same way I play Avernite adventurers.

It seems to me that in the earlier games, the line between soldiers and adventurers is pretty fine. In A2 and A4, your characters start out as soldiers but act as adventurers.

Evnissyen: Totally.

I would love a big GIFTS-centered sub-plot. Maybe a GIFTS could join your party! GIFTS PCs! Brrrzzzap!
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The GIFTS's (yes, because there are more than one of them) had a large role in Nethergate, yes. But, whoever said that was their biggest role was wrong - they had a massive role in the second monster plague quest, in Avernum 3.


Also, yes, "Bahssikava" is a BoA scenario which explores the idea of the Sliths returning to the homeland. The story is continued (but not finished) in the scenario "Exodus".

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